Year 6 Induction Day 2022

On Wednesday 6th July we were delighted to welcome our incoming Year 7’s to Etone College for their official induction day. Whilst many of them will have visited the school for Open Evenings, Induction Evening or perhaps our SEN Induction Day, it was their chance to take part in a day in the life of a secondary school and experience what Etone has to offer.

At the start of the day, Etone staff were on hand to welcome our excited and eager pupils through the gates and into their secondary journey. Whilst it is always an anxious time moving up to secondary, our Year 10 Prefects-Elect were on hand to help support our new Year 7’s and assist them in their very first steps at Etone.

Throughout the day the pupils had the opportunity to explore Etone, meet their new Form Tutors and experience secondary lessons including; Science, History and Learning for Life.

At Etone we pride ourselves in not only high-quality education within our subjects but also a personal development curriculum that really enriches a pupil's opportunities in life. By providing a full and comprehensive set of skills and knowledge for any situation we can ensure our pupils are prepared. This began for our newcomers on Wednesday during their ice-breaker and Learning for Life tasters. It was a great chance for pupils to get to know their new forms and forge friendships that could go on to last a lifetime.

As the day ended our pupils were of course excited about what their future holds. For us at Etone we have said goodbye this year to a truly fantastic Year 11, however, it appears we are replacing them with an as fantastic Year 7 cohort. We would like to officially welcome our new pupils and look forward to getting to know you all better in September.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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