World Book Day

Thursday 3rd March marked the 25th Anniversary of World Book Day. Held annually the day is celebrated globally as an opportunity to promote reading to the next generation and establish of love of literature which will follow children throughout their lives.

At Etone we were overjoyed to be able to recognise the day in all of it’s glory with activities which allowed pupils to further explore the world of books and delve deep into the art of reading.

As the day began we welcomed pupils in for a non-uniform dress up day. Pupils and staff were challenged to dress us as their literature favourites, whether they were old classics or new wonders it was fantastic to see the level of effort our pupils put in with Harry Potter, the BFG and even a real live dinosaur to share in the fun!

Aligning with our value of caring pupils were also given the opportunity to donate £1 if they were not in costume to wear non-uniform. Together we raised an amazing £754.16 which will be split equally into £188.54 between our four House charities: Centaurs – George Elliot Diabetes Support Group, Dragons – Guy’s Gift, Griffins – Doorway and Phoenix’s – Mary Ann Evans Hospice. All four local worthy causes who will greatly benefit from the kindness our staff and pupils have shown.

In addition to the dressing up pupils have been taking part over the previous half term in our Readathon competition. As a form group pupil are well on their way to working up their totals and are raising funds for the Readathon charity.

Our pupils in KS3 were also excited to take part in the Big Book Quiz where groups from all houses battled it our to be the champions of the school. Although there was tough competition Centaur were able to read between the lines and pull a win out of the bag. Well done to them!

Finally our pupils have been working hard all week solving the mysteries of “Whose bookshelf is it?” With some of our staff members kindly sharing their book shelves and getting involved in the festivities. A big congratulations to 8C1 for winning the quiz.

Overall, we had a fantastic day and we can’t wait for next year. Look out for more updates on the Readathon and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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