This week our year 11 pupils have been busy developing their Employability Skills in conjunction with revision techniques. Following a series of assemblies in the build up to mock exams they are building their skill set to ensure they are exam ready.
Across this week they have begun to create a revision timetable, taking in all of the advice to revise in small blocks of time, choose specific topics and consider the measures of success.
We have also looked at the various strategies they can use to revise such as: flash cards, mind maps, revision websites to name just a few. Remember when revising it is important to consider what works best for you and consider the advice such as:
- Music is not always conducive to a revising environment.
- Take short breaks where you give your mind a rest.
- Exercise in between revision sessions is a great way to keep positive mental health.
- Stay hydrated and have a snack on hand as hunger will impact your memory ability.
From the activities pupils are now invited to complete revision tasks at home and will be rewarded when these are shown to their form teacher – So get earning those House Points towards Prom!
If you would like to delve more into how best to support yourself revising, or are a parent/carer who would like to help your child revise please visit our revision pages by following this link: https://bit.ly/3CFLqVu.