Proud of our Personal Development

Etone College is a fully inclusive school. We actively promote equality and celebrate diversity. As part of our personal development programme, pupils learn about how we all have things in common but also how we are all different. They learn about the importance of tolerance and respect in all areas of our school life.  Please take a look at our personal development page to find out more -

This term, pupils have been learning about different religions through their Learning for Life lessons and through assemblies. We teach them the Fundamental British Value of respect and tolerance for other faiths and beliefs.  They have also learned about prejudice and discrimination and reflected on how this can impact on the lives of people observing events such as Holocaust Memorial Day in January.  

As always, we encourage our pupils to be active Citizens and support our local community. We are proud to have raised nearly another £800 to support our House charities this month and we already have events planned to raise more money to support Comic Relief on 18th March.  We could not do this without the support of parents and carers and we genuinely thank you for that. Please check out our live totaliser page to see the amount of money raised so far this year Next week, will see speakers from each charity speaking to our students in assemblies so that they understand how the money they have raised helps people in our local community.

We work hard to support our young people and their next steps and this week sees us host our annual Careers Fair with 30 stalls will represent employers, further education and careers. This gives us a great opportunity to guide all of our pupils about next steps but also to actively engage with our local employers and the local business community.

Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of what we do at Etone and we are a caring and supportive community. We break down stigma around mental illness and promote wellbeing with pupils through events, assemblies and lessons. It has been great to see pupils at our wellbeing drop in and we are looking forward to promoting our wellbeing top tips through our March Wellbeing Week.  Support for pupil wellbeing and signposts to outside agencies can be found on our personal development page.

We also work hard to counteract any stereotypes and to promote equality for all - actively teaching about the Equality Act and protected characteristics.  Next term, will see a celebration of PRIDE in June and the promotion of School Diversity Week in July.  We ensure that we help pupils to stay safe and have been delighted to welcome both Rail Safety and the Police this term to give information and guidance to our pupils.

We are proud of our personal development curriculum here at Etone and the steps that we take to ensure that our learners are able to make informed and responsible decisions, keep themselves safe and are prepared for life in a diverse and modern Britain.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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