Pride Month at Etone

The start of June marks the beginning of Pride Month. With initial events dating back to the 1960’s Pride has become the cornerstone celebration of diversity and support for the LGBTQIA+ community. With parades, concerts and events raising awareness and support for all regardless of orientation. In recognition of this we will be showing our support and celebrating Pride in various ways. 

To start off with our Careers Ambassadors have been busy making and giving out ribbons to our staff, to wear in support of the month-wide celebrations. With all members of our school proud to wear the symbol, it meant all the more that they were thoughtfully created by our own pupils.

Across the school our pupils have been busy decorating our site with bunting, ribbons and flags showing the iconic rainbow design first displayed 1978, downtown Chicago. Form the hall to the foyer there is a clear theme to the month as we show our Etone Values of Support for All.

Over in the kitchen our chefs are busy designing their own tribute with a delicious Pride themed treat for us to enjoy nearer the end of the month. Whilst of course food knows no discrimination, the aim is to remind all that we can celebrate and support each other no matter what.

In lessons our pupils will be learning about some key LGBTQIA+ role models in Learning of Life with each subject area will be showing a LGBTQ+ role model within their lessons from across their discipline. We will also be considering and reflecting on the trials and tribulations some of our earlier role models would have suffered in less diverse societies. For example in Computing, Alan Turing the ‘Grandfather of Computer Science’ who hid his own sexuality to avoid prejudice or Oscar Wilde who was imprisoned for his orientation. 

Supporting our approach our TV screens will also be showing some Pride facts and materials across the month of June. Additionally we are supporting our pupils to see the celebration of Pride as not just orientation or gender but more widely diversity as a whole. Happy Pride All!

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Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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