Parental Communication
A Etone College we see the importance of having strong relationships between home and school. Linking to the skills and values we promote within our curriculum we know that the strongest relationships are built through reliable communication. As such we have an extensive communication strategy to ensure we continue to share and receive any important updates on your child at Etone.
Parental Calendar
Updated regularly our Parent Calendar provides advance notice of key dates for upcoming events. Please note dates may sometimes change and we endeavour to keep this document as up to date as possible.
Parent Workshop Programme
Our Parent Workshop Sessions provide a chance for our Etone families to collaborate with us as we provide information and advice on supporting key areas of your pupil’s education. Through a mixture of face to face and online sessions with focuses such as; literacy, mental health and revision strategies. All materials and videoed sessions are provided on this link afterwards to ensure you can still utilise if unable to attend.
Parent Advisory Forum
Our Parent Workshop Sessions provide a chance for our Etone families to collaborate with us as we provide information and advice on supporting key areas of your pupil’s education. Through a mixture of face to face and online sessions with focuses such as; literacy, mental health and revision strategies. All materials and videoed sessions are provided on this link afterwards to ensure you can still utilise if unable to attend.
Sims App
Part of our communication strategy, pupils progress reports, attendance and homework are shared in real time. Accessing this will give you the most up to date information about your child at school. If you are not currently signed up or experiencing difficulties, please check our guide and contact the school.
Texting Service
As part of our communication strategy our key method of communicating with parents and carers is our texting service. Daily updates or reminders might be provided to ensure our families are as up to date as possible. If your contact details change please let us know.
School Letters
At certain points in the year we will write home to share key information about events taking place or important information. Links to these may be texted out or individually sent depending on the nature of the information. For any school wide letters home please check the link.
Each term we share the exciting news of what has been happening at Etone most recently. This will regularly get texted out and includes articles, updates along with fun and games for our Etone families to enjoy.
Policies and Guides
On this section of our website you will find all of our policies and guides should you need them for reference.
Etone College is extremely busy and staying up to date with our activities can be difficult. Check our regularly update news section which includes stories and updates about all of the amazing things happening at Etone.
Social Media
We share regular updates in real time on our social media platforms. Please follow/ add us on your social media accounts so you are alerted to any updates.
Facebook – @FollowEtoneCollege
Instagram –
Twitter – @EtoneCollege
Progress Evenings
Taking place each year for all with multiple for key year groups. This is the opportunity for you to speak to your child’s teachers about their progress in their subjects. Utilising a mixture of face to face and virtual events all bookable through our Parent Cloud system.
Progress Reports
Published on scheduled dates three times a year, these reports provide you with information about how your child is progressing with their subjects. Clicking on the link below will provide you with advice on how we assess and arrive at our progress conclusions.
RM Unify
Your child will access to their RM Unify account. Using this link will take them to the login page.
Events & Drop Ins
Across the year we hold events to share information, community initiatives or showcase some of the amazing things happening at Etone. These include our Coffee Mornings including SEND, concerts, and awards evenings. Make sure you are up to date with the latest here.

Our Matrix
Education Without Exception

External Media Outlets
Education Without Exception
We are incredibly proud of Etone College and the fantastic efforts our pupils make in their educational journey. As part of that we regularly receive coverage on local and national media outlets. Since 2022 we have already appeared in a range of articles for several providers. Please continue to look out for us in these as we continue to share our successes with the wider community.
So far we have received coverage from:
· Nuneaton News
· Coventry Telegraph
· Warwickshire Council
· Midlands Today
· BBC News