Open Evening at Etone

Once again on Thursday 29th September Etone College threw open its doors to prospective Year 7 pupils during their annual Open Evening event.

With a record attendance and the queuing public eager to see what Etone had in store for 2022 the site was opened at 5:00pm. First up was the choir led by Mrs Kaye-Shepheard who gave a wonderful medley including modern hits, classic greats and a very heartfelt renditions of Your Song. Mr Smith then addressed our visitors with a short presentation detailing some of the fantastic achievements made by our humble school. These included most recently;

  • Receiving the Quality in Careers Standard
  • Achieving Stonewall Kitemark for Diversity
  • Etone staff becoming National Professional Qualification Facilitators
  • Etone involvement with Education Endowment Fund research projects
  • An extremely positive Ofsted report
  • Continued fantastic results with pupils going off to prestigious destinations

After this, a number of our Year 11 Prefects and some nervous yet excited Year 7 gave some excellent insights to their time so far here at Etone. It was particularly poignant to hear from Year 11’s who are looking ahead to their next steps and to see the faces of the Year 7’s as they realise the support is always there at Etone to prepare them for something greater.

Following the presentation, the audience was given free rein to explore what was in store for them. There is always a buzz around the halls during our events but this year, in particular, was electric.

In English, guests were treated to a journey through literature from the delights of Dhal with fun activities and games to the festive ghouls from Dickens’ Christmas Carol.

MFL pulled out all of the stops delivering a delicatessen of deliciousness with samples foods from across the world including some very tasty bakes.

Sport were putting on a show as they performed their skills with Football and Netball being showcased and a display from the Football Academy with a perfect drill.

Over in History figures of the past ‘walked’ the red carpet as we met King Henry Viii and Elizabeth i. Whilst in Geography guests had the chance to practice their map skills and orientation mastery.

In Maths prospective pupils had the chance to get creative with numerical puzzles, games and designing their own numeracy inspired art pieces.

Science had excitement with their experiments creating electronic circuits, completing flame tests on metals and even dissecting a heart, clearly not one for the faint of heart.

Create showcased their talents with food, design and art creation where guests were affording the opportunity to get in touch with their creative sides.

Over in Express the Business and Computing team wowed with their innovative coding games, the dissection of the ‘Living Computer’ and the traditional Taste Testing where it was clear, whilst value for money is not always guaranteed by brands Cadbury Chocolate Fingers are the champions amongst biscuits.

Adding to the excitement our pupils got the chance to take part in Duke of Edinburgh with a stove-cooked hot dog and explore what delights the Combined Cadet Force had to share.

The evening was extremely well attended and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to all of the pupils and parents who supported us for the event as we really could not have done it without you.

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Secondary School
Leicester Road
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T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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