This year we are excepted to be holding our Comic Relief fund raising events on Friday 15th March. This is to ensure that all of our pupils get the chance to be involved in some of the great events we are holding.
Since September 2021 we have raised over £7,000 for good causes, £2000 since September 2023. With the current climate being what it is, the donations we can make are even more important. That is why we are asking, if you are able to, support these initiatives in any way possible:
– Non-uniform day, the theme for the day is Bright Colours, and the more red the better. We are suggesting a donation of £1, whatever you can afford to give would be greatly appreciated. Donations will be collected on the gate upon entry to school.
– Bake Sale, at break time in the Hall a selection of Kiplings, Cadburys and others will be on sale for donations to be made by pupils, all funds going to the cause.
– Sixth Fancy Dress: Challenging our Sixth Form students to dress as their idol with a chance to win a fantastic prize.
In addition to the event we will be raising awareness, sharing some Red Nose Recipes and giving pupils the chance to engage in challenges and activities across the day.
All support is greatly received.