At Etone College, we pride ourselves on ensuring ‘progress for all’.  We have exceptionally high standards of teaching and learning, curriculum design and staff professional development and maintain our high standards all day, every day.  We work hard to create an environment where all pupils are sufficiently challenged within lessons, teaching pupils in ability based classes in core subjects throughout their time at Etone College.

Identification of HPA Pupils

Each year, teaching staff are issued with a booklet clearly identifying all pupils who are High Prior Attainers (HPA) to ensure sufficient challenge across the curriculum.

  • High Prior Attaining students are defined as those students who achieve a combined average of 110 or above in English and Maths scaled scores in primary schools.  
  • We also add students to this group if CAT scores taken by Y7 in September identify pupils who have potentially underachieved at primary school, or who do not have any SATs data, but whose CAT (Cognitive Ability Tests) scores signify higher ability.
  • In addition, teaching staff are asked to recommend pupils with High Learning Potential (HLP) based on their performance in specific subjects.

HPA Approach

Our approach at Etone has five main areas:

  • Quality first teaching with challenge as standard;
  • Tracking of academic achievement;
    • focussed tracking of Progress Reports,
    • conversations, interventions, or coaching for anyone at risk of underachieving.
  • Recognition and celebration of out of school achievements;
    • Annual audit of out of school activities,
    • Dedicated email ( for parents / carers and pupils to share specific achievements.
  • Enriching extra-curricular opportunities;
    • access to our huge range of clubs and activities,
    • Maths Challenge, Science challenges, authors, and more,
    • visits to universities in every year group to drive aspirations;
    • Etone Exceeding Excellence programme.
  • Aspirational school trips including to Eton College in Year 10.

Etone Exceeding Excellence (EEE) Programme

Our EEE programme is designed to follow the conclusions of research, that in order to achieve well and have high aspirations, HPAs need:

  • clear goals;
  • high level study skills;
  • to expand and develop their thinking expanded;
  • to be curious.

The core of ‘Etone Exceeding Excellence’ is a monthly event alternating between an inspiring 45 minute lecture / workshop delivered by a university Dr or Professor with time for questions at the end (which we would like to invite parent / carers to attend with their child), and a student led enquiry / debate.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, we welcomed:

And have already secured the following for 2024-2025:

We will also be launching our competition, ‘Etone Experts’ this year which will encourage HPAs to run their own research project and present their findings.

In addition, in 2025, we delivered a highly poular ‘Learn to Learn’ course. 

Summaries and recordings:

Sixth Form

We place high emphasis on achievement in our sixth form, supporting pupils to apply to the best universities to study the full range of course.  In addition:

  • We provide university trips and virtual sessions including Oxbridge;
  • Opportunity to study for an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification);
  • A range of wider reading books and other materials available during study periods to open access to the top grades;
  • A student book club to promote engagement in reading for pleasure;
  • Dissemination of mentoring opportunities provided by external providers.


We offer a range of transition activities aimed at the most able pupils during year 6 with Etone teachers running workshops and focussed sessions with a focus on Maths and English (reading and writing).  Our Summer Transition booklet ensures that pupils continue to be challenged during the summer holidays before starting secondary school, ensuring that they continue to read a wide range of literature and engage with a range of knowledge and ideas.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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