On Thursday 24th August it was time to celebrate as our Year 11 pupils arrived to collect their GCSE results.
During the past few years there has been unprecedented disruption to our pupils education. With the biggest of these being the impact from the pandemic we are proud of how our pupils have conducted themselves throughout. We are proud to say our pupils have performed well and as a result there were lots of happy faces during the day.
Whilst all of our pupils efforts are fantastic we would like to highlight the following pupils who have achieved particularly impressive results:
- Millie C (7 grade 9, 1 grade 8 and a Distinction*)
- Naisha P (7 grade 9, 1 grade 8 and a Distinction*)
-Kwebena K (6 grade 9, 2 grade 8 and a Distinction*)
- Kimaya G (6 grade 9, 1 grade 7)
- Celestina J (4 grade 9, 3 grade 8, 1 grade 7 and a Distinction *)
- Ellie M (3 grade 9, 4 grade 8, 2 grade 7 and a Distinction*)
- Evie H (3 grade 9, 3 grade 8, 1 grade 7 and 2 Distinction*’s)
Headteacher Mr Smith had the following to say: “It’s been tough for all of our pupils to overcome the challenges that have faced but I am so delighted by the way our pupils have conducted themselves. Throughout the busy exam period they have tried hard and it is great to see the efforts have paid off today.
With a record number of pupils enrolling to our Sixth Form we can’t wait to see what our pupils, both new and old, achieve in their Post 16 education.”
We want to thank all of our Year 11 pupils and regardless of destinations wish them well for the future.