Firefighters of the Future

This term group of year 8 pupils attended a Citizenship Course that was delivered by Targeted Youth Support and Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service week beginning 28th June. They took part in drills, basic first aid courses and developed their team work and leadership skills.  

As a result all received their ASDAN qualification which is really valuable in the workplace.  Whilst we were thrilled with the outcomes we are even more proud with the feedback the Fire and Rescue Service gave our pupils. The course leader stated “what an absolute pleasure it was to work with the students, and that they were perfectly behaved the whole week. They were excellent representatives of your school, and it was noted by the management of the Fire Service how involved they were with all activities and a pleasure to work with.”

Friday saw their passing out parade attended by Councillor Piers Daniell and Phillip Seccombe, who is Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner.  The new Chief Fire Officer observed their passing out parade and awarded them their ASDAN certificates. We are so proud of our pupils and cannot wait to send another cohort next year!

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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