We are delighted to be offering so many opportunities this term for pupils to develop and expand their reading and literacy skills. Reading underpins achievement at all levels across the whole curriculum and we promote a culture which celebrates the power of regular reading through the curriculum , library lessons and regular competitions and opportunities.
Year 7 pupils who have completed our Summer Reading Challenge have received their Bronze Etone Reading Badges this week and we are very proud of their achievements. The prize draw for the Bonus Task will take place at the end of September when we will award the winners.
We would like to share with you the books that pupils will be reading in form to ‘Succeed and Achieve’ this year:
Year 7 'Can you see me?' by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott
Year 8 'Refugee Boy' by Benjamin Zephaniah
Year 9 'Shakespeare: The World as a Stage' by Bill Bryson
Year 10 'Touching the Void' by Joe Simpson
Our first Transition Reading Challenge is now available with books and entry forms available in the Hall / Cafe at break and lunchtime for Year 7. Information about these books is available on our website.
Year 7 and 8 have been highly engaged in their first Reading Lessons, choosing their books from an amazing selection of 16! This gift is one which they will certainly appreciate. Book Buzz Bingo starts for Years 7 and 8 on 17th September and pupils will collect sheets from the library to take part in this. We have amazing prizes to give away. Our prizes are:
First prize - Kindle, Second prize - £20 book voucher, Third prize - £10 book voucher
We have an amazing calendar of events planned for this year. Find out more