Etone at it again!

On Friday 17th March Comic Relief held their annual Red Nose Day. Whilst we are always eager to support good causes wherever we can at Etone we were having a fantastic time with our Careers Day. However, not one to shy away from active citizenship we made sure that we did our bit to raise fund for the charity.

Launched in 1985 by Sir Lenny Henry and Richard Curtis the charity aims to raise funds through comedy for good causes across the world and within the UK. During the last week our pupils have considered how raising funds helps those who are less fortunate than us and consider how this links to our Etone Values of being ‘caring’ and ‘courteous’. One of the case studies we looked at was how food banks in the Coventry area have benefitted from a scheme where funds from Comic Relief are used to help those in areas close to us live a normal life. Since it’s inception it has raised over £1.5 billion for these causes.

Over at Etone we wanted to continue to add to our last years total and increase our current Charity Total of nearly £2,000 since the start of the academic year. This started with our non-uniform day. With an aim for pupils to donate whatever they could and wear their own clothes it was great to see the effort pupils made including the theme of wearing bright colours, particularly red. 

Following this we were delighted to host our cake sale with donations of cakes from our staff, Sixth Form pupils and a generous donation from ASDA and their community support team. With these amazing donations and some great contributions from our pupils including some RAF themed delights from O George we were bursting at the seams when it came to the event. With Kipling, Cadbury and even MINI EGG cakes on offer there really was a sweet treat for everyone. 

Although the total has yet to be announced we are confident this could be a school single day record! We are so proud of all of our pupils and staff and want to say a huge thank you to everyone for supporting us!

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Secondary School
Leicester Road
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T: 024 76 757300

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Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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