Enrichment Week
Monday 11th - Tuesday 19th July 2022
Culture, Exploration & Learning
This year our Enrichment Week is for Years 7-9, Years 10 and 12 will take part in work experience. We are offering many different experiences, carefully curated by our staff. Pupils will be able to participate in all activities offered in school at no cost and there is no need to book these events. Many of our pupils are going to France and Germany during this time. There are only a few selected places left on these trips and pupils must meet current travel restrictions.
Years 10 and 12 will be on Work Experience from the 11-19th July unless they are attending one of the following trips: DofE, CCF or Modern Foreign Languages. We would like students who are on these trips and will return to school before the 19th July to try to gain a placement for the final few days of term. We understand that this may be difficult and we will make alternative provision if required in these cases.
More details about these arrangements will be issued before enrichment week takes place. The Deadline for Work Experience forms to be completed is Monday 9th May.
Replies and payments for all trips must be made by Friday 27th May via your childs Wisepay account.
Year 7 are working with the Science department. They will be taking part in various fun and exciting STEM activities and experiments such as rocket making and testing real world problem solving skills. Be ready to get experimenting and problem solving putting your employability skills into practice.
Cost: Free
See Mr Clinton for more details.
Adventure Day - Snowdome
Date: Wednesday 13th July (All day)
Cost: £37
Pupil Premium: £33.50
Get the chance to try out some adventurous activities at Tamworth Snowdome. Have a go at ice skating on the UK’s only ice track which surrounds the ice skating rink, offering an unparalleled ice skating experience. Take your skills to new heights at Snowdome climb! Challenge yourself to complete all 15 different climb lines across both 6 and 10 metre climbing walls. Finally enjoy some time in the ultimate real snow playground. The snow fun park area features a giant real snow slide. Play in the snow, slide around on the huge snow slide, climb and slide in the treehouse and enjoy a game of snowballs.
All questions to Mr Petch – spaces are limited so obtain your letter from the PE department to confirm your space. Reply slips must be submitted by 15th May to secure you place.
Students will be working at school in small groups doing a variety of activities if they do not attend the trip.
Pupils discover the application of Mathematical skill in two trading games. The first focuses on producing a product accurately, and then trading this based on its quality for a price. Pupils have to decide on the best approach to be more profitable than the other teams. For the second game pupils learn about the world stocks and shares and then apply this completing against other teams trading oil.
Cost: Free
See Mr Randall for more details.
Murder Mystery/Disaster Day
Cost: Free
Year 7 will investigate different high profile murders, they will consider different ways that crimes are investigated and suggest suitable actions for these crimes. They will be able to investigate different ethical issues and make judgements which they will start to justify.
See Miss Kelly-Smith for more details
Year 8 will be working with the Science department. They will be taking part in various fun and exciting STEM activities and experiments such as rocket making and testing real world problem solving skills. Be ready to get experimenting and problem solving putting your employability skills into practice.
Cost: Free
See Mr Clinton for more details.
Year 7 PE Adventure day at Snowdome Tamworth
Date: Monday 18th July (All day)
Cost: £37
Pupil Premium: £33.50
Get the chance to try out some adventurous activities at Tamworth Snowdome. Have a go at ice skating on the UK’s only ice track which surrounds the ice skating rink, offering an unparalleled ice skating experience. Take your skills to new heights at Snowdome climb! Challenge yourself to complete all 15 different climb lines across both 6 and 10 metre climbing walls. Finally enjoy some time in the ultimate real snow playground. The snow fun park area features a giant real snow slide. Play in the snow, slide around on the huge snow slide, climb and slide in the treehouse and enjoy a game of snowballs.
Obtain your letter from the PE department to confirm your space. Pupils will be working at school in small groups doing a variety of activities if they do not attend the trip.
Pupils will be performing their own version of 'Macbeth'. Communication and teamwork is vital as each group will be allocated a key scene, resulting in a final performance of Shakespeare's tragedy at the end of the day.
Cost: Free
For more details see Mrs Kemp.