Community School of the Year

We are incredibly proud to announce that Etone College is in the running for the Community School of the Year Award 2025 from the prestigious National Education Business Awards.

As you will be aware Etone prides itself as a valued member of our community. Whilst we are a centre of education, we also understand the importance of active citizenship and providing positivity to the local area. Over the past few years just some of our community programs have involved:

  • Continuing our membership as Holocaust Ambassadors
  • Achieving the International Language School Award
  • Developing our careers program with community support on our Careers Day and Fair
  • Engaging with local sport clubs
  • Supporting our local primary schools in the education of their pupils
  • Working with the Nuneaton Library to create links for pupils and their families
  • Our Cadets have represented Etone and Nuneaton at remembrance day events
  • Achieving a three year streak as league winners for our Etone Football Education Academy

Whilst these are just a few of our initiatives we are proud of all we do. However, perhaps our most impressive is the Community Champions that are at the forefront of how Etone College helps those around us. Since 2021 these pupils have supported a number of events and programs, ensuring successful food and toy bank drives each year, promoting important causes and organisations within the area and helping to support charity events that are on track to raise £15,000 within 4 years.

Of course to be nominated makes us proud, but to be shortlisted by the awards organisers is something that makes the experience truly special. Wish us luck as we attend the ceremony on June 12th at the Leonardo Royal London St. Pauls hotel London.

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Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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