On Tuesday our CCF Pupils celebrated the festive season with a trip to the bowling alley.
Across the year our pupils have done a tremendous job of showcasing both the Etone Values and that of the Combined Cadet Force through their actions and community initiatives.
Highlights for 2023 include:
- Cadets getting the chance to fly Top Gun style in jet fighters
- Raising over £300 for charities including the British Legion
- Taking our cadets to their Summer Camp 2023
- Our cadets being the pride of Etone at three different remembrance parades
With all of the above it was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate and our pupils did just that. With strikes, splits and even a turkey (not the Christmas Day one!)
Our cadets had a fantastic time and we have to say a big thank you to all of our officers who have supported the CCF across the year. Well done!