Food News!

Staff have been massively impressed with the amazing creations students have been making at home during recent weeks! It has been lovely to see both baking being done and meals being created too! Lockdown has provided an ideal chance for many of us, both students and adults too, to develop our range of culinary skills and repertoire of dishes. Students have used this time really positively and effectively responding enthusiastically to the challenges set, especially the practical ones. Valuable life skills have been gained and employability skills have been practiced. One of our school employability skills is resilience and we have been blown away by the resilience of our students who have adapted to a new way of working and have produced home learning with such creativity. Many students are now regularly cooking meals for their families independently or assisting parents within the family kitchen. They are thinking about reducing food waste, planning meals to use up available ingredients, time management whilst also working hygienically and safely. 

A weekly food challenge has been set at the start of each week detailing a themed practical activity. This is in addition to a range of theory and research activities researching chefs, methods of cooking, designing dishes for sports people, finding out about different dietary needs and the functions of ingredients too. There has also been time to watch Food related TV shows and write a review, to gain ideas and inspiration for new recipes to try. It is worth remembering too that by developing practical skills and creating delicious food, students are also incorporating some important skills such as numeracy and literacy into their daily schedule. Reading a set of instructions or a recipe is great literacy too especially as this involves reading for meaning and understanding. Numeracy is developed through weighing out ingredients and measuring liquids, and demonstrating accuracy to ensure consistency within recipes. This time has also allowed staff to (distantly) co-plan lots of joint challenges and House competitions, reinforcing cross-curricular links between subjects. 

Projects have included the MFL and Food Cultural cuisine House competition which saw students create a range of dishes from different countries. This is a venture that we plan to continue when we are back in school. In Food we also worked together with Humanities when we celebrated VE Day, where students were invited to research and experiment with wartime recipes, which saw some fantastic results! Great examples of how teamwork and collaboration is happening across the school too! 

To catch up with what is going on in Food, and to celebrate student success, check out Food on Twitter at Food@Etone.


Eiffel Tower Twitter Challenge

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been encouraging our French pupils to take part in the Eiffel Tower’s Twitter challenge, to recreate the tower at home as sadly we can’t go and visit it at the moment. We have been astounded and so impressed by our students’ imagination and creativity, and we’ve even had a few retweeted by the Eiffel Tower’s Twitter page for the whole world to see!


Musical instruments with a twist!

Year 7s had great fun over the Easter break creating their own original musical instruments! See for yourself their amazing creations! They had so much fun using their creativity, well done Year 7!


VE Day Celebrations

The 8th of May 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day – Victory in
Europe. It is a day that celebrates the acceptance by the Allies of World War
Two of Nazi Germany’s surrender of its armed forces. People celebrated by holding street parties and danced and sang in the streets all night. Now although we could not celebrate in the same way, we were determined to make it one to remember!

As a result, The Etone History and Food department decided to work together to encourage our pupils to get involved in socially distanced street parties or for them to further their historical knowledge and understanding. Pupils were given a variety of tasks to choose from, from watching to reading to baking!

Our Key Stage 3 pupils amazed us with their dedication to their studies by
completing at least one of our tasks. We received images of traditional and wartime recipes that had been recreated, knowledge quizzes based on the war with a mark scheme, and news reports they had produced based on real footage they had watched from VE day! Here is a selection of some of the impressive and creative pieces that have been produced.


VE Day

We may not be able to celebrate how we had planned but Etone College will be celebrating 75 years of VE day.

Please join us and send in pictures to postbox@etonecollege.co.uk on how you celebrated VE day.

http://c.files.bbci.co.uk/6895/production/_106837762_1.jpgWhat is VE Day? – CBBC Newsround
By the beginning of 1945, the German army had been weakened and defeat looked likely. Tuesday 8 May, 1945, was an emotional day that millions of people had been waiting for.



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Secondary School
Leicester Road
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T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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