Last week our Theme the Week was ‘Remembrance Around the World’ and during assemblies, form time and Learning for Life lessons pupils had the opportunity to explore how different communities around the world pay their respects to those who have sacrificed for everyone else’s liberty.
At Etone pupils were able to understand how important remembering those who have fallen are when considering their fight to protect our own Fundamental British Values such as Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect and again Liberty. Jake in year 7 felt very strongly about the duty we all have to keep the memory of those lost going “If they gave us their life to make sure we have a future, we defiantly should respect them and remember what they have done. We can’t take it for granted.” This was an excellent example, form many across the week, of our own Etone Values our pupils hold as an Etone Learner.
For Remembrance Day this year we will, as a school be reflecting during the national 2 minutes of silence on Thursday 11th November at 11:00am. The eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month when the Armistice was signed. Additionally our Cadet squadron will be representing the school by laying a wreath with other organisations in town.