
New Books In The Library!

There are lots of new books in the library to lend, thanks to our generous Scholastic fair commission from our March fair. We sold over £1300 of books which supports us in continuing to update our stock, ensuring students have access to the latest releases and popular books.

We have updated our Graphic novel section including popular titles linked to TV and Netflix such as Heartstopper and Five Nights At Freddys and also new historical fiction and classics such as Romeo and Juliet, Robinson Crusoe, The Lost World and King Arthur!  There is the entire Amulet series of graphic novels as well as some new titles in the popular Babysitter’s Club series of books. Additionally, there are more titles in our well-being and LGBTQ+ section in both fiction and non-fiction. A whole box set of Alice Oseman books have been added which are enjoying huge popularity. Requests are already pouring in to borrow them!

Millionaire status is achievable by choosing a series of books and we now have all the Disney Twisted Tales as well as all the Little People, Big Dreams titles. All of the titles are in a range of reading levels for all students to access. There are lots of people to choose from to inspire students with cross curricular links such as David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Andy Warhol, RuPaul, Bruce Lee, Captain Tom Moore, Coco Chanel, Ella Fitzgerald, Prince and Vivienne Westwood! Yet more abridged and accessible versions of Shakespeare’s plays are also available. Most of the new books are quizzable which can help pupil progression in their reading ages and rewards in library lessons.

Additionally, check out new books by Marcus Rashford and Ian Wright, alongside our other sports related additions such as The Ultimate Guide to Women’s Football! Our PHSE new books include Guides to Girl Power, more Dr Christian Guides to growing up, and further self-help, self-motivation and self-confidence books to improve mental health. Another popular genre is the paranormal, and following requests for more books, there are a large selection of new titles to happily haunt fans including Stranger Things and Goosebumps books related to the Fear Street movies!

We have also added the latest titles from popular authors such as Alesha Dixon, Michael Morpurgo, Karen McManus, Angie Thomas, Suzanne Collins and Alice Oseman. Many are also award winning books.

New books always create a huge buzz of excitement in the library, particularly those which can link to a film (try reading the book first for comparison), so come and browse what is on offer to take home for your summer holiday reads!


Accelerated Reader News

Students in years 7 and 8 continue to engage in Book Buzz Bingo by reading and successfully quizzing on six books for large bars of chocolate and other prizes. Congratulations to Diya 7P2, Minnie 8G2, Ayomide 7C2, Constance 7D2 and Callum 8C2 who have been rewarded with prizes this term, alongside lots of students earning house points along the way.

Our recent summer term AR points Target students are: Rachel 7D2, Jake 8C1, Shardai 8C1, Alfie 8C2 , Jessaline 7G1 and Ayesha 8P1. Outstandingly,  Olaf 7D1 and Madiha 8C1 are double target students and Lemar 7D2 and Raessa 8P1  have hit their third targets. Amazingly, Vinish 8C1 has hit his fourth target! All target students had entries in the summer prize draw for larger prizes such as Amazon vouchers and books.

Students who become word Millionaire readers in our Accelerated Reader library lessons are rewarded with a special certificate and also a free book. Well deserving students who will take a free book this term are Madiha 8C1, Jake 8C1, Diya 7P2 and Andrei 8G1. Outstandingly, Raeesa 8P1 is a double millionaire and has already chosen a copy of Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman! Well done also to Vinish 8C1 for double millionaire status this term.

Shardai 8C1,  Rachel 7D2,  Nabiha 8D1, Jia 7D1, Jessaline 7G1 and Yousuf 8G1 have all worked incredibly well towards Millionaire status and have all ended the summer term having read between 715,000 and 930,000 words and will be rewarded with book prizes also.

The winner of our Target prize draw was Jake 8C1 who has received a £25 Amazon voucher. Second prize is Shardai 8C1 who won a £15 voucher and third prize is Lemar 7D2 who has won a Ripley’s Believe It Or Not book alongside puzzle books.

Accelerated Reader Rapid Reads.

Non-fiction books on a wealth of different topics are always a big hit in AR library lessons, so we have invested in a huge amount of quick reads in all levels to update the books which students love to finish and quiz on within an hour’s lesson. There are lots more popular paranormal titles as well as space and alien themes. Also popular are animal books and vocational books on chosen careers such as marine biology, animal trainers and the emergency services. Popular as always are books on modern gadgets, sport, animals, helpful career guides and weird facts. Come and check them out!


We Are Social

We’ve extended our line of communication to include even more social platforms so you can be the first to see important updates and get an insight into all the fun and exciting things happening in school. 

Please take a few minutes to follow us on our social media platforms using the below links:  

Facebook - @FollowEtoneCollege

Instagram - @etone.college

Twitter - @EtoneCollege

The fastest way to ask a direct question is to email our post box email address (postbox@etonecollege.co.uk) as these are forwarded to the correct member of staff for your enquiry.


GCSE Results 2022

This year has been a year like no other in education. For our Year 11 pupils they have shown themselves to be truly inspiring in the way they have dealt with the disruptions of the last few years.

Going through the first exam results for three years we have been overjoyed with the achievements of our pupils. Despite the challenges they have faced each of them have put in the hard work and their efforts have been rewarded.

Thursday 25th August saw our pupils collecting their results with ecstasy. Pupils across the cohort have made extremely positive progress and we would like to say a huge congratulations to all of them.

We would like to wish our Year 11 pupils the best of luck in their future steps and share how excited we are for our Year 11’s continuing their journey at our Sixth Form, whilst welcoming those who are joining us for the first time.


Year 12 Enrolment 2022

Etone College Sixth Form Enrolment will take place this week.

Thursday 25th August 2022

Internal Applicants from 9am

External Applicants from 11am

If you cannot make Thursday 25th August 2022. We will also be open on Friday 26th August 2022 from 10am - 12 Noon for all applicants.

External Applicants should bring their GCSE results and a valid form of ID.

If you cannot attend in person to enrol please email rmoore@etonecollege.co.uk


A Level Results Day

On Thursday 18th August we had the opportunity to celebrate as our Sixth Form students collected their Level 3 exam results. With this being the first live set of exams for 3 years and the uncertainty that has played it’s part following the pandemic it has been a challenge for all of our students to say the least.

As we have said before at Etone, we were amazed at how well our students handled themselves, showing a maturity and dedication that will see them achieve in their future careers. Given the weight of the disruption to their education for the past 3 years we cannot be prouder of them.

However, with the wait over it was time for our students to find out their results and see all of that hard work and effort pay off. Firstly, we are thrilled to be able to share in the amazing successes our pupils have had. Across the entire cohort our pupils have made fantastic progress with all pupils achieving in line with expectations and many exceeding their targets.

This includes our Year 12 pupils who we would like to congratulate who have completed examinations and earned AS/ Level 3 Certificates this year. We are excited to continue your journey as you complete your courses in Year 13.

As for our Year 13’s we have enjoyed, once again, some fantastic achievements. All of our pupils are leaving Etone to go on to secure and promising next steps be that at leading universities, prestigious apprenticeship programs or competitive employment. We just wanted to share the stories of a few of our students below:

Melih M “I have been at Etone College since Year 7 and I am feel really mixed about today, I am really proud of my results and can’t wait to go to university, but it is sad to think this is really goodbye. Over my years at Etone I am proud of my achievements and am grateful to the school for all of the hard work the teachers put in.” Melih achieved 2 A*’s and 2 A’s in Biology, Maths, Chemistry and Further Maths respectively. He goes off to study Mathematics at the University of Birmingham.

Lisa M “I came to Etone in Year 12 and immediately I settled right in. Despite starting late the college was warm and welcoming and I was able to really push myself with amazing support from teachers and fellow students.” Lisa achieved 3 A*’s in Biology, Chemistry and Psychology respectively. She goes off to study Medicine also at the University of Birmingham

Jack King “I was really pleased to be part of the first cohort of the Football Academy. It has been a really great experience to get to experience the training, support and coaching of football whilst also studying for my course. I am grateful to the sports department and coaches for the support and advice they have given me.” Samuel achieved Distinction*, Distinction *, Distinction in his Sport Extended Diploma and goes off to study Sport Business and Management at the University Campus of Football in Manchester.

Additional highlights include:

  • Matt – Achieving B, B, Distinction who leaves us to study Geography at Loughborough University.
  • Hajin – Who joined us from Korea and has achieved A,A,D in Biology, Chemistry and Physics along with a Grade 8 in Piano.
  • Ryan – Achieving A*, B, Distinction * leaving us to study Sociology at Warwick University.
  • Ruby – Achieving B, B, Distinction*, Distinction* joining Loughborough University to study Sport Sciences.
  • Jess – Achieving A, B, B who leaves us to join the University or Lancaster to study Forensic Psychology.

Finally, although we are proud of all our students, we do want to share the success we have had with the first cohort of our Football Academy. Their program consists of studying a course equivalent to 3 A Levels equivalents along with taking part in training and attending match fixtures. They have excelled themselves with their results and have also topped their league. We are especially exited for our 5 students (Jack, Omar, Ewan, Callum, Leonard) who are all joining the University Campus of Football Business in Manchester where they will be studying on the Etihad Campus.

Of course, it is not always happy reactions to the results we open. Whilst we are extremely proud of these results, we continue to work with our pupils to ensure that they are supported onto the next step of their path.

To all of our pupils we would like to say if you require future support from us, please contact us. Remember you are now Etone Alumni and that is a club you have joined for life. We look forward to seeing what amazing endeavours you get up to in the future but for now enjoy the last few weeks of summer.

All that is left to say is a massive well done and thank you.


Year 10 Rewards Trip

On Friday 22nd June, as a result of hard work and dedication to their education throughout the course of the year, Year 10 pupils were offered a trip to Drayton Manor to celebrate then end of term and the beginning of a wonderful summer.

Many pupils conquered their fears as they braved some of the 'scarier' rides that Drayton Manor has to offer! Some waited at the exit as they tucked into their Cornettos! It was magical to finally be back out at a theme park and enjoying the weather after a difficult few years. We have been extremely impressed with our Year 10’s this year as they have shown the resilience and drive required to complete their mocks and prepare for their exams next year. We have also been lucky to appoint our prefects who have already begun their roles by supporting primary pupils through induction. It was fantastic to have the opportunity to reward them.

From the offset pupils were impeccable and thoroughly enjoyed the day. Drayton Manor's rule of a teacher accompanying pupils on water rides meant that staff also had the pleasure of getting in on the action. Having said that, it took hours of encouragement and support for Mrs Chase, Miss Sandilands, Miss Churchard and Miss Bali to muster up the courage to go on the river rapids, a ride notoriously known for not being too scary however getting drenched.

All in all a great day filled with fun, thrills, sun, ice cream and LOTS of screaming (both staff and pupils!)

Have a great summer.


Enrichment Week

Starting last Monday Etone began the end of term festivities with our annual Enrichment Fortnight. Over the course of the week pupils in all year groups take part in activities across all subjects. Each day brings a new challenge and opportunity as pupils align Etone’s Employability Skills and Values with the various sectors our departments represent.

Over the course of the program we have had;

Excitement in Science as pupils learn about the history of rockets and put the theory to the test by creating their own various types.

Drama in English as pupils have picked apart classic plays and prepared mini productions complete with; set design, costume design and direction.

Problem solving in Maths as pupils consider the economical situations of various countries and the resources they have access to.

Being innovative in Business as pupils have worked in teams to create their very own products, develop team working skills, use communication and sell their products to a team of experts.

Showing Creativity in Create with artists creating beautiful portraits, musicians composing original pieces and budding chefs creating culinary delights such as focaccia - Yum!

Using detective skills in Humanities as pupils model the impact of natural disasters, solve mysteries and come up with solutions to real world problems.

Showing that sportsmanship nature in Sport as pupils take part in the Etone Olympics, tasting a range of old favourites and modern creations from athletics to Ultimate Frisbee.

In addition to our in school events we have been so thrilled to have many trips out across the two weeks to various places around the country… and abroad:

A mixture of year groups took part in our trips to Cologne in Germany and Normandy in France. They enjoyed seeing the local sights, visiting theme parks, tasting local delicacies and strolls on the beach in this glorious weather we are experiencing across Europe.

Our Year 9’s took part in a visit to the Black History Living Museum as they enjoyed looking back through history at how life was lived around this area years ago. Obviously the highlight of the trip being a visit to the chip shop!

A group of pupils also had the chance to explore the tree tops as they journeyed out to Go Ape with high wires, zip lines and leaps of faith to get the adrenaline pumping.

Finally a great time was had over at the Tamworth Snow Dome as pupils had the chance to ice skate and speed climb.

We hope you all have enjoyed the experiences on offer across the week and can’t wait for more excitement next year!


House Sports Day 2022

The impact of the pandemic has been wide ranging and is still clearly present despite some time passing by. However, last week marked a historic event at Etone. We were delighted to be able to welcome back our Sports Day after a two year absence.

With busy schedules for venues and schools, like many, we have had to develop our strategies for staging events. Therefore this year was extremely special. Not only were we able to host classic favourites such as Pursuit and Tug of War, we were able to utilise our various on site venues and deliver a diverse and fresh take on sports day.

Starting on Tuesday our Year 9 and 10 pupils began proceedings with a ‘pep talk’ form their respective Houses. Eager to break away form the shadow of defeat in the past Griffin were focused on being a true underdog story, Dragon as usual entered the day as favourites to win, Phoenix hoping to capitalise on the change to events had prepared their table tennis team well and Centaur put forth an impressive football team for both the boy and girls events. Although a tough day for all contenders the results were as follows:

Centaur                270pts

Dragon                 250pts

Phoenix                220pts

Griffin                   180pts

On Friday our Year 7 and 8 pupils had the chance to bring home the glory and impact the overall results for the title. Going into this day our Heads of House issue rallying cries to either consolidate, improve their positions, or turn around their fortunes. Mr Astall hopeful to continue his trajectory towards gold, Mr Baggot eager to leapfrog from third and straight into first, Mr Khan passionate about maintaining the winning streak Dragon began at the end of day 1 into Day 2 and Miss Bailey striving to show that our only non-sport Head of House could best all that PE had to offer.

At the end of Day 2 the following were the Year 7 and 8 results:

Dragon                 530pts

Griffin                   380pts

Centaur                320pts

Phoenix                310pts

Across the two days, our pupils showed the strengths of their characters displaying all of our Employability Skills such as; Teamwork and Resilience and our Values. A particular highlight of the day being the sportsmanship shown when due to an error by both teams a rounders match was called a draw.

The full list of sports were as follows:

Netball, Football, Dodgeball, Benchball, Danish Longball, Team Pursuit, Tug of War, Table Tennis, Curling, Handball, Basketball, Rounders, Softball, Diamond Cricket, Ultimate Frisbee and Just Dance.

It was lovely to see pupils having the opportunity to work together more than what, perhaps usual athletics enables and it was fantastic to see the enjoyment our pupils had with taking part in the different sports on offer.

We are defiantly excited to see where our Sports Day will take us next year, who knows perhaps even Quidditch?

All that is left to say is a massive well done to Dragon who have done it again and with a 1-2 place in 7/8 and 9/10 respectively and reign supreme for Sports Day once again.

The final totals were:

Dragon                 780pts

Centaur                590pts

Phoenix                530pts  

Griffin                   500pts


Results Day Information

A Level Results Day - Thursday 18th August 2022

GCE/BTEC Level 3 results will be available from 9:00am - 11:00am.

GCSE Results Day - Thursday 25th August 2022

GCSE/BTEC Level 2 results will be available from 09:00am - 11:00am

Year 10 GCSE Statistics - Thursday 25th August 2022

Collection will be available from 11:00am-12.00pm

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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