etone SF open evening

Sixth Form Open Evening

We will be holding a few open events this year to give all prospective Year 12 parents and pupils the chance to come and visit us. These events will give you an insight into what it means to be a student at Etone Sixth Form. With each subject having exciting opportunities and activities in store so come and have a look.

Open Evening will take place on Tuesday 15th November 5:00pm – 7:00pm – No Booking Required


Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 7th October we enjoyed hosting our annual Coffee Morning in support of MacMillan.

After an absence due to the pandemic, it was wonderful to be able to invite parents of Year 7 and 8 in to enjoy some treats baked by our very own Etone Bakers. Staff and pupils kindly donated cakes. Whilst in part to support the charity, the main aim is to win the Etone Bake-off 2022!

The event was really well attended and we would like to thank everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning be that staff, pupils or parents.  A total of £342.16 was raised for a very worthy cause and marks the first total on our Totaliser for this academic year. This year we are hoping to increase on last year's amount and raise £3000 or more for charities and good causes.

Additionally, a big well done to Mrs Kaye-Shepheard and our choir for entertaining our parents/carers and to our prefects who were, as always, great Etone College role models.

A special thank you to those who donated cakes, whether shop-bought or homemade and the biggest congratulations goes to Mrs Emery who always delivers an event worth attending.

With regards to the ‘Bake Off’, we have some very talented staff.  The entries were amazing and we will let you all know our Bake Off 2022 Champion on Monday!

Well done Team Etone!


Open Evening at Etone

Once again on Thursday 29th September Etone College threw open its doors to prospective Year 7 pupils during their annual Open Evening event.

With a record attendance and the queuing public eager to see what Etone had in store for 2022 the site was opened at 5:00pm. First up was the choir led by Mrs Kaye-Shepheard who gave a wonderful medley including modern hits, classic greats and a very heartfelt renditions of Your Song. Mr Smith then addressed our visitors with a short presentation detailing some of the fantastic achievements made by our humble school. These included most recently;

  • Receiving the Quality in Careers Standard
  • Achieving Stonewall Kitemark for Diversity
  • Etone staff becoming National Professional Qualification Facilitators
  • Etone involvement with Education Endowment Fund research projects
  • An extremely positive Ofsted report
  • Continued fantastic results with pupils going off to prestigious destinations

After this, a number of our Year 11 Prefects and some nervous yet excited Year 7 gave some excellent insights to their time so far here at Etone. It was particularly poignant to hear from Year 11’s who are looking ahead to their next steps and to see the faces of the Year 7’s as they realise the support is always there at Etone to prepare them for something greater.

Following the presentation, the audience was given free rein to explore what was in store for them. There is always a buzz around the halls during our events but this year, in particular, was electric.

In English, guests were treated to a journey through literature from the delights of Dhal with fun activities and games to the festive ghouls from Dickens’ Christmas Carol.

MFL pulled out all of the stops delivering a delicatessen of deliciousness with samples foods from across the world including some very tasty bakes.

Sport were putting on a show as they performed their skills with Football and Netball being showcased and a display from the Football Academy with a perfect drill.

Over in History figures of the past ‘walked’ the red carpet as we met King Henry Viii and Elizabeth i. Whilst in Geography guests had the chance to practice their map skills and orientation mastery.

In Maths prospective pupils had the chance to get creative with numerical puzzles, games and designing their own numeracy inspired art pieces.

Science had excitement with their experiments creating electronic circuits, completing flame tests on metals and even dissecting a heart, clearly not one for the faint of heart.

Create showcased their talents with food, design and art creation where guests were affording the opportunity to get in touch with their creative sides.

Over in Express the Business and Computing team wowed with their innovative coding games, the dissection of the ‘Living Computer’ and the traditional Taste Testing where it was clear, whilst value for money is not always guaranteed by brands Cadbury Chocolate Fingers are the champions amongst biscuits.

Adding to the excitement our pupils got the chance to take part in Duke of Edinburgh with a stove-cooked hot dog and explore what delights the Combined Cadet Force had to share.

The evening was extremely well attended and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to all of the pupils and parents who supported us for the event as we really could not have done it without you.


School Council

The Key Stage 3 pupils for School Council enjoyed a brunch with Mr Smith today.  He was very proud to be able to give out their School Council badges and congratulate them on their role. School Council plays an important part in school life at Etone College. They will discuss key issues during School Council time, collect and share the views of pupils in their form and feed back discussion points from School Council meetings.  Like all of our student leaders, they are ambassadors for our school.  Watch this space as the School Council themselves update you about what they have been doing and the impact that it has had.


Careers Fair 2022

Our annual Careers Fair is taking place on Wednesday 19th October 2022. More information can be found below.


Prospectus 2023/24

Our vision is simple: every child deserves an exceptional education. We make this happen by doing the things which really make a difference. Working smartly means we have staff who want to work here. It ensures we have the capacity to care for every pupil, providing them with the best possible education – without exception.’

You can read our latest school prospectus for September 2023 intake on the below link.

Open Evening and Mornings information can be found HERE. If you have any questions regarding joining us at Etone College please email and follow us on our social media platforms.


Netball Success for our 10's and 11's

On Tuesday 27th September our Year 10 and 11 Netball teams continued to add to their track record of success. Playing at the Nuneaton Schools Tournament in the terrible weather conditions they showed the true spirit of Etone as they persevered and did amazing as a result.

To start with the Year 11 girls got through to the runner up place with an astonishing team effort from players who have not had lots of chances to practice in recent years: Paige M, Grace B, Amelia H, Dylan G, Celestina J, Tiana D, Megan. Well done to you all.

Next, our Year 10 were out to impress as they came 2nd out of 13 teams 👏🏻.

A truly incredible achievement considering most of the teams were made up of Year 11 pupils. Whilst there was one defeat which took us away from the top spot the achievement is no less important.

Well done to: Sophie N, Roksana A, Kc H, Delia M, Mara J, Lauren B, Jamie L, and Izzie M. 

With performances like these, it is always enjoyable to share the success we have at Etone with you all. We look forward to bringing the trophy home next year.

Finally a huge thank you to Mrs Price who coached and umpired games.... even in her heels 👍🏻


Get Caught Reading

Any students caught reading by a member of staff, in their own social times, will be handed a raffle ticket which will eventually be put in a jar for a prize draw raffle each half term. Students could be caught reading on multiple occasions for more names in the draw.

Come to the Library to find the perfect book for you!

Good Luck!


Book Buzz at Etone College!

Students in years 7 and 8 have started the new college year with the thrilling offer of a free book! Book buzz is a reading programme for pupils aged 11-13 to support a love of reading. It is run by the charity Book Trust and every year, Etone College participates in this programme to provide an exciting new book for nearly 400 students!

With 17 books to choose from, there is a wide selection of titles in both fiction and non-fiction including magical mysteries and murder mysteries, intense adventures, thrillers bursting with twists and turns, spectacular sci-fi, dystopias and double agents, time-travel, motivational books, sport, animals and comedies.

The range includes dyslexia friendly titles, quick reads, graphic novels and both fact and fiction. Here’s a strange but true fact! Did you know that some spiders have their brains extended in their legs? Did you know that some people dream in black and white? That the Earth hums? Fun facts await those who prefer non-fiction! Historical fiction titles include events such as The Blitz and also the sinking of the large luxury liner, The Titanic with the loss of over 1,500 lives.

Lots of the books include coming of age plots and the relatable themes of friendships and fitting in and building our self-esteem and identity. Marcus Rashford’s book is perfect for developing ambitions and boosting your self-confidence.

 Established authors feature widely in this year’s books including Lauren St John, Fleur Hitchcock, Phil Earle, Anthony Horowitz, Jason Reynolds and Lisa Thompson. Pupils are currently watching a persuasive video from each author who discusses their inspiration for writing the book and a few teasing clues to the genre and plot.Pupils are advised to choose different titles to encourage swaps and reading as many as they wish to play Book Buzz bingo. All titles are quizzable in Accelerated reader lessons and multiple books read and quizzed will be rewarded with house points, chocolate and other prizes. There is also a new Book Buzz challenge card with cross curricular tasks which will be rewarded with book and puzzle prizes. Could you turn your book into a graphic novel? Or create a film poster for your book buzz film? Send a question to the author? Perhaps design a game based on the plot or facts?

Pupils can also find more information and activities on the Bookbuzz site with a dedicated student zone with competitions to enter, the latest blogs by authors, book reviews by pupils and the chance to complete a quiz. Check out the site!


Parent Calendar & Parental Support Sessions

First of all it has been wonderful for Etone to open the gates and welcome all of our pupils back after a very refreshing and hot summer break. This year we would like to provide you with a ‘heads up’ for key dates in the year to come. In order to help yourselves with knowing what is coming up and when we have published our Parent Calendar which holds key dates across the year. Here you can find the headlines for what is coming up in the next term. As key events get closer we will publish relevant information on our website, social media and through our text system.

Although we are publishing dates know in some cases these are provisional so please keep checking back as we will endeavour to keep the information as up to date as possible.

Additionally we are pleased to be continuing with the success of our Parental Support Sessions/ Workshops. These are designed to help provide our Etone parents and carers with key sessions that provide advice, research and ideas to ensure that your child meets their full potential during their time here at Etone. In order to ensure that these are as accessible as possible we will be running a mixture of Teams and face to face sessions, so please look ahead to see which sessions you would like to attend. The first event is aimed at Sixth Form parents as we look at providing support to out incoming Year 12 and supporting UCAS applications for Year 13 on Wednesday 5th October. 

We look forward to another fantastic year at Etone and working together to ensure progress for all.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
