Toy Drive Pic6

UPDATE: Toy Drive and Foodbank

This term you may have been following Etone pupils as we seek to show our active citizenship. Considering the core Etone Values with a focus on caring out pupils have taken part in lots of charitable and goodwill activities. 

In the run up to Christmas it was no different as we launched drives to collect toys and gifts on behalf of the Nuneaton Salvation Army and Food for Nuneaton Foodbank. 

The Salvation Army are global charity who, within this initiative, provide a little Christmas cheer to those around the world who may otherwise suffer during the festive season. Across the past few weeks pupils have brought in toys, games, books and trinkets that will make fantastic gifts for children and strengthen their belief that Santa never forgets a child. Mrs Elliot has been inundated with goods, even needing an overspill donation point to store them all. The Salvation Army have been especially impressed with Etone efforts describing them as “Truly incredible and heart-warming to see young people care so much about others. It really highlights our own values of caring and showing community spirit.”

The Nuneaton Foodbank are a local charity who provide those in our surrounding area with the basic food and toiletries essentials that we take for granted every day. Throughout our drive we have collected and have been overwhelmed by the amount of goodwill our pupils and parents have shown. Donations have included the essentials such as toilet rolls, tins of food and packets of biscuits but also luxury festive treats such as mince pies, puddings and chocolate which will surely go a small way to helping other feel the seasonal cheer. Quoting the Nuneaton Foodbank “It is heart-breaking to hear the stories of those who need help for the basic we all take for granted on a daily basis. Although we can only provide as much support as possible, we need as much help from others to get the job done. The pupils, parents and staff at Etone have been so generous it is great to see these young people doing their bit for the local area.”

Once again thank you to all of our pupils, parents, carers and staff who have donated and have a very Merry Christmas!


Sixth Form Open Evening: Report

On Thursday 25th November Etone Sixth Form opened their doors for the first post pandemic Sixth Form Open Evening. Despite the cool temperature we were thrilled to welcome a record breaking attendance to our new market place style format. 

With ever growing numbers in the Sixth Form and a new suite of subjects including; Accounting, Economics, Computer Science, Uniformed Public Services and Forensic Science it was wonderful to see so many prospective students in attendance. 

The new format allowed for teachers to make clear links with each other and in discussions with our guests consider what their next steps might include and which subjects would complement each other. There were also opportunities to see what each subject had to offer with taste testing in Business, a model skeleton in Sport and attractive displays all around. 

It was wonderful to see all of our current Etone year 11 pupils attending with their families as they look to continue their journey at Etone through to apprenticeships, universities and beyond. Two of our prefects commented on the atmosphere of the night with one stating “I can’t wait to come to Etone. The teachers really care about the students and are the experts. It is exactly where I want to study for my A Levels.” And the other focusing on the feel of the evening “The buzz around the place is amazing. It is clear that we are popular and I can’t wait to study Criminology.”

With mock exams upon us and the summer approaching fast don’t forget to check out our prospectus here:

When you have read it download our application form here and send to


Etone College Nuneaton Foodbank Drive

This term Etone College students have really shown Active Citizenship and highlighted the Eton Values with; raising money for Children in Need, celebrating remembrance and most recently with the Salvation Army Toy Drive. However, it hasn’t stopped there. Each year we collect food on behalf of a local foodbank to provide some basic essentials and festive treats to those in around Nuneaton who are in need of a little Christmas spirit.

It is at this time of year that we are incredibly thankful for what we have and spend time considering those in less fortunate positions. So we are asking for donations to the Nuneaton Foodbank, who do a fantastic job of serving the community and making sure the food and items get to the people who need it most.

If you are able to take part please bring your food in on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th December and give it in at reception. The list of accepted items are on the poster. A small group of Employability Ambassadors will be taking the food on Monday 13th December to the foodbank to do the handover.

Thank you to all of our amazing Etone pupils, parents and staff in advance.


Careers Ambassadors

Last week our Year 8 ambassadors collected their bronze certificates for completion of training with the careers hub. Year 10 also collected their silver certificates. A massive well done to you all!


Salvation Army Toy Drive

Every year, the Salvation Army organise a toy drive within Nuneaton community to collect and distribute presents for disadvantaged children, to help them celebrate Christmas. All donations are gratefully received and ensure Christmas joy is spread to those who are experiencing hardship. Children aged between 0 to 16 years of age are supported in this toy drive.

Etone College are actively participating in this by challenging forms to co-ordinate and donate as much as they can. There is no expectation to buy new goods, although this is welcome. Still boxed and packaged toys, nearly new books and boxed toiletry gifts are being donated by both students and staff to support the Salvation Army and to show students what a difference they can make to the community by engaging in active citizenship. All unwanted gifts are in perfect condition to become the perfect present for a child or teenager in our community. 

All form members and form representatives will be given house points for donations and organisation of donations. House point records will be made by form tutors and Heads of House and the winning form in each year group will win a class prize. Most importantly, our toy drive will show how positive an Etone Learner is in engaging with active citizenship via teamwork, communication, organisation, initiative and showing how caring and supportive they can be. Donations need to be given to Miss Elliott by the deadline of December 10th to ensure they are taken to the Salvation Army.


Children in Need

On Friday 19th November Etone pupils showed their support for the annual Children in Need fundraising drive to support disadvantaged young people both in the UK and abroad. Whilst we at Etone have always done our bit it has never been more important to support those who require our help than in a post Covid society. This year we celebrated the day with non-uniform and as a result we, as a school, raised £950. In PE lessons pupils were invited to wear their own clothes for their lesson and it was great to see a variety of sports tops from local teams to national champions. Unfortunately not everyone’s clubs in team is as desirable as we would like (no teams mentioned), however in the spirit of charity we realise that every team needs a fan sometimes.

Fundraising is an integral part of our ethos at Etone. Our Etone Values make up what it takes to be an Etone Learner and with two of the these being caring and supportive natures it is apt that this week all of  our pupils have done a tremendous job of showing these with; Children in Need, World Kindness Day and Anti Bullying Week.


NCS This Summer?

All the info you need to grab your spot is on our website…just follow our QR code! But here’s a quick run down in case you can’t wait:


You know that buzz you feel when you nail something you thought was near to impossible? Imagine that, but for every day you’re with us. Throw in meeting a new crowd and still having some time to recharge and chill. Pretty great, right?

Send Coffee Morning

On Wednesday 10th November we held our first ever SEND coffee morning.  During this event we invited some of our pupils in KS3 and their parents to take part in some presentations from Coventry and DeMontfort University, local college groups such as North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College and local and national employers such as SCOPE who all shared the opportunities and paths open to our pupils in their future careers. There was also the chance for pupils and their families to discuss options with the presenters, introduce them to our wonderful Sixth Form and catch up over a cup of coffee and some cake.

We are especially proud to have been able to welcome back Richard Bishop who shared with us his inspirational journey since leaving Etone to becoming an entrepreneur, which was well received by all in attendance and really intrigued our pupils.  We are really looking forward to making this an annual event along with follow up sessions and events for students and parents in the future.

Thank you to all of the organisation, parents and pupils who attended and see you next year.


Remembrance Day 2021

Last week our Theme the Week was ‘Remembrance Around the World’ and during assemblies, form time and Learning for Life lessons pupils had the opportunity to explore how different communities around the world pay their respects to those who have sacrificed for everyone else’s liberty.

At Etone pupils were able to understand how important remembering those who have fallen are when considering their fight to protect our own Fundamental British Values such as Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect and again Liberty. Jake in year 7 felt very strongly about the duty we all have to keep the memory of those lost going “If they gave us their life to make sure we have a future, we defiantly should respect them and remember what they have done. We can’t take it for granted.” This was an excellent example, form many across the week, of our own Etone Values our pupils hold as an Etone Learner. 

For Remembrance Day this year we will, as a school be reflecting during the national 2 minutes of silence on Thursday 11th November at 11:00am. The eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month when the Armistice was signed. Additionally our Cadet squadron will be representing the school by laying a wreath with other organisations in town.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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