
Careers Day Triumph

As you are aware our Career’s program at Etone is an extensive package. Starting in Year 7 pupils are given the opportunities to develop their key employability skills, in the process earning their rewards and badges and begin to consider what they might like to do for their career.

Then throughout their time at Etone they will get the chance to explore those careers through; external visits, guest speakers, careers and enrichment days, workshops, performances to name just a few. During this time new interests and hobbies may arise as they engage with our extracurricular program, and this means even more careers are explored.

This was exactly the case on Friday 17th March as our pupils experienced the 2023 Careers Day. This day, held annually, complements our Careers Fair earlier on in the year during the Autumn term. As part of this day we were thrilled to welcome over 65 employers, speakers and advocates to run sessions across the school and provide pupils with an insight into some of the most exciting careers out there.

From midwifery to engineering pupils were enlightened to what kind of careers were in store across all different sectors, how to enter those careers and where they can access information.  The employers included 3M, Willmott Dixon, Severn Trent water, WBA, Crown, Department for Transport, Aspire in Arts, Ambulance service and other NHS departments, All of the armed forces, accountancy, lawyers and many more 

Trips to DeMontfort University in Leicester and the University of Birmingham took place where Year 10 and 11 pupils got the chance to explore university life, sit in a live lecture and explore living accommodation. Year 9 had the opportunity to get to learn more about their own families’ and friends’ careers with “Work Experience day” day.  Most of the year group gained a placement including businesses such as local primary schools, retail and admin work to name but a few. 

Over in the Sixth Form our Year 12 students enjoyed a visit to Loughborough University where they got to consider the very real prospect of university life in the not so distant future. Year 13 were suited and booted as they took part in mock interviews. Having previously been given the job briefs they had been preparing for the sessions individually. Running through the interviews with experts from those businesses applied for the pupils got a real chance to feel what an interview would be like and receive feedback on how to be even better.

Overall, the event was another resounding success for Mrs Barlow and Miss Sweet. We would like to thank all of our guests and universities who have supported us in our vision to provide the high-quality careers education all pupils deserve.


Girls Football Activators

After the big launch of the exciting football activators role we now have a team of our girls working hard each week and taking part in workshops that develop important skills. We have our marketeers who are working hard to develop skills on how to design and promote girl’s football. We also have our deliverers who are working hard to develop the skills required to successfully lead and deliver to others. All of them have a key role to play and we are looking forward to seeing what they create.


Badminton Championship

On Tuesday 14th March a group of Etone pupils along with welsh champion Mr Kitching paid a visit to the All England Badminton Championship, the “Wimbledon of badminton”.

As the worlds oldest and most prestigious tournament our pupils were in awe of the talent displayed as they watched a mixture of doubles, singles and high stakes matches with pride and titles on offer for the successful players.

Not only was it fantastic for our pupils to see sporting at its peak level but it was also an opportunity to see what sporting events had in offer with stalls, interviews and of course some excellent freebies on offer. 

Underpinning our Etone Values and Employability Skills, the championship consolidates the need for pupils to develop this skills and resilience and show the integrity expected of sporting professionals.

The event was enjoyed by all and we can’t wait for the next one!


EGGcellent Attendance

On Monday 20th March – 31st March we start our Easter themed attendance competition – EGGcelent Attendance Fortnight. During the two weeks we have issued the challenge to all pupils to achieve a full two weeks of attendance to propel themselves and their Houses to glory. 

As you will be aware, the best way for your child to make use of the opportunities at school is for them to be present each and every day. By being in school they are exposed to our enriched curriculum that ensures each pupil makes progress and prepares them for a successful future. As a school, our expectation remains that pupils attend 100% of the time they are scheduled to. Imagine education as a jigsaw puzzle, easy day at school is another piece earned. Without excellent attendance, the picture will never be complete.

Therefore over the course of the fortnight, we will be promoting why attending each and every day is important. Those who are able to achieve the challenge will then receive a choc-tastic prize and an entry into an end-of-term prize draw.


DFE Visit Etone

 At Etone College, we are committed to making sure we deliver the very best curriculum to our pupils. To that end, we are extremely proud to play our part in engaging with the latest educational research, supporting our external partners with training educator and sharing our practices across other schools.

On Wednesday 8th March we were delighted to host a visit from the Department for Education for them to explore best practices within schools which can then be shared across the country.

The day started with our guests touring the school as they looked to see what a day in the life of Etone College would hold. Just like a normal day, there was a real buzz in school with an environment that was focused on learning. The visitors were extremely impressed and commented on how engaged pupils were in their learning. Whilst we would always expect this, it was great to show external visitors what being an Etone Learner is all about.

As part of the day, our visitors met with Matrix Academy Trust CEO – Lynsey Draycott, Headteacher Mr Smith and Etone staff to share some of those fantastic practices from both Etone and the Trust and consider how these could impact other schools.

Finally, our guests met with Etone pupils to explore what life at Etone was like for our learners. Whilst already complimentary of Etone, the visitors were overwhelmingly impressed with our pupils and commented particularly on their “dedication to learning and the intrinsic value they see in their education”.

With such positive praise for both Etone college and Matrix Academy Trust, it is clear to see why we are so proud of Etone and particularly our amazing pupils.


CCF Careers

Etone College have created an event which was open to year 10s and 11 who are interested specifically in the Armed forces as a career prospect. We had 25 participants including all the Year 10 and 11 RAF Cadets from Etone, 2 Cadets from the local area of Nuneaton that attend Etone and a group of year 10 who had volunteered to find out more about the Army and RAF.

This particular week was the Army Surge week programme. This involved 3 outreach teams from different cap badges in the Army coming together to put together an excellent programme for out group. They started off with the Infantry regiment creating Satalight towers with MKa STEM Kits, They received a talk about what the infantry does and all the different roles you can do in the Infantry E.g., Guarding the Royal Family, Frontline and the Parachute regiment. They then moved onto to a brief from the Royal Electrical and Mechanical engineers. They had to build a Car out of kenex pieces that will hold an air tube. The Reme LCpl would fill the tube up with compressed air for it to travel across the hall at some speed. Some groups where successful and some fell apart but the groups got time to rectify the problems before trying again. After that they received an In-depth brief which was really interactive all about the 7 career sections of the Army and the pathway in which to gain this career.

In the Afternoon the RAF Careers advisor Sgt Chambers did an excellent Personal development session in which the 25 Students had to work as a team to complete simple tasks. The tasks increased in complexity as we went along and this created Team Cohesion within the group and developed their communication skills. We will be inviting Sgt Chambers back in the future for More career’s sessions with our Year 10s and 11s as we do have a lot of students who are interested in Piloting and engineering in the RAF. 


World Book Day

On Thursday 2nd March Etone celebrated World Book Day. As is tradition the day started with the greeting of a wonderful selection of characters from the staff including Dr Suess’s Thing 1 and 2, Wednesday from the Adam’s Family, and of course our very own BFG. 

Following this our pupils were then challenged to take part in some investigative work as they looked to identify the secret readers behind the books. Check them out here and see if you can name which members of staff are enjoying each book.

With the return of our ‘Guess the Book Shelf’ competition and the chance to use their World Book Day voucher it has been wonderful to share the joys of reading with our pupils and promote the importance of reading for fun.

Alongside World Book Day, each tutor group in KS3 has been challenged to see how many texts they can read from around the world. They will be travelling around the world through a variety of texts; from America, Asia, Europe, England and Australia. This will hopefully give pupils a wider understanding of different countries. They can do this through a variety of texts (and audio books!).

comic relief

Comic Relief at Etone

This year we are excepted to be holding our Comic Relief fund raising events on Friday 24th March. This is to ensure that all of our pupils get the chance to be involved in some of the great events we are holding.

Since September 2021 we have raised over £5,000 for good causes, £2000 since September 2022. With the current climate being what it is, the donations we can make are even more important. That is why we are asking, if you are able to, support these initiatives in any way possible:

– Non-uniform day, the theme for the day is Bright Colours and the more red the better. We are suggesting a donation of £1, whatever you can afford to give would be greatly appreciated. Donations will be collected on the gate upon entry to school.

– Bake Sale, at break time in the Hall a selection of Kiplings, Cadburys and others will be on sale for donations to be made by pupils, all funds going to the cause.

– Staff vs Students Basket Ball, with the record 2-0 the Sixth Form are looking to avenge their previous efforts and get on the score board. We invite all pupils to donate and join us on Friday 24th in the Sports Hall at 3pm.

In addition to the event we will be raising awareness, sharing some Red Nose Recipes and giving pupils the chance to engage in challenges and activities across the day.

All support is greatly received.


In the News… Again

Once again we were humbled to be featured in a recent edition of the Nuneaton News in an article relating to Etone’s efforts in remembering those who have lost their lives and been impacted by the Holocaust as part of Holocaust Memorial Week. It is extremely important to remember the atrocities that occurred during the Second World War as we work together to ensure these events never happen again.

We are therefore proud to be featured with our pupils showing how Etone plays its part in recognising the importance of remembering and educating ourselves in the experiences those who were involved would have suffered through. Keep your eyes out for future news stories in the Nuneaton News and if you want to find out more about our efforts to support National Holocaust Memorial Week read here:


Matrix Academy Trust Talent Competition

Do you have a special talent you wish to showcase at our next big live event.

You will have the chance to perform on stage in front of a live audience in Birmingham at Millennium Point in their state-of-the-art theatre on Thursday 20th April 2022.  Whether it be singing, dancing, juggling, stand-up comedy or anything and everything in between, we want to see all your wonderful talents.

How to enter:

  • Have one of your performing arts teachers record your performance (or film it yourself and email to your teacher). 
  • A snippet of your performance can be submitted, please do not worry about submitting a performance in its entirety. 
  • Your teacher will be able to submit your performance video to the Matrix judging panel.
  • Finalists will have the opportunity to perform at our next big trust event and some school events this year. 
  • Solo entries and group entries are welcome. 
  • Submit your entry by 4pm on Wednesday 15th March.  

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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