
Black History Month Menu

This term our pupils have been celebrating Black History Month as part of our wider  Personal Development curriculum. Our pupils have had the opportunity to explore some of the most culturally significant events through; form time activities, assemblies and in their History lessons where there have been keen focuses on historic events surrounding the black community. This is an important aspect of Etone College as it underlines our key Etone Values, namely ‘Be Supportive’ and ‘Caring’. Our pupils have shown respect as they develop their understanding of the past and work together to have priced in a fully collaborative future.

As one of the final events of our celebration we are excited for Friday 20th October’s special menu from our Etone Bistro:

So check it out as your taste buds explore some truly fantastic, cultural dishes.


Always Learning

This week our ECT Mentor team met up to work collaboratively on developing their use of coaching models.

During the session the team had a chance to discuss the progress their Early Career Teachers had made since the start of term. In this short time there has been a lot of learning going on both inside and outside of the classroom. Even for our experienced mentors, they recognise that every day is a learning day. This allowed for a very enjoyable and informative discussion in order to further support our ECT’s.


World Mental Health Day

As part of our support and awareness for World Mental Health Day students took part in activities all week during break time.  The students put all Etone’s Top Tips into action and fun was had by all. Etone College’s 5 Top Tips are – Connect, Take Notice, Get Active, Keep Learning and Give. 

Students had the opportunity to learn something newtake notice and connect with others while working together making Twiddlemitts and colouring positive affirmation postcards. Our Wellbeing Ambassadors will be giving these to the local hospital and local care home. 

Throughout the week Miss West and Miss Goode asked students to give positive affirmations messages for The Success Centre’s Positivitree. The tree is part of many resources that can be found in the Success Centre to help students take notice of their own mental health. 

Friday breaktime, students also attended Mrs Price’s weekly just dance where they got active dancing during breaktime. Just dance is a popular breaktime activity and always well attended. 

It has been a fabulous week raising awareness for World Mental Health Day and we would like to thank all the students that gave their breaktimes to support the activities. 

The Mental Health Team!


In the News for the 20th time!

This week Etone College was featured in the Nuneaton News once again, this time to share the success of our Music Mark Award and for raising over £470 for Macmillan. Check out the latest edition to read more.


Etone WBA Female 8 – 2 Streetly Academy 

In a historical moment for the Etone Football Education Academy in partnership with West Bromwich Albion the female side started their first game together on Thursday 12th October. Before the match the team were asked to start on the front foot and show a very attacking approach. Make the pitch as big as they could and use the space created effectively. A fantastic start saw the ladies 2-0 up in the first 10 minutes. Understandably the intensity dropped as the ladies became more comfortable which in turn allowed the opposition to break and pull a goal back. However conceding reignited that intensity and seen the ladies go back on the attack adding another 3 goals before the break to go in 5-1 up. 

The message at half time was clear…. keep up the intensity but remember to stay focused defensively. The ladies stuck to their task adding a 6th early in the second half before settling down, keeping possession and being more patient. A little rotation in player positions to test the ladies adaptability didn’t alter the flow of the game and a 7th goal was added. A lapse in concentration allowed the opposition a second but was met almost instantly with an 8th for a newly formed girls side.

Full time 8-2 and a happy start to the season

A very good attacking display from our young ladies that on another day could of scored even more!


Tara x4

Libby x2

Molly x1

Ava x1

If you please see any of the players around College please congratulate them on a very mature performance 😊


World Mental Health Day

In celebration for World Mental Health Day our pupils had the chance to take part in sessions such as; mindful colouring, making twiddle mits, postcards and bookmarks for the local hospital and care homes and getting the chance to have a catch up with friends and staff.

After school our staff took part by attending our Tea and Talk event complete with cake where staff were able to enjoy a drink and some sweet treats after a successful Tuesday.

Remember to stay on top of your mental health and check out our mental health page: Student Wellbeing


Attendance Matters

Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October marks the first of our Attendance competitions of the year. We are passionate about ensuring pupils recognise the importance of excellent attendance. Recently a report published by the Department for Education showed that where pupils had excellent attendance across KS3 and KS4 their progress was one average double those who would be classed as consistently persistently absent (less than 90%).

As the cold weather comes in we aim to motivate all of our pupils to ensure they are attending each and every day. As a result we are sharing our attendance competition now to encourage pupils to dig deep, no matter what and make the most of their educational experience.

To that end we have three ways that pupils can be rewarded during the final week of term:

  1. Form Time Competition: Highest average attendance for a Form across the week will receive a special breakfast with Mr Smith during the first week back after half term.
  2. 100% Attenders: All pupils with 100% for the Half Term will get a free breaktime snack, so the final week will be imperative to achieving this reward.
  3. Last Week 100%: Everyone with 100% attendance across the final week will be entered into a prize draw for vouchers which will be drawn on the first week back.

Our attendance competitions are always extremely successful and we would like this one to be no different. So make sure you are part of the competition and gaining your jigsaw piece each and every day.


Music Mark School 2023-2024

At Etone College we strive to ensure that pupils get rich cultural experiences in all areas of the curriculum. Therefore, it is very pleasing to announce that we have been invited to join Music Mark as a Music Mark School for 2023-2024. This prestigious association strives towards helping schools to provide the very best in music education. Something that we at Etone are deeply passionate about.

As you will be aware there are a number of hugely talented musicians at Etone including; singers, guitarists and even a harpist1 these pupils have opportunities to engage in their love of music both in high quality lessons, extensive extracurricular opportunities and supporting professional music lessons. 

In order to be invited, a school it is expected to deliver high quality music education CEO Bridget Whyte has informed us “

Our vision is for there to be accessible and excellent musical learning and engagement in and out of school, for all children and young people, which inspires and enriches their lives.”

We are further delighted to discover that Warwickshire Music were the nominators for the entry, who we have worked with on multiple projects including for a concert with the King’s Singers/Armonico Consort.

We are very proud of this success and would just like to thank all of our pupils, staff and families for their support with music and the wider school life.


Themed Menus

We are delighted to launch our themed menus for 2023/24 off the back of our very successful new menu for the academic year. 

These special days are an opportunity to celebrate events, festivals and cultures from around the world across all of the Matrix Academy Trust schools. Not only will these provide pupils with a wide range of food experiences but will also compliment our Personal Development curriculum and Theme of the Week.

Watch this space for more updates on our menus and the wonderful food that we will be offering as part of these events.



On Thursday evening our Year 11 pupils had the amazing opportunity to go and watch Macbeth, performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company in Coventry.

This was a special event for our Year 11 pupils as they work towards their mock exams and ultimately their GCSE exams. Seeing the play live from the RSC was a real treat and the best thing to help the story to come alive.

As always our pupils were fantastic showing their respect and showcasing all Etone Values, with staff complimenting us on exit.

We look forward to exploring the story more as pupils prepare. Don’t forget to attend your intervention session Class of 2024!

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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