Admissions 2026-2027

Etone College is consulting on plans to increase the number of school places it can provide.

Matrix Academy Trust is supported by Warwickshire County Council and plans to increase the Pupil Admission Number (PAN) from 150 to 180 with effect from September 2026.

There are no plans to change the current admission criteria.

The consultation will run from Monday 14th October 2024 until 3.00pm on Monday 4th November 2024.  If you wish to submit a response about the proposal then please email by 3.00pm on Monday 4th November 2024.


Gardening Club

We have made bird feeders for around the school site (these have already been popular with the local wildlife.) This week we planted some self watering peas and repotted some strawberry plants.


CCF Promotion!

What a great week for the cadets so far. Last weekend saw some 15 cadets join other members of the Trusts CCF units for a multi activity camp at Barr Beacon School. Junior cadets learnt basic fieldcraft and camped under canvas for Saturday and the seniors got to shoot on the sir rifle range and took part in more advanced fieldcraft tactics. On top of all this our very Corporal White got promoted to SGT. We had some great contingent drill practice last night and our last “catch up “session were completed for our leading and first-class cadets. Badges will be issued shortly.


Prefect Team 2024

Introducing our Prefect team for 2024! These pupils are the epitome of what it means to be a student leader and Etone Learner. Despite having some very clear goals for the year, these Year 11 pupils take time out of their schedule to be role models for all in the school.

So far this year our team have; undertaken their training, supported the opening of the new build, helped Year 7 pupils transition to Etone and supported us as ambassadors for the school during open evening and other events. We look forward to working with this elite group across this year. Class of 25 Prefects!


National Poetry Day

‘Cool’, ‘amazing’, and ‘exciting’ were just a few of the words which Etone pupils used to describe their sessions with Damani Dennisur on National Poetry Day (3rd October 2024).   Damani’s performance poetry was exciting, dramatic, and engaging for years 7, 8, 9, and 10 showing them how relevant and impactful poetry can be.

Some workshops included poetry writing, feeding creativity and encouraging pupils to express their ideas.  Eric and Autumn, Year 7 were particularly pleased with their poems and enjoyed sharing them with Damani at breaktime in the library.

Dark tonight,

Falls of sun light,

Stars fall into each other

As the darkness of space welcomes skyfall.

Eric, Year 7

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Damani back to Etone in the future.


Macmillan - Biggest Success for Etone yet.

On Friday 4th October Etone College hosted their biggest Coffee Morning yet. The event was held to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support as our first Charity event of this academic year.  As you are aware, Etone with the help of our Community Champions, take part in lots of events and initiatives to raise fund and show support to a number of local and national causes. Last year we were proud to take our total to beyond £10,000 since September 2021 setting a school record. 

This year we have set the target to reach £15,000 by the summer. As a staple of our Autumn term we like to invite our Year 7 parents into the school to join in with the fun as they eat cake and drink coffee whilst getting a chance to catch up with their child in the school environment. It was lovely to see how our pupils were able to convey the importance of the event and how it showed active citizenship, underpinning our Etone Values including caring. One parent describe the event as “a great way to introduce ourselves to the school. Supporting a very worthy cause and giving us a chance to see how good it is here for my son.” With plenty of cakes on offer our parents were also generous with their donations and we are pleased to say we raised a total of over £400 and counting, a record for this event.

During the morning two other special events took place. First of all it was the first full performance of our Etone Choir and School Band. The pupils had been busy rehearsing and played a full set list including some classics form the Beatles, a very heartfelt rendition of Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen followed by their finale, a performance of their rendition of the Four Chord Song as made famous by the Axis of Awesome.  

The other event which has to be mentioned was the Etone Bake-Off. With Mr Clinton hoping to clinch the win for a second year in the row the competition was rife. We had some truly amazing entries and some special guest judges from our Matrix Central team to boot:

Paul Hollywood – Mr Evers (Deputy Headteacher)

Prue Lieth - Mrs Goodyear (Matrix Trust Governor)

Alison Hammond – Miss Newsome (Matrix Trust Central Team)

Noel Fielding – Miss Sandilands (Head of Sixth Form)

Matt Lucas – Mr Smith (Headteacher)

We would like to thank all of our parents, staff and pupils for being involved and look forward to the next event.


Carding Mill Valley

On the 1st October, 83 Year 11 Geographers headed to Carding Mill Valley in Shropshire to complete their GCSE fieldwork. We managed to leave behind the rain in Nuneaton and had a lovely day investigating the river environment. Pupils completed investigations into the river depth and width as well as the sediment shape and size, all of this work will help pupils to answer the questions in their Paper 3 for Geography.  It was great to get out into nature and enjoy some fresh air even in October! We had a fantastic day and the pupils joined in with enthusiasm and were a real credit to the school. 


Community Champions

Something to Shout About

On Wednesday Mr Bowley met with the newly appointed Community Champions for the first time this academic year. After reaching a record setting £10,000 in three years at the end of last academic year, the sights are set on achieving something truly amazing this year. Not only is charity important, but with the global and national picture showing fractured communities Etone College is dedicated to supporting all and bringing people together. With the underlying Etone Values this is something we believe passionately in.

To mark this the plans for the year are truly special. With the upcoming Macmillan the first focus as we look to build on our previous success and potentially crown a new Bake-Off champion. However, in February we are excited ot be hosting residents from local care homes for our Partnership Pancakes as we celebrate our 50th birthday.

Once pupils had discussed the logistics of the year, it was time for them to receive their badges. A little-known fact is that the large size of the Community Champions badge stems form the fact that our champions have the biggest hearts around. Or at least, that’s what Mr Bowley says. Well done to all of our new and existing champions as we look forward to the year ahead.


Introducing our careers ambassadors 2024-25

This Week Mrs Barlow met with the Careers Ambassadors for the first time after successfully applying for their roles. This leadership opportunity is a cornerstone of Etone College as pupils who are eager to promote the importance of careers and support by being role models in their engagement with our Employability Skills. Often our ambassadors are the first in their year group to achieve the Employability badge for a specific skill and the first to achieve all four in a year.

Across the calendar our pupils support themselves and others, attending training from external providers and guiding their peers through the world of careers at Etone College. This programme compliments the full package of careers and this first meeting was vitally important in setting the targets for the year and plans moving forward. A big well done to all involved. We look forward to working with you as we enter Etone’s 50th Year!


Summer Reading Challenge

A stunning 82 pupils engaged in our Summer Reading Challenge this year, with an amazing 66 receiving their bronze reading award!  Well done to everyone involved, reading makes such a huge difference to your education and should be highly valued.

On Friday, 27th September, we drew our prize winners for the 'Summer Reading Challenge Bonus'.  Our winners were Laila-Madison and Lotus from year 7 who both won books.

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Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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