
Children In Need 2024

Over the course of this week our pupils have been busy considering how they show active citizenship as part of our Theme of the Week assemblies. Hand in hand with our Attendance Matters week the pupils have been focused on what they do to impact and support the community around them.

From our Year 11 Prefects to our Year 7 Student Council Reps our student leadership roles enable pupils to take an active part in the development of Etone College, helping to support our local and wider community.

As part of the assembly pupils had the chance to thank our Community Champions who were very well received as they described their role in supporting Etone with our community mission.

The assembly was also an opportunity to highlight some of the events that will be taking place on Friday 15th November in support of Children in Need. During the day pupils are invited to wear non-school uniform and donate a suggestion of £1, provided they come fully equipped for a normal school day (including their PE kit).

Well done to all of our Etone pupils for showing their active citizenship and ‘Being Supportive’ as they showcase our Etone Values.


Parent Reading Session

We were delighted to welcome so many parents to our 'Supporting your Child to Read' session on Tuesday evening.  Described by parents as, 'very informative', 'an excellent session providing some very useful information', and 'an excellent presentation which covered all of the key reasons why reading is so important and gave parents/carers great information and ideas in which to support our child.' we can't wait to see Etone pupils engaging in even more reading including collaborative reading at home.


HPA English Primary

On Friday 18th October, we had 15 incredibly enthusiastic Year 6 pupils from Wembrook Primary School join our Descriptive Writing Workshop with Miss Benfell.  Pupils enjoyed looking at the Myth of Icarus, which warns us that sometimes parents know best!  They were then guided to write some wonderful paragraphs, using some ambitious vocabulary and sophisticated language techniques such as personification (Miss Benfell's favourite).  The session ended with some well-deserved orange juice and flapjacks and of course they couldn't leave without their certificates and bookmarks.  A special shout out to our fabulous Year 12 Literature students, Dalida and Hanna, who supported pupils throughout the session.  Pupils left feeling excited and were heard saying 'it was amazing'.  


Reading Round Up

We are pleased to announce that the Library at Etone College reopened at the start of this academic year. Pupils have been really excited about being able to once again come in delve into the shelves of their School Library. The books are now all back where they belong and pupils are able to see the wide range available for them to borrow including a huge selection of brand new novels.

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Reading Page


Guess the Shelf

At Etone we encourage a deep culture of reading. As part of that our challenges are key to developing keen young readers.

To celebrate this we have asked our staff to share pictures of their book shelves. See if you can guess whose shelf is whose.


Themed Bistro Calendar 24/25

Introducing our 2024-2025 Themed Bistro Calendar. Each year our catering teams across the trust do a fantastic job of helping to support our Personal Development curriculum with some truly innovative menus focused on celebrating key events across the year.

The next speciality menu is of course our celebration of Black History Month and flavours inspired from the cultures across the world. Join us on the 24th to enjoy something a little different.

Female reporter at press conference, writing notes, holding microphone

Help Your Child Revise

On Wednesday night we had our biggest attendance ever to an online parent session as Mr Bowley hosted that latest edition of KS4/5 Help Your Child Revise.

Each year we take the advice and requests from parents to further enhance our sessions. This year was no different with the feedback being overwhelmingly positive and supportive of the school.

Across the session there was an opportunity to share some subject specific strategies and ideas to support parents with helping revision for A Level and GCSE courses.

The parents in attendance were, as always, engaging and made the session an interactive one. With the chance to communicate some key goals it is well recommended to all parents to attend our future sessions.

Find out more on our sessions here:


In the News Again! 

Check out the newest edition of the Nuneaton News to see how we have had an impact in our community with our MacMillan Coffee Morning.

Check it out this week!


World Teacher Day

On Saturday the 5th October Etone College staff and pupils celebrated the work of our teachers in honour of World Teacher Day. The day marks the achievements and impacts teachers can have on our lives. To support this pupils and staff completed thank you notes to each other. Don’t forget to reach out to those in your life who have taught you, no matter in what capacity.


Time to Talk

On Tuesday our staff turned out in force to support one of our Mental Health Day initiatives with our regular ‘Time to Talk’ event.

Held once a term, it is an opportunity for teachers, admin and support staff along with care takers, technicians and any other proud member of the Etone staff body, to head to D0-1 and grab a coffee and cake.

The aim of the session is a simple one, provide a space and time for people to meet up and catch up. It is especially nice to see staff from across the school mix and share anecdotes of the day, debrief from the busy term and of course have the chance to smile and laugh.

As always everyone was in high spirits and the delicious selection of cakes were soon well depleted. As staff returned to their bases to continue their amazing efforts, it was a special time to reflect just how important our team are not only to our pupils but the wider Etone community. A big thank you to all of our staff always! Whatever job you do!

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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