Carding Mill Valley

On the 12th November, the first half of our Year 10 Geographers headed to Carding Mill Valley in Shropshire to complete their GCSE fieldwork. We managed to find a dry but windy day, with the leaves on the ground and a chill in the air there was a festive feel to the project. Pupils completed investigations into the river depth and width as well as the sediment shape and size, all of this work will help pupils to answer the questions in their Paper 3 for Geography.  It was great to get out into nature and enjoy some fresh air even in November! We had a fantastic day and the pupils joined in with enthusiasm and were a real credit to the school. 


Poppy Power

This year our Cadets once again braved the wind and rain as they raised funds both in school and in the town centre by selling poppies. Across all of the sessions the team collected £112.04 from the school and £214.68 from the town. This has helped raise the total from Nuneaton to over £55k. 


EEE Project

On Tuesday, 5th November, we launched 'My Project with Etone Exceeding Excellence participants.  Pupils from Years 7 to 9 were buzzing with ideas and have plans to investigate questions like, 'Does the truth exist?' 'Should cars be electric?' 'What do you need to do to publish a book?' 'Does your environment impact how you act?' 'Does the British prison system prevent crimes?' and 'Should footballers earn as much as they do?'  Our next session will be focussed on research and we can't wait to see what they find out.


Remembrance Service

Our pupils and staff have been considering remembrance. Each year, as a country, we join to consider the sacrifices and efforts made to protect our British values. Throughout conflicts over the years, the men and women who have given their all to ensure our individual liberty and freedom of speech remain intact.

On Friday 8th November, Matrix Academy Trust held their annual trust wide remembrance service. A small contingent of cadets and staff from each of schools joined together, this year hosted by Wednesfield Academy. Whilst any parade is a spectacle of respect to behold, this one particularly hit home the unity that encompasses Great Britain. All our schools joining together, each represented by model student leaders to show their respects.

As the parade began our CCF commanders were joined by Lord-Lieutenant Derrick Anderson CBE, as the sovereign’s representative for the West Midlands, for the event. Lord-Lieutenant Anderson joined our CEO, Headteachers along with other dignitaries to view the exemplary collection of cadets who had turned out with immaculate uniform.

Following an inspection, the traditional poem ‘In Flanders Field’ was read out as Sixth Form pupils from Wednesfield underlined that ‘We will remember them!’. With the last post playing the attendees, school and Trust observed a two-minute silence to pay respect to all of those who have sacrificed for us.

We are so proud of our cadets, and everyone involved for emphasising the importance of remembrance.


Nuneaton Remembrance Parade

On Sunday 10th November our cadets represented Etone, the CCF and the Matrix Trust at the Nuneaton remembrance parade. The event is always well attended and represented from clubs and military groups all around Nuneaton.

Extra special as it is only the second year our troops have been able to attend, carrying on a new tradition for Etone. As you will be aware, cadets share the same values as those of every other Etone member. By showing their respect, turning up immaculately and laying our reef that y have shown Support, Courtesy, Caring and their own integrity.

As each year passes and other world conflicts continue, it becomes even more important to reflect on those who have fallen for our British Values including Individual Liberty.

A big thank you to all who turned up to support the troops and the parade/ service. We will remember them.


Anti-bullying Week 2024

As parents and carers we all want our children to be happy and safe, and it is natural to worry about bullying - particularly if we have experienced bullying ourselves or think our child may be more vulnerable to bullying. The good news is you are not alone! The Anti-Bullying Alliance and its members are here to work with children, families, and schools to help keep children safe.

Every November schools throughout the United Kingdom take part in Anti-Bullying Week. This is an opportunity to spotlight bullying and consider the steps we can take together to stop it. Anti-Bullying Week 2024 will take place from Monday 11th - Friday 15th November, with the theme: Choose Respect.

With our Etone Values we pride ourselves on our pupils being caring, supportive and showing mutual respect. These are character traits that we encourage each and every day at Etone College. We are also a Telling School and encourage our pupils to talk to a trusted adult if they are ever concerned about themselves or a peer. For Anti-bullying Week pupils will be receiving assemblies, taking part in form time activities, wearing their Odd Socks on Monday 18th November and taking part in random acts of kindness as part of World Kindness Day.

As a parent or carer, you are a vital piece of the puzzle in tackling bullying. You have a unique role to play in guiding and supporting your child through their school years and there are many positive steps you can take to help keep your child safe from bullying and harm.

If you are worried about bullying and need some advice or support you can contact the Kidscape Parent Advice Line. You can find out more on the following link http://www.kidscape.org.uk/


Cadets Poppy Selling this Weekend

Some of Etone’s CCF cadets were out supporting our heroes and assisting the Royal British Legion selling poppy’s in Nuneaton Town centre at the weekend.

This helps raise awareness of the meaning or Remembrance and also assists our local community.

Well done to everyone who took part.


Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 6th December we are delighted to once again be supporting Save the Children as part of our community outreach initiative.

Over the past two years our pupils and families have done amazing things to raise funds for local causes and national charities, edging ever closer to our £15,000 target.

We are therefore delighted to announce that Friday 15th December marks our traditional Christmas Jumper Day. As part of this event pupils are invited to donate £1 and wear a Christmas jumper instead of their blazer. All of the money raised will go towards Save the Children, looking to support individuals in real need.

Last year we raised over £300 and we are hoping for a similar amount again.

We encourage all appropriate Christmas jumpers and can’t wait to see what festive cheer you have in store. Mr Bowley already has his prepped to go!

Please remember that it is uniform as usual and where there are infringements these will be treated as usual.


Toy Drive 2024

Every year, the Salvation Army organise a toy drive within Nuneaton community to collect and distribute presents for disadvantaged children, to help them celebrate Christmas. All donations are gratefully received and ensure Christmas joy is spread to those who are experiencing hardship. Children aged between 0 to 16 years of age are supported in this toy drive.

Etone College are actively participating in this by challenging forms to co-ordinate and donate as much as they can. There is no expectation to buy new goods, although this is welcome. Still boxed and packaged toys, nearly new books and boxed toiletry gifts are being donated by both students and staff to support the Salvation Army and to show students what a difference they can make to the community by engaging in active citizenship. All unwanted gifts are in perfect condition to become the perfect present for a child or teenager in our community. 

All form members and form representatives will be given house points for donations and organisation of donations. House point records will be made by form tutors and Heads of House and the winning form in each year group will win a class prize. Most importantly, our toy drive will show how positive an Etone Learner is in engaging with active citizenship via teamwork, communication, organisation, initiative and showing how caring and supportive they can be. Donations need to be taken to the stage on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th December to ensure they are taken to the Salvation Army.


Food Bank 2024

This term Etone College students have really shown Active Citizenship and highlighted the Etone Values with; raising money for Children in Need, and celebrating remembrance. However, it hasn’t stopped there. Each year we collect food on behalf of a local food bank to provide some basic essentials and festive treats to those around Nuneaton who are in need of a little Christmas spirit.

It is at this time of year that we are incredibly thankful for what we have and spend time considering those in less fortunate positions. So we are asking for donations to the Nuneaton Foodbank, which do a fantastic job of serving the community and making sure the food and items get to the people who need it most.

If you are able to take part please bring your food in on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th December and give it in at reception. The list of accepted items are on our poster. Our fantastic Charity Committee will be taking the food on Monday 8th December to the Foodbank to do the handover.

Thank you to all of our amazing Etone pupils, parents and staff in advance.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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