

On the final week of term our pupils were once again showing their support for E-Safety week and Safer Internet Day. This year the theme and focus was on ‘Encouraging Change’. As the famous quote goes ‘be the change you want to see’. This was highlighted in an ever-changing technological environment through pupils attending an assembly hosted by Mr Bishop, as they looked at the changing scope of the world with particular focus on the benefits and potential threats from Artificial Intelligence.

Supporting and celebrating these initiatives are an important aspect of the Personal Development here at Etone and give our pupils the chance to develop into the full rounded citizens that embodies the Etone Learner.

To find out more about our Etone Learner, Personal Development curriculum check out this link here:

For more details on the Safer Internet initiative check out this link here:


Time to Talk

On Tuesday our staff were invited to join our next instalment of Time to Talk. As a school we recognise the importance of wellbeing not just for our pupils, but our staff as well and encourage them to join us for a cuppa and a biscuit. Each time we are impressed with the turn out and this time was no different. As a special treat Miss Fernandas offered us the chance to create out own imprints, making many of us feel like world class artists. It is these kinds of events and the values held by our staff which makes the Etone Community what it is. A big thank you to all staff who supported through attending and especially to Miss Stafford and the team for organising.


EGGcellent Attendance

On Monday 18th March we start our Easter themed attendance competition – EGGcellent Attendance. During the week we have issued the challenge to all Houses and Form Groups to have the highest attendance during that week with prizes on offer each day for pupils attending.

Recently the Department for Education released the staggering statistic that on average the last week of a half term reduces in attendance by 15%. This is a large portion of the academic year totalling 30 days, equating to 150 lessons. With courses and curriculum content and skill heavy, it is important that pupils understand why attendance matters across the year. Therefore we encourage our pupils with our competitions and underlining the message of excellent attendance at any point.

As you will be aware, the best way for your child to make use of the opportunities at school is for them to be present each and every day. By being in school they are exposed to our enriched curriculum that ensures each and every pupil makes progress and prepares them for a successful future.

The competition will begin on Monday with a prize draw each day of the week for pupils who attend. This will culminate on the final Friday where three lucky winners will receive:

  • Shopping voucher
  • Luxury Easter egg

Over the course of the week we will be updating each group as to their attendance and promoting them aim for 100%. The form group with the highest average attendance will be invited for a special breakfast.


New York Diaries

Day 1:

On the first day of our expedition to New York the Etone contingent gathered in the car park at 3am. With blurry eyes and pre-breakfast smiles, there was sleepy enthusiasm as the group made the way on coach to Terminal 5 of Heathrow Airport. The drive was over quickly with the empty roads and arrived at our first destination.

Thankfully a fairly speedy check in process led us to the departure lounge. For some pupils it was their first time in an airport, which was a delight to see he wonder and excitement on their faces. We can only apologise for Mr Bowley’s instance to apply examples to the Business Studies world at every point (top marks for passion though Sir). It was also here where Team Dame Elizabeth Cadbury joined us for the ride.

After the boarding call for flight BA175 all pupils settled in for a safe and speedy journey. With highlights including entertainment from Barbie to Oppenheimer (with one pupil who shall go unnamed, watching both…TWICE), to enjoying snacks and sharing stories of what we hope to find in New York spirits were high.

After the arrival lounge, a quick bus ride took us to the Manhattan at Times Square. The beautiful hotel is nestled slightly off Times Square in a wonderfully picturesque part of the city. Pupils had the chance for a quick pit stop before the afternoons events.

A simple walk up 10 blocks (sounds less then it felt), we arrived at Summit 1, a building called the Vanderbilt, a 73 story skyscraper opened in 2020. As pupils made their way through the slightly scary tunnel and into the lift they did not quite realise the wonder that awaited them. For the views of the Empire State, the skyline and the entire city were…Astonishing. We have to say that no amount of words will do justice to how relaxing and awe inspiring the view was. Along with the view and photo opportunities pupils got to experience some relaxation methods including their balloon room, where the teachers were perhaps unfairly, the targets.

As we rounded out the day it was time to go to the TickTock diner for a traditional American cuisine experience. With foods from the staple burger and chips, to the Italian-American en parmigiana. The food was delicious and a nice end to the day. 

With pupils all settled and tucked up in their beds, the teachers dispersed ready for Day 2.

Day 2:

On the second day of our New York adventure, our pupils got to explore some of the landmarks of American history. After breakfast at the hotel, we traveled on the subway for what would be their initiation as a New Yorker. We have to say that the way our pupils navigated through the process was impeccable. 

Upon exit we arrived at Battery Park, the location of Castle Clinton and our ferry for a tour of Liberty Island and Ellis Island. The breeze from the Hudson was refreshing and the views – breathtaking. To see New York at is best, with the sun shining as we reflected on our time so far in the Big Apple.

Upon arrival at Liberty pupils had the chance to explore the island, history and of course take some iconic Statue of Liberty selfies. The statue itself was another breathtaking moment to see her in all her beauty, a symbol of strength and freedom not just for America but the world. One pupil even made the link to American vales and British values, summing up the similarities between the two nations.

The ferry then took us on where the pupils got a chance to see Ellis Island and reflect on how those immigrating to America would have felt, on a boat in a similar position. The gift of hope and a chance to build your own dream.

Upon arrival back to Battery Par, we enjoyed a lunch stop at a very speedy McDonalds, we arrived at the World Trade  Centre. The views of the building were stunning as it rose into the sky, however what sat behind them was the destination for a very emotional and poignant visit. The 9/11 Memorial Museum was built following one of the most tragic events of the century. As impressive as the site was,  it was hard to detach the feeling of sadness that echo’s around the area.

For many 9/11 was a day that would never be forgotten, as staff shared what they were doing on the day of it. For the pupils in our group, they of course were aware of the event but not perhaps the full gravity before the visit. The introduction all video in the centre looked to provide summary of the events on that fateful day. Pupils said after, they could not quite believe how big an event on that scale could be. Touring the exhibits was of course heartfelt and we are proud to say our pupils showed Etone Values being respectful and reflective throughout.

Finally, the day rounded off with a visit to the Hard Rock Cafe where we enjoyed an American feast before walking back through Time Square in all of it’s glory. With excitement in the air, the pupils departed for bed and to prepare for tomorrow with the all important shopping trip.

Day 3:

The day once again began with the sun shining down on the beautiful city of New York. As a special treat we made our way to Bubba Gump Shrimp, the restaurant inspired by the business from the classic Forrest Gump. Whilst shrimps were off the menu, the guys got the chance to dig into bacon, eggs and potatoes for a hearty American breakfast.

After filling ourselves up and exploring the restaurant, it was time to head in Central Park. Once again the full bursts of the city was prominent as we explored the surrounding area before our pupils had the special treat to – Ice Skate in park. With a range of confident skaters to first time novices, the highlight of course was Mr Bowley’s hilarious first steps on the ice. 

After a stop off in Times Square for lunch, we headed over to 34th Street for the worlds biggest department store…Macy’s – Where we were literally shopping till we dropped. Souvenirs, presents and of course treats for ourselves were the order of the day. The magnitude of the store and surrounding areas really is something to behold.

Finally, our evening meal at Dallas Texas Barbecue was served with pupils tucking into delicious foods including corn bread. As our pupils departed to their rooms to pack ready for what the final day holds.

Day 4:

As we looked to enter our final day in New York City, our pupils had the chance to grab a Starbucks before heading out to walk the high-line. The route gave us a chance to walk along the historic tracks and view some truly great sights of the city.

Onward from there, a visit to the Grand Central Terminal allowed us to view the iconic location in full glory. Pupils taking the chance to complete some prime photo opportunities.

Finally there was time for one last shopping visit to Times New Square where Sephora, Urban Outfitters and Pele were the key targets. Of course with funds running low and energy used up, we returned to the hotel for final checks before the bus to the airport.

As time drew to an end on our New York adventure our pupils had the chance to reflect on key memories, highlights and the friendships forged through this cross trust collaboration.


Are you Etone College Alumni?


If you’re a former student of Etone College, we want to hear from you!

Your experiences since leaving could help to motivate and inspire our current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their future. We’d love you to join our Alumni Network and stay connected with the school.

We’ve partnered with the national education charity Future First, who specialise in helping schools like ours to stay connected with their former students. 

You can choose how and when you help – perhaps you can act as a career and education role model, provide work experience or become a mentor in person or online.

To sign up, just follow this link and fill in the online form – we promise it will only take a couple of minutes

We look forward to hearing from you.


Year 9 Pathways

Welcome to the Year 9 Pathways 2024.  Your child will receive their pack including their booklet outlining each course from 19th February.  Please read the booklet and make your choices on SIMS Parent App from 1st March.  Deadline for choices is Friday 8th March.

There will be a parent information evening on Thursday 29th February.

Any questions please email Mr Chauhan.


Anti Bullying Ambassadors

I am pleased to introduce the successful applicants for Etone College’s Anti Bullying Ambassadors and I look forward to working with them as part of our team. We will be working together in order to keep the legacy of Princess Diana alive as we work towards a Diana Award for Etone College. Some of our ambassadors would like to introduce themselves and why they became involved in this project…

“Hi I’m Jessica and I applied to be an anti bullying ambassador because nobody deserves to be bullied.” – Jessica Parnell

“Hello, my name is Faith. Bullying is one horrible things on this Earth that millions have experienced.” Faith Lees

” My name is Raahil, I hope to carry on the legacy of Princess Diana and try my best to prevent bullying; Diana once said ‘I dont go from the rulebook, I lead from the heart, not the head”‘ Raahil Khalifa

“Stopping bullies makes us stronger” – Faith Dean

“bullying can be through verbal words and cyberbullying” – Mason White

“my goal is to promote empathy and kindness, making a positive impact in our community” – Erisa Rai


Boys Mental Health

Well done to Team Mental Health this week for another great session to support and promote boys mental health. Important for all, boys especially can find it hard to access support for mental health. This initiative does some really important work on making sure our pupils are supported.


Turing Trip – Italy

On Tuesday 23rd of January, 50 pupils from the Matrix Academy Trust travelled from Gatwick Airport for a trip to Rome with the Turing Scheme. The Turing Scheme is a government initiative that fully funds a range of international opportunities for young people to go abroad and experience different cultures around the globe. Pupils who participate in this scheme are selected via criteria provided by the Department for Education.

After a smooth journey and arriving at our hostel, we made a swift departure to our first activity. Our group of 55 tackled the metro for the first time and walked our way to “Aroma Ostia” where our host school met us for an Italian cooking masterclass. During this class, our Chef taught us how to make pasta from scratch, along with the art of producing “carbonara” sauce, a dish that was born in Italy.

Throughout the week our mornings consisted of a rotation between groups, some taking themselves back to ancient Rome by visiting the Colosseum, some visited Castel Sant’Angelo which was commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum, and some visiting our Italian partner school learning about various aspects of their culture including music, literature, fashion and food. One group even took part in an inclusion workshop raising awareness of disabilities.

After lunch, our pupils came back together and started their week by being trained as true gladiators at the gladiator school. This included a fitness assault course, practicing and testing a variety of fighting techniques before our Empress (Ms Callanan) would decide their fate. Pupils also opened their mind into the “museum of dreamers” experiencing an adult-size ball pit, various illusions and not to mention beating their fears (literally). Our afternoon of imagination delved deeper into Vigamus where pupils were led on journey of time on the evolution of video games. Our sightseeing continued when strolling down the Spanish Steps to the renowned Trevi Fountain before dining in a local restaurant.

Our final few days were spent zipping through the trees of Rome at Eurpark High Ropes. It was incredible to see the number of pupils who overcame their fears and pushed through their limits to reach new heights before we caught the train to the shores of Ostia, where some pupils even dipped their toes in the sea! Mount Vesuvius was our next destination, with a 20 minute hike up to the viewpoint at the top of the volcano and a further 5 minutes to the crater. Pupils were in awe of the beauty of the bay of Naples, before seeing the steam being produced out of the dormant volcano. Having learnt about the history of Vesuvius, our next stop was the Herculaneum, a UNESCO heritage site which was covered in volcanic ash and rediscovered during excavations in the mid 18th century.

We couldn’t have left Rome before visiting the Stadio Olimpico, home to football clubs Roma and Lazio, and currently hosting the six nations! Following this, we took a trip abroad whilst abroad by visiting the Vatican City, the world’s smallest country! This tour included a visit to the Sistine Chapel, famous for papal ceremonies and used by the sacred college of cardinals.

Our week in Italy was spent experiencing various aspects of culture, encountering many new experiences and bringing more of our students together to create stronger connections.

Our pupils share their thoughts:

“The trip to italy was really great. I am very happy to have had the chance to go on a trip like this for free and have made so many friends in the process. I liked the rooms at the hostel, and how stress-free you guys made everything by everything being so organised and how there was a diverse range of things to do. The metro and bus rides were good, and got less busy due to good planning. Some things that we did that I thought I wouldn’t enjoy I turned out liking such as the school visit. The children there were lovely and despite the struggle communicating with some words, it was fun talking to them about what their life is like and comparing ours together. The museum of dreamers was my favourite because it was unlike anything I have ever done before. It was a unique experience which helped me with insight and keeping an open mind. I liked seeing the sights such as the colosseum, the Herculaneum and museums like the Vatican, gaming and the dream one. I liked the Vatican and the castle a lot because it was nice to see religious artefacts and art that I have always wanted to see. Thank you for the opportunity and choosing a great city like Rome.” – Alfie

“This trip to Italy was amazing, I’m so thankful I’ve had the opportunity to go to such a great place and it being free! Thanks to Ms Callanan, Mr Kendall, Mr Aspinall, Ms Thomson, and Ms Thompson. This week has been really fun and I haven’t felt this happy in ages! 10/10″ – Dylan


National Memorial Arboretum Visit

Today, 210 cadets & staff from our schools visited the National Memorial Arboretum as part of their historical and social enrichment package within the Combined Cadet Force. 

Thank fully the weather was clear and all of our cadets enjoyed learning about the various monuments situated around the grounds. 

We would like to thank members of the Wales & West CCF Test Team for supporting the visit, and the staff of the National Memorial Arboretum for hosting such a large group of us.

Contact Info

Secondary School
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T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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