work experience

Parent Workshop Work Experience: The Event

On Wednesday 23rd November we hosted our second Parent Workshop of the year. This time the focus was on Supporting Pupils with Work Experience in Year 10 and 12. Once again we had fantastic turnout for our first virtual event of the year. 

The session aimed to focus on how we as a collective (home and school) can support pupils in securing high quality placements, the logistics and guidelines for placements and considering how we can best support the placements to ensure they have a meaningful impact.

All those who attended found it incredibly interesting and helpful and we are once again bowelled over by the words of support from you regarding Etone College as a whole.

At Etone we are extremely proud of the hard work our team, headed by Mrs Barlow, put into ensuring we have an extremely high quality package of careers support. We are sure you will remember our award of the Quality in Careers Standard, achieved in February this year which highlights the high quality of the programme in place for pupils. As we are the only school currently in Nuneaton and the 2nd in the Warwickshire area to receive this standard, it makes the achievement even more prestigious.

If you were unable to attend lasts nights session please do not be disheartened. You can find all of the materials  including letters and guidance for work experience here:

Additionally we would like to invite you to watch the recorded session here:

Just a reminder that for all Year 10 and 12 pupils work experience will take place during 17th-21st July 2023.


University Experience Day

Our students attended a university experience day at Coventry University.  Whilst there they participated in various interactive workshops including, Engineering, building a spaghetti structure Biology, extracting DNATravel and Tourism, selecting products and a design task Policing, looking at the course and equipment used by the police Computing, examining different platforms for web development Early years education, educational games and play The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive and they really enjoyed the experience.


Careers Fair Triumph

Each year at Etone during the Autumn term we hold our Careers Fair. This is an opportunity for local and national employers to descend on our campus and show our pupils what the world of work has to offer them.

It is clear that in the times we live, strong prospects are important to ensure our pupils are competitive and go onto the prestigious destinations they seek. Therefore, it is never too early to start thinking about the future. This is something we were particularly impressed with when it came to our Year 7 pupils. Despite not having the experience of the fair before they conducted themselves with the utmost respect and decorum which really impressed our visitors.

For our Year 11 pupils there was food for thought when considering the next steps. With local colleges and apprenticeship programmes there was a chance to explore what these would have to offer. Of course, it was fantastic to see the high level of interest from our pupils for our own Sixth Form and Football Academy.

Across the fair, our pupils had the opportunity to talk to organisations and employers from a vast spectrum of industries including:

Warwickshire College Group
Coventry College
Etone College Sixth Form
Etone Football Academy
Loughborough University
University of Leicester
Coventry University
University of Birmingham
De Montfort University
Warwick University
University of Bath
Midland Group Training Services
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centre
McLean Restaurants Ltd T/A McDonald's
Puregym Nuneaton
British Army
Royal Air Force
Royal Navy
West Midlands Fire Service
Warwickshire Police
Local Health and Care Careers Hub
Compass Connect for Health - School Nursing Service
Marsh McLennan
Deeley Construction
Willmott Dixon
Triton Showers
Family Law Consultants
Barr Beacon SCITT

Whilst it might not be possible to put each individual we would like to thank all of the organisations for attending and the kind words regarding our school and pupils. Without your involvement each year it would be hard to make the event the success it is.

Finally, a big congratulations to Mrs Barlow and Miss Moore for putting on such a great event. You have excelled yourself this year!


Quality in Careers Standard

We are thrilled to announce that Etone College has been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard.   This means that we join an elite group of 166 secondary schools & colleges accredited in the UK, in holding this award. We are especially proud to be the only accredited school in Nuneaton and the only secondary in the Warwickshire area.

By holding the national Quality in Careers Standard, our parents can be assured that we provide pupils with careers support which is of the very best quality.

To achieve the national award, our Careers programme and support has been assessed by the awarding body in line with the rigorous criteria set. Assessments are made against national assessment criteria, fully incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks for “Good Careers Guidance” and schools are tasked to evidence how their careers programme positively impacts their pupils futures. 

As holders of the Quality in Careers Standards have also shown that our careers provision:

  • has strong leadership and overview from the Head Teacher, the senior leadership team and the governing body
  • has effective training for staff involved in planning and delivering the careers programme
  • is inclusive of all pupils and students

Employers, as well as further and higher education providers, must be involved in the programme to increase students’ understanding of a wide range of options, routes and providers of apprenticeships, internships, colleges, and universities.

Although we are of course very happy to share this achievement we have always strived to offer the best careers guidance to our pupils, regardless of circumstance.

If you would like to discover more about our fantastic careers provision please check out our careers page here:


Etone Careers Fair 2022

On Thursday 17th March we were overjoyed to welcome over 20 local employers, colleges and universities to the first post-pandemic careers fair at Etone College. Across the day all of our pupils had an opportunity to go around the stalls and gather information, ideas and of course the occasional freebie in order to support them in considering their next steps when they move on from Etone College.

All year groups from our Year 7’s at the start of their Etone journey to the Year 13’s who are nearing the end, engaged in the festivities as they found out about careers and paths in a wide variety of industries and subjects including:

  • RAF
  • Careers Hub
  • Etone College Sixth Form
  • Army
  • Nuneaton Fire Service
  • Domino’s Pizza
  • Royal Navy
  • Coventry University
  • Birmingham City University

It was especially good to see one of our Etone alumni in Sam Evans, who returned to host the Careers Hub stall during the event. Sam who completed his GCSE’s in 2019 has shown resilience, despite the pandemic, as he nears the end of his apprenticeship and is on his way to becoming a qualified radiographer with the NHS. It just shows that hard work, dedication and self-belief have led to Sam being able to achieve his dreams. Sam was also kind enough to reflect on his own experiences as a pupil at Etone. “The advice that I got from the school was really good. It helped me understand the path I wanted to take, what decisions I had to make and have a clear focus moving forward. I knew exactly where I was going to go and when to make sure I get the career I want.” We wish him all of the luck Etone has to offer and a very successful career.

Finally it was great to have a returning visit from NCS (National Citizen Service) who hosted a stall to showcase what they do. Nearly 50 Etone pupils have already signed up for their summer residential programme with more to follow in the coming days.

As always we see the value in guiding pupils towards the careers as early as possible to ensure they remain strong in a competitive job market. If you would like to find out more about our career support at Etone check out this link:


Parent/Carer Support Sessions

At Etone College we are committed to developing a partnership with parents/ carers and supporters of our pupils that shares mutual respect and the shared aim of ensuring our pupils progress in everything they do.

With the start of the New Year we have been so excited to welcome our parents and carers into school for our Parent/ Career Support Workshops. The goal of these workshops is to look at one element of school life in each, and consider how best our pupils can be supported both in school and at home.

On Wednesday we began this journey with our first session on Supporting your Child with Reading and Homework. Over the course of this session attendees were introduced to some key strategies to encourage children to read, develop their writing and build confidence in their oracy skills. In addition there was an opportunity to share some of the principles behind homework at Etone College. With those present taking part in discussions around how best to tackle homework at home and get pupils to see the value it holds.

Throughout the session those attending were able to ask questions, discuss ideas and access support from the homework and literacy leads. Following the session all parents and carers were extremely positive about the experience and are eager to return for our next session.

In a post pandemic world it has never been more important for schools and home to communicate and build a strong relationship built on the shared goals of supporting pupils to succeed in all they do. We at Etone are really looking forward to growing these sessions and to seeing even more friends of Etone in the coming months.

The next parent support session is set provisionally for Wednesday 2nd March and will be on Helping your Child Revise, with a focus on KS4. Please follow the link below to book your place:


Warwickshire Police Cadets

Warwickshire Police Cadets is a volunteer scheme for young people who wish to be part of a programme that offers an opportunity to gain a practical understanding of policing and develop their spirit of adventure and good citizenship.

Recruitment is open from 1st January to 28th February 2022, the application form can be downloaded from Warwickshire Police website from 1st Jan 2022. To download the application go to Warwickshire Police website, press the career tab and then the cadet tab to download the application form.

To be eligible to become a Warwickshire Police Cadet you must live or go to school in Warwickshire and be aged 13 to 16 years old on or before September 1st 2022.

The aim of the scheme is to support Warwickshire Police's strategy of engagement with young people throughout the force area.

Cadets support local policing priorities through volunteering, working with partner agencies and positive participation in their communities.

They take part in a variety of activities including self-defence training, law inputs, marching, fitness, team building, role playing and Outdoor events.

Cadets can gain an insight into police life through talks by guest speakers from different departments and agencies and by taking part in local community policing events.

Police cadets are a family where discipline, friendship and team work are all important.

If you become a police cadet, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that as a young person you are making a difference to your community and developing yourself for any future career.

In return we ask you to commit to attend the weekly meetings and commit to voluntary hours per quarter.

We have two units in Warwickshire, one in Nuneaton that covers North Warwickshire and one in Leamington Spa which covers South Warwickshire

The junior cadet scheme is for young people aged 13 to 16 years still at secondary school and a senior cadet scheme is for young people aged 16 to 18 years. To apply to become senior cadets you must currently be a year 11 student when applying and would be a cadet for 2 years, whilst you continue in further education.

Seniors Cadets aged between 16 to 18 years old meet every Thursday evenings in Nuneaton between 6.15 pm and 8.30 pm, we also ask that you do 3 hours volunteering per month as part of the scheme.

Junior Cadets aged between 13 to 16 years old meet every Tuesday evening in Nuneaton between 6.15pm – 8.30pm.


Careers Ambassadors

Last week our Year 8 ambassadors collected their bronze certificates for completion of training with the careers hub. Year 10 also collected their silver certificates. A massive well done to you all!


NCS This Summer?

All the info you need to grab your spot is on our website...just follow our QR code! But here’s a quick run down in case you can’t wait:


You know that buzz you feel when you nail something you thought was near to impossible? Imagine that, but for every day you’re with us. Throw in meeting a new crowd and still having some time to recharge and chill. Pretty great, right?


Student Careers Ambassadors

On Monday 15th November our year 8 Student Careers Ambassadors took part in their first training session with The Careers Hub. During the course of the morning the pupils were busy developing the skills required to fulfil their roles as an ambassador. The session on Monday focused on understanding the Gatsby Benchmarks, a set of 8 key elements which when followed provide a clear framework for careers progression for pupils, along with developing confidence and skills with public speaking. 

The pupils found the sessions really engaging and enjoyed every minute of it and are eager to put the training to the test in the coming weeks. The Careers Hub is an Organisation that helps schools across Coventry and Warwickshire by providing training, support and guidance to pupils.  ​Working in partnership with Etone, they have been into school for Careers Day, enrichment and continue to provide careers guidance along with our Etone Careers team and additional external providers. 

The Student Careers Ambassadors carry out a valuable role for our pupils in providing support to their peers, concerning careers and next steps advice as well as being shining examples of who an Etone Learner is showing the Employability Skills and Etone Values that encompass the school.

We look forward to the follow up training session where our Ambassadors will be looking at Career Goals and supporting others. 

Thank you to the Careers Hub and a big well done to all of our Ambassadors who will continue to receive rewards, including house points for the work they do. 

If you would like to find out more about Gatsby Benchmarks or the Careers Hub please visit their websites:

Careers Hub:


Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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