
Warwickshire Police Cadets Recruitment Evening

Warwickshire Police Cadets is a volunteer scheme for young people who wish to be part of a year programme that offers an opportunity to gain a practical understanding of policing and develop their spirit of adventure and good citizenship.

Recruitment is currently open from 1st January to 29th February 2020, the application form can be downloaded from Warwickshire Police website, under the cadet tab.

To apply to be a Warwickshire Police Cadet you must live in Warwickshire and be aged 13 to 16 on September 1st 2020.

The aim of the scheme is to support Warwickshire Police’s strategy of engagement with young people throughout the force area.

Cadets support local policing priorities through volunteering, working with partner agencies and positive participation in their communities.

They take part in a variety of activities including self-defence training, marching, fitness, team building, role playing and Outdoor events.

Cadets can gain an insight into police life through talks by guest speakers from different departments and agencies and by taking part in local community policing events.

Police cadets are a family where discipline, friendship and team work are all important.

If you become a police cadet, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that as a young person you are making a difference to your community and developing yourself for any future career.

In return we ask you to commit to attend the weekly meetings and commit to voluntary hours per quarter.

We have two units in Warwickshire, one in Nuneaton that covers North Warwickshire and one in Leamington Spa which covers South Warwickshire.

The cadets have 2 sections, one junior section for Cadets aged 13 to 16 years. The   senior section is for cadets aged 16 to 18 years, you would apply to become a senor cadets if you’re currently a year 11 student and would be a cadet for 2 years.

Why not attend our recruitment drop evening on 29th January 2020 at Holiday Inn Express, Bermuda Park, St David’s Way, Nuneaton, CV10 7SD between 18.30 and 20.00 hours. This is an opportunity for students and parents to find out more about the scheme, meet the leaders and some cadets if who wish to attend the recruitment drop evening sign up to the event on our Facebook Page.

Seniors Cadets aged between 16 – 18 years old meet every Thursday evenings in Nuneaton between 6.15pm and 9.00pm, we also ask that you do 5 hours volunteering per month.

Junior Cadets aged between 13 – 16 years old meet every Tuesday evening in Nuneaton between 6.15pm – 8.30pm.

To apply to be a Warwickshire Police Cadet you must live in Warwickshire and be aged 13 to 16 on September 1st 2020

You can contact us at

You can also follow us on Facebook (Opens in a new window) or Twitter @warkscadets


Languages Trip to Lille

Last Friday saw two coaches full of students headed across the channel for the world-famous Lille Christmas Markets, a couple of hours north of Paris, which were nothing short of spectacular again! Fortunately, the weather was kind to us in the end, and although it was cold it was nothing that delicious hot chocolate couldn’t fix. In fact, we were spoiled for choice in terms of food and drink offerings, with students (and staff!) indulging in crepes, waffles, macarons, and traditional French cheeses!

The trip gave pupils the opportunity to explore how Christmas is celebrated in France and to use their French language skills in a native environment. Another wonderful day was had by all and it really kick-started the festivities for us!


Students Win Life-Changing Mentor Scheme

Four students from Etone College in Nuneaton have been selected to take
part in a life-changing mentoring scheme with a world-class athlete mentor. The students have been chosen for the AQA Unlocking Potential programme, run by the exam board and education charity AQA and the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust.

The young people will be mentored by former Paralympic Skiier, Anna Turney. Etone is one of 20 schools selected to take part in this year’s programme AQA Unlocking Potential provides mentoring for young people aged 11 to 19 who have faced personal challenges or disadvantages.

Students are paired with specially trained mentors who have competed at world-class sporting events – including the Olympics and Paralympics – and have overcome their own significant personal challenges. Anna Turney will provide personal mentoring for the students over eight months to help unlock hidden attitudes and skills. They’ll also help the students to deliver a social action project towards the end of the programme.


Scholastic Book Fair

Our latest half-price book fair has been a record-breaking success with cash sales of over £500! Grabbing bargain books priced as low as £1.50, students also took advantage of half-priced stationery, posters, diaries, note-books and photo frames. New books were on offer from Ransom Riggs, Anthony Horowitz, Andy McNab, Malorie Blackman, Michael Morpurgo as well as new celebrity authors such as Alesha Dixon and Roman Kemp!

Also popular were the latest 2020 gaming and football books, Disney Twisted Tales, and books associated with TV and Netflix shows such as Riverdale and the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Classic literature was also popular from authors such as Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Arthur Conan Doyle and Arthur C Clarke and Robert Louis Stevenson.

As usual, each book fair comes with the opportunity for students to win a free book by entering a competition. All year 7 and 8 students were given a library lesson to complete this and thoroughly enjoyed re-writing the song The Twelve Days Of Christmas. There were some very worthy entries with popular themes including fast food, politics, gaming and the latest gadgets! Congratulations to the following pupils who won a free book: Dylan 7C1, Jamie 7C1, Harrison 7G1 and Eve 7D1. Additionally: Tara 8P2, Mohammed 8P2, Yasin 8G1, Hishaam 8P2, Isa 8D1, Uzair 8D1, Tony 8C2, Roman 8P1, Mariam 8P2 and  Evie 8D1.

Our next fair will run in the beginning of March; corresponding with World Book Day week, with more new books on offer! Don’t miss it!


Children In Need

On Friday 15th November Etone held a fundraising event to support BBC Children in Need. All students were given the option to wear non-school uniform along with the staff. A cake sale was held in the hall and students were asked for a donation depending on the size of the cake, the doughnuts were by far the most popular. A massive thank you to all students, parents and carers who donated cakes, the cake sale was very popular with staff and students alike.

One of our year 11 Sazia showed off her creative and artistic skills with her
Henna designs, this was very popular with our female students and some beautiful designs were created! Mrs Dyde on reception supported Children in Need by running the duck race for staff and the winning duck was Beakwell Tart, closely followed Breadie Mercury; congratulations to Miss Dalal & Mr Gardiner. Etone College are proud to announce that we raised a grand total of £1,097.19 for BBC Children in Need; thank you once again for all your support.


Careers Day 2019

On 24th October 2019, for the second time, we held a whole school Careers Day. Once again, the aim of the day was to inspire pupils’ exploration of career opportunities and offer advice and guidance for their future career choices.

Etone follows The Gatsby Foundations ‘Good Career Guidance’ which states that “good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them. At Etone, we work hard to promote impartial careers advice and guidance to our pupils and our Careers Day covered many different genres of careers and encouraged aspirations for all.

Year 7

Year 7 spent the day attending talks and workshops with a number of different companies including the Police and Fire Service and also discovered the world of manufacturing, hospitality and games design. Pupils were treated to a visit from a police car as well as demonstrations from the fire service, a web quest and designing a new computer game!

Year 8

Pupils in Year 8 took part in CCF workshops learning about the different aspects of the RAF and understanding more about being a part of CCF in school. Some pupils also had the opportunity to work with Wilmott Dixon, our Business in the Community partner, on some tailored projects.

Year 9

The West Midlands Ambulance service joined us for the day, offering demonstrations, techniques, careers advice and information about joining the service. Pupils were also able to take a look around the fast response vehicle and ask lots of questions about life as a paramedic. Pupils also received talks and information about roles in engineering and project design.

Year 10

Pupils were given lots of opportunities to spend time working with representatives from local universities, landscapers, computer engineering and driving ambitions. Lots of skills were taught and advice given about all the different roles available to pupils should they wish to follow a career path into these areas.

Year 11

The theme for Year 11 was next steps and all pupils in school were given a Careers Interview with a member of the Senior Leadership team. They had to complete an initial form of their skills and aspirations before embarking on their interviews. These were highly successful and we have been able to direct pupils to opportunities that have since become available. Following the interviews, pupils were invited to attend groups of discussions with Coventry University, Newman College University, Driving Ambitions and a unique opportunity to discover studying abroad. The final task for Year 11 was to experience lift in Etone Sixth Form and ask lots of questions about their pending applications. A selected number of pupils were taken offsite to visit the University of Birmingham for an in-depth look at how a university operates and what they can expect.

Year 12 & 13

Year 12 pupils had experiences with university representatives, with a particular focus being on UCAS applications and university life expectations. There was also some sessions with engineering and RAF representatives as well as an opportunity to work on their personal statements.

Year 13 were taken offsite to experience life at De Montfort University in Leicester with the focus being transition to university, time management and experiencing life at university.

The Careers Day was a huge success and pupils had a plethora of opportunities and wealth of information to assist with their future career choices when they finally leave Etone College.

We are already very excited about hosting our 4th Annual Careers Fair on 19th March 2020 which will allow a further opportunity for pupils to meet with prospective employers, apprenticeship providers and further education establishments to discuss their futures and careers aspirations.

We also look forward to running another career day in the near future.


Remembrance Week

Students have been respectfully engaged in Remembrance Day activities in the library. All pupils had the opportunity to look at a wall display of local areas affected by the Blitz and were stunned to discover they lived near affected areas and still recognised them. Students read the Blitz Remembrance booklet and recognised streets and roads that were a part of their daily lives. This brought home to them the tragedy of entire families lost during the bombings of Nuneaton, Bedworth and Coventry. Some pupils also consulted with family members to verify that they were linked to some names and were relatives. Furthermore, they were humbled by the Nuneaton Book of Remembrance which lists all fallen Nuneaton soldiers of World War One. Pupils respectfully researched the documents and also

read replica copies of World War Two newspapers. Wall displays around the library also featured cross-curricular information and posters relating to both World Wars including subjects such as science, food technology, maths, history, geography and life-long learning. Of particular interest was a typical week’s ration for a family and also well-known brands advertised during the war; such as Cadburys, Coca Cola, Birds and Kelloggs, which are still available today.


Marcus Jones MP Visit

On 11 October 2019, our Sixth Form had the opportunity to host our Nuneaton and Bedworth MP Mr Marcus Jones. As part of our Life Skills Program and commitment to British Values, the theme across our main school and sixth form for the week was “Individual Liberty and the Freedom to Vote”. It was such an opportunity for our students to finish the week being able to discuss both individual and national concerns with our own representative in the Houses of Parliament.

After a brief tour of the Sixth Form, Mr Jones gave a short presentation followed by a question and answer session with our students. The questions were wide-ranging from, “What made you interested in politics to whether he supported a hard stance on Brexit. Many of the Sixth Form will be eligible to vote in the next election and this time was important for them to start the process of engaging with the political process and exercising their democratic right to be part of it

Daniel Dewar, Head Boy said: “My family recently made the decision to leave South Africa and relocate to the UK. I had grown up there but my parents who are of British origin wanted us to come to Britain. It is days like today that make me feel that I can have a voice and will be listened to. I now feel more confident in being able to speak out about issues that are important to young people.”

What really impressed the students was the fact that Mr Jones grew up in Nuneaton and attended local schools. Apart from the ‘political discussion’ the fact that someone from this area can be part of the country’s decision-makers and have a successful career is important to them. It gives the strong message that ambitions and aspirations are achievable with hard work and dedication. Etone College thanks to our MP sincerely for his time and efforts with our students. It has left a lasting impression and above all that their views and opinions matter.


Year 11 Prom 2019

On Friday 28th June 2019, around 80 of our Year 11 pupils enjoyed a night to remember at their end of year prom, which was held at the prestigious Coombe Abbey Hotel in Coventry. Family, friends and staff eagerly awaited the arrival of our guests, who turned up in a variety of vehicles, from retro camper-vans to top of the range supercars.

Once the sun had gone down, our newly announced Prom King and Queen were responsible for setting off the firework display. A great night was had by all and we would like to thank our Year 11 guests for their impeccable behaviour on the night.

A highlights reel and photos from the evening can be found below.


Year 13 Prom 2019

As I sat watching these young people all dancing together on the dance floor it strongly came to my mind that this was the end of a chapter in their lives and the start of a new one. Many of them had been with us from Year Seven and like the caterpillar, could almost be overlooked in the array of lots of them, with too big blazers and shiny new shoes.  Looking at the glitz, the sparkle, the glamour of our young ladies and the smart suave assurance of our young men they truly looked ready to spread their wings and fly to their next adventures.  Destinations were varying, universities the length and breadth of the country, apprenticeships and jobs in many different sectors. The transitions for them at times scary but also exciting.  Without a doubt, each of them is ready for the steps into their places in shaping the future of us all.   As staff we looked on and felt renewed and revitalised to see them ‘ready willing and able’ to face new challenges. Each confident face knowing for certain that through their hard work, perseverance and commitment that aspirations can be achieved.

This was also a poignant time for us in the Sixth Form as it was Mr Mitchell’s last Prom. The staff and students thank him for his hard work, dedication and vision and wish him the very best for his next position. There is no doubt fancy dress will be a prominent feature of that College! To him and our departing students, we look forward to hearing of their successes and have every confidence that they will be assets to their next establishments.  One final thought, to them and as a reminder to us all, ‘ You must be the change you wish to see in the world.‘  Dr King

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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