
Safer Internet Day 2021

On Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we will celebrate the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day with actions taking place right across the globe. With a theme once again of “Together for a better internet”, the day calls upon all stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people.

Read on to find out more about practical ways in which you can get involved in the celebrations. Whether you are a young person, a parent or carer, a teacher or an educator, a policy maker, or whether you represent an organisation or industry, everyone has a role to play in creating and maintaining a better online world.

And, noting the global reach of the Safer Internet Day campaign, on this site you’ll also be able to discover more about the planned actions of European Safer Internet Centres, global Safer Internet Day Committees and a range of organisational and industry supporters – we’re progressively updating profiles for the 2021 campaign, so please check back often for the latest updates.



For Years 7-9 Step into the NHS Competition

Students are challenged to research and choose an NHS career that interests them. Once chosen, they create materials to promote it, starting with a job description to capture key responsibilities, along with any qualifications, skills and experience needed.

This learning is then used to create a fun and lively job advert to appeal to their peers. Deadline – 30th April 2021 – students need to submit entries to careers@etonecollege.co.uk  

The link to the competition can be found here: NHS careers and jobs schools competition for KS3 (stepintothenhs.nhs.uk)


Careers / Work Experience Opportunities

Year 11: Careers interviews have moved onto Teams you may receive an invite from Amanda Joseph. Please accept this and let your teacher know via email why you have missed their lesson.

Year 10: Think Higher sessions have moved onto Teams. Please expect an invite from Jamie Ormes if you are a member of Think Higher.

Ensure you join your lesson then at your appointment time. You can click on your calendar and join your appointment. This will place your lesson on hold and you can click resume and rejoin your lesson when the appointment is finished

Willmott Dixon are offering a free online WEXP opportunity to Years 10 and 11. Please follow the link below for more details and apply ASAP if you are interested. In the current climate, virtual work experience is extremely important and we encourage students to grasp such opportunities

Etone Sixth Form – Applications for our sixth form next year are still open. Please contact Crussell@etonecollge.co.uk or Lpetch@etonecollege.co.uk for more information. Application forms can also be accessed via the sixth form section of our website. www.etonecollege.co.uk/sixth-form/

Our in school reward systems are still running during the lockdown period we encourage all pupils to earn rewards during Teams lessons.

Feedback from the careers interview process has been collected this week.

All students said the interviews had been a good experience. Some are yet to apply for places on courses or jobs on leaving school so I wish to encourage everybody to discuss this with students and start to ensure applications are completed.

Careers Competition Winners – these pupils have each earned 5 House points each. Well done!

Overall Winner: S.Darleston

  • A.Isak 7P1
  • J.Gavin 7G1
  • O.Gurung 7P1
  • P.Carmichael 8G1
  • P.Holdaway 8D1
  • C.Grimbley 8C1
  • J.North 9G1
  • D.Burkett 9P1

Christmas Card Competition

Create House competition for students to showcase their creativity and skills in Art and design which was to design a Christmas card that represented our school and featured the Etone College logo. There were some excellent entries received. These designs were then sent out as an electronic Christmas card to contacts of the school.

The winners were:

  • H.Kimberley – Year 7
  • G.Knight – Year 7
  • A.Barriga – Year 8
  • E.Clay – Year 9

Huge congratulations to our winners who have all won a Christmas themed prize!


Covid Safe Careers Day!

On October 22nd, 2020 we held a Covid safe careers day event.  Several outside speakers attended following all guidance to enable our students to have access to a variety of careers and HE and FE providers.  Key Stage three students took part in a variety of events including a STEM activity, which was well received and a business design challenge.  Thank you to Marriott Hotel group and Willmott Dixon who delivered bespoke sessions on the day.

In Key stage 4, we enabled students to explore apprenticeships, careers in the armed forces and uniformed services as well as the RAF.  Students also attended a session about the sixth form at Etone and various colleges in the area.  By popular request, the Landscape gardener also attended and visited groups during the day. 

Sixth form students had the opportunity to explore apprenticeships and HE.  The football academy met with football managers and people within the sport. 

Think higher and the careers hub were also in attendance to enable selected students to continue with their training. 

Feedback from employers and students has been positive.  Employers have complimented us on the safety aspect and the engagement of our students.  The students themselves stated that the day was informative and has helped them think about future carers and the links between our employability skills and the careers they may wish to follow.   The Careers Hub is using Etone as an example of good practice in the current Covid pandemic and we were all delighted to still be able to provide our students with some hands-on experiences of careers. 


Careers Guidance Pupil Hub

We are excited to launch our brand new Careers Guidance Pupil Hub.

Pupils need to be prepared for the evolving working world and so, at the heart of our Careers Programme, is a focus on building up essential lifelong employability skills.

Visit our new website to access a wealth of careers guidance, designed to support both pupils and parents.

With our brand new resources, you can…

  • Choose a subject you love and see where it might lead
  • Explore your options for when you leave school
  • Gain valuable advice on applying to university, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Practice your interview skills
  • Discover alternative options like gap years or starting your own business



Literary Detectives

Year 7 have had an extremely exciting start to their English lessons at Etone College. After completing a two-week introduction to the dystopian genre, we have started to study the novel “Thief!” by Malorie Blackman. This book tells the story of Lydia, a girl who moves to a new school and is accused of stealing the Sports Cup. As a result, Lydia’s whole world is turned upside-down. Students have particularly enjoyed the range of expressions and emotions within the text. They have also found the idea of a child starting at a new school to be relatable, which helps to engage them with the text.

The students have been using ideas from “Thief!” to craft their own pieces of writing, ranging from diary entries to re-writing parts of the story.

The students are also taking their first steps towards becoming literary detectives, analysing Blackman’s use of language and how this creates certain ideas and feelings for the reader. Everyone is showing fantastic commitment and creating some superb pieces of independent work.

Away from “Thief!”, students have also been having weekly “library” lessons. While it is not always possible for these to take place in the school library, we still have an hour each week where students complete spelling tests and share the reading of the class book (Holes or The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas). Students have told their teachers that they really appreciate the opportunity to read “for fun”.


European Day of Languages House Competition

To celebrate European Day of Languages we held a Food House competition where students in Years 7, 8 and 9 were tasked with creating a cake that represented European Day of Languages or an individual European country. Due to Covid 19 restrictions cakes were baked at home and photographs of the bakes were sent in for judging. The standard of cakes was amazing and lots of entries were received. Mr Smith had the challenging job of selecting the winners who all won a prize and house points for their houses. Excellent work!


Lockdown Food Superstars

During the Lockdown school closure period, students showed excellent problem solving, initiative and resilience, several of our school Employability skills. They responded amazingly to work set online and soon my email box was full of images of creations that students had made at home! A range of new culinary skills were developed and other, existing skills were practised and honed. Students tried their hand at lots of dishes- such as family meals consisting of healthy eating ingredients, meals that used a maximum of 5 ingredients due to limited availability of ingredients, several cultural dishes such as tuna niçoise, tartiflette, fruit galette, then there was pavlova, mug cakes, pasta salad, blondies, victoria sponge cake and many more! Although many students sent in work and rose to the weekly food challenge there were a group of students who consistently applied themselves and sent work in every week- often trying out different variations of the same recipe.

These students were rewarded for their consistent effort and application with a certificate and prize when returning to school in September. The prizes were baking-themed to encourage students to continue to develop their passion for food and cooking at home. Students were given some recipe cards for some more complex dishes to further extend their skills. It has been great to see that these students have continued to send in photos of their work this term too including dishes that they have created using their baking equipment and recipe cards. Further prizes will be presented to students for excellence in Food this term.


Sixth Form Enrolment

Sixth Form enrolment for internal applicants will take place on GCSE Results day on 20th August. Following the collection of your results in your allocated time slot, you will have the opportunity to enrol with a member of the Sixth Form leadership team.

Sixth Form enrolment for external applicants will take place on Thursday 20th August between the hours of 12:30pm – 2:30pm. In order to enrol you into our Sixth Form we need you to provide the following:

  • A printed copy of your GCSE results 
  • A valid form of identification (passport or birth certificate)

Please ensure that you have these with you at the time of enrolment.

If you cannot attend on results day, there will be an additional opportunity for enrolment on Monday 24th August between the hours of 9:30am-1:30pm.

Enrolment will take place in the main Sixth Form block. Please report to the Sixth Form Reception entrance, located on the corner of Trent Road. Please also note that there will be social distancing procedures in place with a one in, one out queue system.

In order to enrol you into our Sixth Form we need you to provide a printed copy of your GCSE results. Please ensure that you have these with you at the time of enrolment.

We will look forward to congratulating you on your GCSE results and welcoming you to Etone College Sixth Form.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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