
Sixth Form Open Evening

On Thursday 25th November 2021 Etone College Sixth Form will be welcoming prospective sixth form students to our Open Evening event. 

This year we are thrilled to be able to welcome you back on site for the evening where, whilst following guidance to keep you safe, we will have the opportunity to showcase our amazing provision for Sixth Form students and detailing why Etone is the perfect place to prepare for your next steps be that University, Apprenticeships or the world of work.

Come and find out how we continue to build on the Employability Skills our pupils develop at KS4 to make the transition to next steps much easier. For example you can explore Communication within Marketing in Business Studies or how about Problem Solving in Maths, take a trip to the Sport department to discover how Resilience is built or how Organisation is used in creative subjects such as Art. 

There will also be opportunities to meet with current students, staff and leadership and discuss how Etone College could be the perfect fit for you. 

So let us welcome you on: Thursday 25th November 2021 – 5:30pm – 7:30pm.


Etone Summer School Report 2021

Etone College’s summer school ran from 9am- 3pm on Monday 9th  August through to Friday 13th  August 2021.

Invites were non-selective and all year 6 students attending Etone College in September 2021 were invited with parents opting in. 52 pupils chose to attend. Each pupil attended three daily sessions, each 1 hour and 45 minutes in length, covering a breadth of subjects and this included team building activities. They had a scheduled lunch slot of 30 mins between 12.45 and 1.15pm and a break from 11.15 – 11.30 am each day.

Pupils attended sessions in:

  • History
  • Geography
  • Physical education
  • Numeracy
  • Science
  • Literacy
  • ICT
  • Team building with our CCF
  • Food Technology

Aims of the Etone College summer school

  1. Allow pupil to familiarize themselves with the school before starting in September
  2. Support academic progress within subjects with pre-teaching of skills required in September.
  3. Allow pupils to interact with students from other primary feeder schools to build friendships and build confidence for their first day in September.

Click here to read more.


Careers Day 2021

For the final day of term we were able to host our annual Careers Day. Over the course of the day pupils across all years have had the opportunity to take part in activities that; prepare them for those next steps, consider the possibilities within careers and develop the key Employability Skills and values which are paramount to being an Etone Learner.  Pupils were able to enjoy workshops from Coventry University, Severn Trent Water, RAF, Albany Theatre Group, Coventry Fire Service, NWSLC, Etone Football Academy and ASK along with sessions prepared by our Etone Careers team.

The feedback from students has been extremely positive and they have all indicated that they have lead to them thinking about their next steps. Similarly the external providers were extremely impressed with Etone, our culture and most importantly our pupils with one presenter stating “The pupils at Etone are so polite, considerate and eager to think about their futures.

It has been a real pleasure and we can’t wait to come back next year!”The day showcased our Employability skills and allowed students to link these skills to future careers. Have a great half term!

Wall full of multi colored adhesive papers, Prague

Revise, Revise, Revise

This week our year 11 pupils have been busy developing their Employability Skills in conjunction with revision techniques. Following a series of assemblies in the build up to mock exams they are building their skill set to ensure they are exam ready. 

Across this week they have begun to create a revision timetable, taking in all of the advice to revise in small blocks of time, choose specific topics and consider the measures of success.

We have also looked at the various strategies they can use to revise such as: flash cards, mind maps, revision websites to name just a few. Remember when revising it is important to consider what works best for you and consider the advice such as:

  • Music is not always conducive to a revising environment.
  • Take short breaks where you give your mind a rest.
  • Exercise in between revision sessions is a great way to keep positive mental health.
  • Stay hydrated and have a snack on hand as hunger will impact your memory ability.

From the activities pupils are now invited to complete revision tasks at home and will be rewarded when these are shown to their form teacher – So get earning those House Points towards Prom!

If you would like to delve more into how best to support yourself revising, or are a parent/carer who would like to help your child revise please visit our revision pages by following this link:


Team Building and Communication Skills

On Thursday 23rd our newly appointed prefects completed the final part of their training with a visit to work on their Team building and Communication skills at Cliff Lakes Water Park. Whilst an undeniably fun day was had by the deserving cohort, there was a clear purpose to helping the team build their confidence in preparation for the challenges they will face in the oncoming year. 

Across the day the groups were tasked with overcoming the obstacles they faced, making it through each one as a unit and coming out the other side in record times. Head of Phoenix Mr Baggot was particularly impressed “The determination and initiative showed from the year 11’s is truly inspiring and I can’t wait for Team Phoenix and the rest of the houses to work with this amazing group of pupils to help ensure all pupils at Etone progress no matter what.”


Turing Scheme 2022

Matrix Academy Trust can proudly announce that we have been successful in two bids for the new Turing Scheme. We will therefore be able to offer experiences across all five Matrix secondary schools for 100 pupils to go abroad to experience life in Spain or Germany in 2022. The Turing Scheme replaces the Erasmus project, which, for many years, has supported pupils to travel, learn and study internationally.

We will shortly be opening applications for 10 Year 8 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Germany project and a further 10 Year 9 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Spain project. Our projects are planned to take place in Fulda near Frankfurt in Germany and the Costa Del Sol in Spain.

For the successful applicants this will be a life-changing opportunity: the chance to travel internationally, working alongside other pupils from the Matrix Academy Trust schools and meeting German or Spanish pupils. Pupils taking part will also take part in pre-mobility work between schools to learn about the host countries culture, language, food, schools and ways of life.

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International School Award

We are proud to announce that Etone College has been awarded the International School Award for 2021-2024. 

The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in international education. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need for life work in today’s world.

Scott McDonald, Chief Executive of the British Council, said: ‘Etone has earned this prestigious award through its inspirational international work and links with schools abroad.

The International School Award is a chance for schools to be recognised for their important work bringing the world into their classrooms. This is especially commendable when schools have been deeply affected by the global pandemic. The desire to build on their international work shines through and it is with upmost pride that we celebrate their achievements.  

By embedding an international dimension in children’s education, these schools are preparing their students for successful lives in the UK or further afield, empowering them to be global citizens, and are creating vital opportunities in an increasingly global economy.’

In order to achieve the award the Etone has showcased:

  • An international ethos embedded throughout the school
  • A whole school approach to international work
  • Collaborative curriculum-based work with a number of partner schools
  • Year-round international activity
  • Involvement of the wider community

It is a great way to start the 2021 academic year and a real achievement for all of our staff and pupils. Particularly the Modern Foreign Languages department and Miss Dunkley who have spearheaded our efforts at all time. 


Open Evening and Mornings

Open Evening will take place on Thursday 30th September 2021 5:00-7:30pm. Headteacher presentations will take place at 5:45pm and 6:30pm. No booking is required.

Open Morning – Friday 1st October – 9.30am-11.00am

Our Open Morning is always extremely busy, therefore to keep the flow of people moving and to minimise large gatherings, we are having staggered entry times.

Tickets MUST be booked in advance or you will not be permitted entry.  A ticket must be booked for every person attending including any children. As tickets are limited, please support us by booking only the number of tickets you need and keep your party as small as possible i.e. parents and their Year 6 child.

Please report to main reception upon arrival.


Enrichment Week

Students have taken part in a week long extravaganza of events.  Its has been great to see happy and engaged learners taking part in workshops and talks.  We have had sessions such as Sports with West Bromwich Albion, Army team building, rocket firing with the navy, RAF talks, Visits from universities and ASK apprenticeships.  It has been great to see all of our students engaging with employers and HE providers and has been a really exciting time and a perfect end to the year.  

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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