
Speakers Trust: Climate for Change Program

On Wednesday 1st December we were delighted to welcome the Speakers Trust at Etone as they delivered their Climate for Change program to a group of our year 10 pupils. The program is geared towards developing the public speaking, communication and listening skills of young people and empowering them to speak on a number of topics close to their heart.

Across the day pupils were given the chance to look at some of the worlds greatest speakers from Winston Churchill to Greta Thunberg, consider the key principles of delivering a strong speech such as using research and evidence to back up points and the strategies we can all use to tackle nerves and get our points across confidently. The pupils have really enjoyed the event with Declan saying “I feel that I have so much more confidence now in giving a speech. It has really helped me and I think it will be good for all of my subjects, especially MFL, English and Enterprise where I have to talk and give presentations.”

As the result of the day a number of our pupils have been entered into the national ‘Race to Zero’ competition for an opportunity to present their speech at a COP26 affiliated event in the new year. Two pupils Celastina and Amira have been entered into their national final with their speeches on Saving the Planet.

With the final event taking place on 27th January we are wishing them the very best of Etone luck.


Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day is a national commemoration day in the United Kingdom dedicated to the remembrance of the Jews and others who suffered in the Holocaust, under Nazi persecution throughout the Second World War. It was first held in January 2001 and has been on the same date every year since – 27th January

At Etone College each year we commemorate this day and as a school have; been fortunate enough to be visited by Holocaust survivors, who bravely relived their stories for our benefit, created our memorial which all of our pupils have contributed towards and prior to the pandemic, supported our pupils in becoming Holocaust Ambassadors, travelling to a concentration camp to experience first hand the horrors of the time.

Last week, Dr King and sixth form students (our Holocaust Ambassadors) led House assemblies to raise awareness of Holocaust Memorial Day. It also links into the Fundamental British Value which we promote at school of tolerance and mutual respect for others faiths and beliefs.  Pupils also completed form time activities last week to reflect on the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 and to think about what they could do to remember those that lost their lives.

It is heartwarming to hear the thoughtful words of our pupils as they consider the horrendous conditions, heartbreaking stories of families broken up and the importance of spreading the word to ensure similar events never occur again.


Christmas Reading Challenges

Christmas Reading Challenges

Congratulations to the following pupils who all received a £25 voucher for their Christmas reading.  Well done!

  • M. Bashir
  • B. Bailey
  • L. Bullens
  • S. Mustafa
  • P. Sharkey
  • A. Cirlan
  • E. Robinson
  • D. Mihailova

Reading at Etone

At Etone we know just how important reading is. Not only is it integral to developing our literacy and ensuring that we develop our Employability skills however, reading also allows you to broaden your knowledge, travel across the globe to different lands and time periods as well as discovering more about ourselves. The need to read is something we like to promote and weather that is in a lesson reading an article, case study or text or perhaps getting lost in your favourite read, we want to encourage you to get the most out of it. This term we will be finding out about our pupil and staffs favourite reads and what it is that ignites the passion to delve into literature. Let’s start by looking at Miss Stafford’s entry here.

Captain Correlli’s Mandolin, Louis de Bernières:

This book is set on the idyllic island of Kefalonia (Cephalonia) and I read this whilst on holiday there several years ago. I loved reading about the places that I was visiting and was even lucky enough to sees some of the locations for the film that followed the book.  The book is set in World War 2 and centres around the Italian occupation of the Greek Islands.   I love this book, not only because of its beautiful location and its historical context, but because it is a story about love on all different levels. It deals with the love of a daughter for her father and he for her, unrequited love, love that is against the odds but prevails and the love that people have for their homeland.  It was a book that I could not put down and have read many times since.  It is a book that you can get truly lost in.

At the start of the Christmas break  we launched our Extreme Reading Challenge where we invited pupils and staff to take pictures of themselves whilst on their adventures in the most extreme places possible. Although the competition has yet to be judged we would like to share some of the entries we have had so far:

Don’t forget to keep sharing your extreme reads with us and let us know what your reading.


Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 17th December our staff and pupils came together to raise money for Christmas Jumper Day in support of Save The Children.

In honour of the day our pupils opted to wear their festive favourites on top of their school uniform and pay £1 with the funds going to support the amazing work that charity does both in the UK and abroad.

With some truly worthy knitwear we have had everything from; pop culture triumphs such as Star Wars, Street Fighter and even Home Alone to timeless classics including Rudolph, Santa, Frosty and penguins. 

Unfortunately not everyone’s jumpers were what we were looking for with our own Mr Smith choosing to wear an appalling design featuring a team we have never heard of!

We would like to take this time to thank you sincerely for all of the support our pupils, staff, parents, carers and friends have shown us this year especially in our fundraising efforts and after the amazing £994 we raised for Children in Need we are overwhelmed to add £308 to our cash total for the year. Along with our Toy and Foodbank Drives we have together shown the community of Nuneaton and the surrounding area that Etone really is a school that cares.


Toy Drive Pic6

UPDATE: Toy Drive and Foodbank

This term you may have been following Etone pupils as we seek to show our active citizenship. Considering the core Etone Values with a focus on caring out pupils have taken part in lots of charitable and goodwill activities. 

In the run up to Christmas it was no different as we launched drives to collect toys and gifts on behalf of the Nuneaton Salvation Army and Food for Nuneaton Foodbank. 

The Salvation Army are global charity who, within this initiative, provide a little Christmas cheer to those around the world who may otherwise suffer during the festive season. Across the past few weeks pupils have brought in toys, games, books and trinkets that will make fantastic gifts for children and strengthen their belief that Santa never forgets a child. Mrs Elliot has been inundated with goods, even needing an overspill donation point to store them all. The Salvation Army have been especially impressed with Etone efforts describing them as “Truly incredible and heart-warming to see young people care so much about others. It really highlights our own values of caring and showing community spirit.”

The Nuneaton Foodbank are a local charity who provide those in our surrounding area with the basic food and toiletries essentials that we take for granted every day. Throughout our drive we have collected and have been overwhelmed by the amount of goodwill our pupils and parents have shown. Donations have included the essentials such as toilet rolls, tins of food and packets of biscuits but also luxury festive treats such as mince pies, puddings and chocolate which will surely go a small way to helping other feel the seasonal cheer. Quoting the Nuneaton Foodbank “It is heart-breaking to hear the stories of those who need help for the basic we all take for granted on a daily basis. Although we can only provide as much support as possible, we need as much help from others to get the job done. The pupils, parents and staff at Etone have been so generous it is great to see these young people doing their bit for the local area.”

Once again thank you to all of our pupils, parents, carers and staff who have donated and have a very Merry Christmas!


Warwickshire Police Cadets

Warwickshire Police Cadets is a volunteer scheme for young people who wish to be part of a programme that offers an opportunity to gain a practical understanding of policing and develop their spirit of adventure and good citizenship.

Recruitment is open from 1st January to 28th February 2022, the application form can be downloaded from Warwickshire Police website from 1st Jan 2022. To download the application go to Warwickshire Police website, press the career tab and then the cadet tab to download the application form.

To be eligible to become a Warwickshire Police Cadet you must live or go to school in Warwickshire and be aged 13 to 16 years old on or before September 1st 2022.

The aim of the scheme is to support Warwickshire Police’s strategy of engagement with young people throughout the force area.

Cadets support local policing priorities through volunteering, working with partner agencies and positive participation in their communities.

They take part in a variety of activities including self-defence training, law inputs, marching, fitness, team building, role playing and Outdoor events.

Cadets can gain an insight into police life through talks by guest speakers from different departments and agencies and by taking part in local community policing events.

Police cadets are a family where discipline, friendship and team work are all important.

If you become a police cadet, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that as a young person you are making a difference to your community and developing yourself for any future career.

In return we ask you to commit to attend the weekly meetings and commit to voluntary hours per quarter.

We have two units in Warwickshire, one in Nuneaton that covers North Warwickshire and one in Leamington Spa which covers South Warwickshire

The junior cadet scheme is for young people aged 13 to 16 years still at secondary school and a senior cadet scheme is for young people aged 16 to 18 years. To apply to become senior cadets you must currently be a year 11 student when applying and would be a cadet for 2 years, whilst you continue in further education.

Seniors Cadets aged between 16 to 18 years old meet every Thursday evenings in Nuneaton between 6.15 pm and 8.30 pm, we also ask that you do 3 hours volunteering per month as part of the scheme.

Junior Cadets aged between 13 to 16 years old meet every Tuesday evening in Nuneaton between 6.15pm – 8.30pm.


Year 10 Speakers Trust Workshop Day

On Wednesday 1st December we were delighted to welcome the Speakers Trust at Etone as they delivered their Climate for Change program to a group of our year 10 pupils. The program is geared towards developing the public speaking, communication and listening skills of young people and empowering them to speak on a number of topics close to their heart.

Across the day pupils were given the chance to look at some of the worlds greatest speakers from Winston Churchill to Greta Thunberg, consider the key principles of delivering a strong speech such as using research and evidence to back up points and the strategies we can all use to tackle nerves and get our points across confidently. The pupils have really enjoyed the event with Declan saying “I feel that I have so much more confidence now in giving a speech. It has really helped me and I think it will be good for all of my subjects, especially MFL, English and Enterprise where I have to talk and give presentations.”

As the result of the day a number of our pupils have been entered into the national ‘Race to Zero’ competition for an opportunity to present their speech at a COP26 affiliated event in the new year. We wish them the best of luck and again offer our thanks to Speakers Trust for a really good event. We look forward to hosting more.

More on the race to Zero competition here: https://bit.ly/3xILYZb


Sixth Form Open Evening: Report

On Thursday 25th November Etone Sixth Form opened their doors for the first post pandemic Sixth Form Open Evening. Despite the cool temperature we were thrilled to welcome a record breaking attendance to our new market place style format. 

With ever growing numbers in the Sixth Form and a new suite of subjects including; Accounting, Economics, Computer Science, Uniformed Public Services and Forensic Science it was wonderful to see so many prospective students in attendance. 

The new format allowed for teachers to make clear links with each other and in discussions with our guests consider what their next steps might include and which subjects would complement each other. There were also opportunities to see what each subject had to offer with taste testing in Business, a model skeleton in Sport and attractive displays all around. 

It was wonderful to see all of our current Etone year 11 pupils attending with their families as they look to continue their journey at Etone through to apprenticeships, universities and beyond. Two of our prefects commented on the atmosphere of the night with one stating “I can’t wait to come to Etone. The teachers really care about the students and are the experts. It is exactly where I want to study for my A Levels.” And the other focusing on the feel of the evening “The buzz around the place is amazing. It is clear that we are popular and I can’t wait to study Criminology.”

With mock exams upon us and the summer approaching fast don’t forget to check out our prospectus here: https://bit.ly/3rhxbTU

When you have read it download our application form here and send to Rmoore@etonecollege.co.ukhttps://bit.ly/3p8Ount

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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