
Year 7, Loudmouth & Wellbeing Week

On Monday 21st March our Year 7 pupils enjoyed a visit from Loudmouth Education and Training. The company has delivered Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) sessions since 1994 and has reached over 600,000 children, young people, professionals and parents through the medium of theatre.

Pupils took part in their Talking Heads mental wellbeing programme which looks at the dangers surrounding social media, body image and ways to look after your wellbeing.

Pupils were first treated to a performance form their talented workshop leads who, through their clever storytelling, shared the experiences of pupils their age going through some difficult times regarding wellbeing and the potential danger it leads to such as mental ill health (e.g. anxiety and depression) and the potential causes such as social media.

Following on each form completed a workshop considering how we can avoid the dangers and learning strategies for positive mental wellbeing including the benefits of physical exercise, time outdoors, community participation and voluntary and service-based activities on mental wellbeing and happiness and being connected to others.

The Year 7’s really enjoyed their sessions and the feedback from the pupils has been overwhelming. It has also been a fantastic way to kick of our Wellbeing Week where we are focusing on keeping a positive mental health and looking after our wellbeing through form time sessions, after school clubs and events such as Loudmouth. Across the week pupils will be visiting a different strategy each day to help with their wellbeing. Monday’s top tip is to learn something new each day and cherish the opportunity to learn. Why not have a go at a new skills this week and learn to play the piano, dribble a football or perhaps bake a cake?


Red Nose Day

What a packed week it has been at Etone College. Not only have we had visits from our House Charities, a very successful Careers Fair but as a school we have also been busy fundraising and supporting Comic Relief.

Over the course of the week our Houses have hosted the annual Rowing Competition, which has been a welcome return post pandemic. Not only have we raised additional funds for our Charity Totaliser but also added hundreds of House Points to our House totals for the year.

We have also been laughing our socks off with the entries to our Joke Competition. Pupils were tasked to come up with a joke, make a small donation and enter with the chance to win a voucher. We will be announcing the winner shortly.

On the day itself our staff joined in with the Comic Relief Cupcake Sweepstake. Each picking their favourite cupcake for the chance to win a voucher. Although completely within the rules, Mr Smith attempted to stack the odds in his favour with two picks. However, the winning cupcake was Double Choc Delight meaning that Mr Astall is the one with the luck of the Irish this time.

Finally on Friday afternoon we held our staff vs students football match to raise funds and settle scores away from the classroom. In a four way title race it was tough however the final scores were:

  • 1st – Palmercacio – Sixth Formers
  • 2nd – Leech United – Sixth Formers
  • 3rd – Priceton North End – Staff
  • 4th – Khanton Athletic – Staff

Meaning that the Sixth Form students have dominated the league and take the title home for another year.

Overall we have raised £431.35 for Comic Relief and add this to our Totaliser making a midyear total of £2116.54. Once again thank you for all of your support. We can’t wait for the next big event: https://www.etonecollege.co.uk/charity-counter/


Etone Careers Fair 2022

On Thursday 17th March we were overjoyed to welcome over 20 local employers, colleges and universities to the first post-pandemic careers fair at Etone College. Across the day all of our pupils had an opportunity to go around the stalls and gather information, ideas and of course the occasional freebie in order to support them in considering their next steps when they move on from Etone College.

All year groups from our Year 7’s at the start of their Etone journey to the Year 13’s who are nearing the end, engaged in the festivities as they found out about careers and paths in a wide variety of industries and subjects including:

  • RAF
  • Careers Hub
  • Etone College Sixth Form
  • Army
  • Nuneaton Fire Service
  • Domino’s Pizza
  • Royal Navy
  • Coventry University
  • Birmingham City University

It was especially good to see one of our Etone alumni in Sam Evans, who returned to host the Careers Hub stall during the event. Sam who completed his GCSE’s in 2019 has shown resilience, despite the pandemic, as he nears the end of his apprenticeship and is on his way to becoming a qualified radiographer with the NHS. It just shows that hard work, dedication and self-belief have led to Sam being able to achieve his dreams. Sam was also kind enough to reflect on his own experiences as a pupil at Etone. “The advice that I got from the school was really good. It helped me understand the path I wanted to take, what decisions I had to make and have a clear focus moving forward. I knew exactly where I was going to go and when to make sure I get the career I want.” We wish him all of the luck Etone has to offer and a very successful career.

Finally it was great to have a returning visit from NCS (National Citizen Service) who hosted a stall to showcase what they do. Nearly 50 Etone pupils have already signed up for their summer residential programme with more to follow in the coming days.

As always we see the value in guiding pupils towards the careers as early as possible to ensure they remain strong in a competitive job market. If you would like to find out more about our career support at Etone check out this link: https://matrixacademytrust.co.uk/careers/etone-college/


House Charity Focus

This week our focus in assemblies has been our House Charities. These are four organisations selected by our Heads of House that support local causes and provide help for our community in Nuneaton and the surrounding are. With strong links to our Etone Values of being courteous and caring, our Heads of House have been sharing with their respective pupils why they are supporting those charities, detailing the hard work they are putting into society and highlighting the opportunities we provide at Etone to do our bit.

So far we have raised nearly £200 each for our charities from our World Book Day fundraising drive. This was added to our overall fundraising total of over £2,000 so far this year for good causes (of course not forgetting the food and toys donated to the Nuneaton Foodbank and Salvation Army Toy Drive).

It was particularly special to hear first-hand from the representatives of Dragon and Griffin House Charities, Guy’s Gift and Doorway respectively, who shared the aims and story of their charities in addition to thanking our pupils for the fundraising they have done so far. We would like to take the opportunity to thank those charities for coming to see us.

We also look forward to Centaur and Phoenix’s charities coming to see us soon. With more activities and events planned to raise money for our charities we ask you to continue to support us and our local community as always.


Guy’s Gift founded in 2009 provides support, guidance and counselling to children and young people in the Coventry and Warwickshire area who experience bereavement. They work with the young and their families to help them through one of the most difficult in a persons life, especially for children. https://www.guysgift.co.uk/

Doorway is a charity that first started in 1997 in Bedworth. Working with CenterPoint the organisation provides accommodation and support for young people who are suffering from homelessness and find themselves in a very difficult time. https://www.doorway.org.uk/

Formed in 1996 the George Eliot Diabetes Support Group aim to deliver support for people with diabetes and their families through a full range of activities and provision. The group also carries out some really important fundraising work in the local area for those suffering. https://www.nhs.uk/services/service-directory/diabetes-uk-george-eliot-diabetes-support-group/N10497993

Mary Ann Evans Hospice strives to enhance the quality of life of people who have a life limiting illness, by offering physical, emotional, social and spiritual support to them, their families and those caring for them. They provide the best end of life care they possibly can to help make a person with a life limiting illness, as comfortable as possible. This in turn, can provide them and their families, some additional time to make some ever lasting memories. https://www.maryannevans.org.uk/


Proud of our Personal Development

Etone College is a fully inclusive school. We actively promote equality and celebrate diversity. As part of our personal development programme, pupils learn about how we all have things in common but also how we are all different. They learn about the importance of tolerance and respect in all areas of our school life.  Please take a look at our personal development page to find out more – https://www.etonecollege.co.uk/personal-development/.

This term, pupils have been learning about different religions through their Learning for Life lessons and through assemblies. We teach them the Fundamental British Value of respect and tolerance for other faiths and beliefs.  They have also learned about prejudice and discrimination and reflected on how this can impact on the lives of people observing events such as Holocaust Memorial Day in January.  

As always, we encourage our pupils to be active Citizens and support our local community. We are proud to have raised nearly another £800 to support our House charities this month and we already have events planned to raise more money to support Comic Relief on 18th March.  We could not do this without the support of parents and carers and we genuinely thank you for that. Please check out our live totaliser page to see the amount of money raised so far this year Next week, will see speakers from each charity speaking to our students in assemblies so that they understand how the money they have raised helps people in our local community.

We work hard to support our young people and their next steps and this week sees us host our annual Careers Fair with 30 stalls will represent employers, further education and careers. This gives us a great opportunity to guide all of our pupils about next steps but also to actively engage with our local employers and the local business community.

Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of what we do at Etone and we are a caring and supportive community. We break down stigma around mental illness and promote wellbeing with pupils through events, assemblies and lessons. It has been great to see pupils at our wellbeing drop in and we are looking forward to promoting our wellbeing top tips through our March Wellbeing Week.  Support for pupil wellbeing and signposts to outside agencies can be found on our personal development page.

We also work hard to counteract any stereotypes and to promote equality for all – actively teaching about the Equality Act and protected characteristics.  Next term, will see a celebration of PRIDE in June and the promotion of School Diversity Week in July.  We ensure that we help pupils to stay safe and have been delighted to welcome both Rail Safety and the Police this term to give information and guidance to our pupils.

We are proud of our personal development curriculum here at Etone and the steps that we take to ensure that our learners are able to make informed and responsible decisions, keep themselves safe and are prepared for life in a diverse and modern Britain.


World Book Day 25th Anniversary

Library lessons were very different this year as timetabled classes were given research tasks based on the last 25 years. Working in teams, pupils were given an image of a book and firstly had to research when this was first published. This was then further followed by attempts to ‘read my mind’ and research books, TV, films and national news from that year which was a match to Miss Elliott. All students thoroughly enjoyed the research task and were rewarded with treats, stationery and extra World Book Day tokens for their matches!

After college, the library was full of students who joined in with the 25th anniversary celebrations with a special cake, snacks and drinks and a hunt for hidden extra World Book Day tokens in the library. Pupils excitedly collected these and have been redeeming their tokens for free books in participating local book stores. All students at Etone College also received a token to exchange for a free book.

The challenge in the library involved props which had a connection to book characters and with the help of a written clue attached, students had 25 props to guess. Students worked together in teams, determined to answer at least twenty to ensure they won a prize for their efforts. Eighteen students won stationery sets, mini board games, sweets, chocolate, rubix cubes and various books.

Huge congratulations to Harry 8C1 who worked independently and guessed them all. Well done to Zeeshan and Zayn in 7P1, Ramello and Diya in 7P2, Olaf and Lacey in 7D1, Lemar 7D2, Lacey in 7C1, Sara 7G1 and Christiana 7G2. Additionally, Isabelle, Oliver, Eleanor and Millicent 8P1, Oana 8D1, Vinish 8C1 and Maddison 9G2.


Accelerate Reader News

Students in years 7 and 8 have been busy playing BookBuzz Bingo with their free books received last term. Six books read and quizzed successfully earns a large bar of chocolate and nine books is rewarded with a bigger prize. So far, Olaf 7D1 and Faith 7G2 have won chocolate and Vinish in 8C1 has earned a larger prize. Lots of students are working their way through the many Bookbuzz titles from the last five years in order to earn rewards and earning lots of additional house points along the way!

Each student has an annual individual points target in their Accelerated Reader lessons and earn points through successfully quizzing on the books. All target students receive certification and a name in the Summer prize draw for vouchers. Those who reach multiple targets, are further rewarded with multiple names in the draw. Our Target students so far are:

Diya 7P2, Olaf 7D1, Yousuf 7P2, Jia 7D1 in year 7.

In year 8, well done also to Zayd 8C1, Raeesa 8P1, Madiha 8C1, Andrei 8G1, Nabiha 8D1, Rebeca 8G1.

Outstandingly, Vinish 8C1 is a double target student and Lemar in 7D2 is a triple target student.

Students who become word Millionaire readers in our Accelerated Reader library lessons, are rewarded with a special certificate and also a free book from the Scholastic book fair this month. Well deserving students who will take a free book very soon are Olaf 7D2, Zayd 7D1, Raeesa 8P1, Vinish 8C1 and Rebeca 8G1. Lemar in 7D2 is a double millionaire and will be rewarded with two free books for all of his hard work. Well done to all of you!


Empowered Poetry Writing Competition

Each term at Etone College we launch a Young Writers poetry competition. The most recent competition has been the Empowered Poetry Writing Competition. This competition has given students the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings and opinions through poetry.

There are many incredible prizes to be won, including winning The Young Writers’ Award of Excellence, a £100 National Book Token for the class and getting your poem published in a poetry anthology. To enter the competition, students must collect an entry form from their English teacher and return the completed poem by the deadline set. We are looking forward to reading your empowering poems!


Scholastic Book Fair

Book Fair Comes to Etone!

The hugely successful Scholastic book fair is due to return to Etone between Wednesday March 16th and Thursday March 24th.

Pupils will all be given an opportunity to browse and buy.  There are over 200 titles for you and your child to choose from, and with prices starting from only £2.99, there’s sure to be a book for everyone.

This year the Book Fair will be a ‘Cashless’ Event.

If you’d like to browse beforehand, take a look at the catalogue (link below) in order to view the latest offers.  If you see something you’d like to purchase, either buy a voucher to present at the book fair or complete your order online so Mrs Elliott can distribute the book directly to you. https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/bookcases

Purchase a Gift Voucher

Gift Vouchers available at www.bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/parents . Pre-paid gift vouchers are available in £5, £10, £15, £20 and £25. Once a purchase has been made, you will receive the voucher in an email which can be printed and given to your child to present at the book fair.

They’re a great way to ensure your child doesn’t miss out.

Online Payments

Payments can also be made online. Please search for Etone College or use our postcode of CV11 6AA. Please provide the details of your child’s name and form when making payments. https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/pay

As thanks for running the book fair, Scholastic give free books to our school library which ensure that our pupils have access to the most up to date and popular reads.


World Book Day

Thursday 3rd March marked the 25th Anniversary of World Book Day. Held annually the day is celebrated globally as an opportunity to promote reading to the next generation and establish of love of literature which will follow children throughout their lives.

At Etone we were overjoyed to be able to recognise the day in all of it’s glory with activities which allowed pupils to further explore the world of books and delve deep into the art of reading.

As the day began we welcomed pupils in for a non-uniform dress up day. Pupils and staff were challenged to dress us as their literature favourites, whether they were old classics or new wonders it was fantastic to see the level of effort our pupils put in with Harry Potter, the BFG and even a real live dinosaur to share in the fun!

Aligning with our value of caring pupils were also given the opportunity to donate £1 if they were not in costume to wear non-uniform. Together we raised an amazing £754.16 which will be split equally into £188.54 between our four House charities: Centaurs – George Elliot Diabetes Support Group, Dragons – Guy’s Gift, Griffins – Doorway and Phoenix’s – Mary Ann Evans Hospice. All four local worthy causes who will greatly benefit from the kindness our staff and pupils have shown.

In addition to the dressing up pupils have been taking part over the previous half term in our Readathon competition. As a form group pupil are well on their way to working up their totals and are raising funds for the Readathon charity.

Our pupils in KS3 were also excited to take part in the Big Book Quiz where groups from all houses battled it our to be the champions of the school. Although there was tough competition Centaur were able to read between the lines and pull a win out of the bag. Well done to them!

Finally our pupils have been working hard all week solving the mysteries of “Whose bookshelf is it?” With some of our staff members kindly sharing their book shelves and getting involved in the festivities. A big congratulations to 8C1 for winning the quiz.

Overall, we had a fantastic day and we can’t wait for next year. Look out for more updates on the Readathon and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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