Turing Report – Spain

On Monday 20th June, 10 students and 2 staff set out for a week’s residential trip to Barcelona. We met the other pupils from the other schools in Matrix Academy Trust at the airport, just before checking in. For some of the pupils, it was their first-time experiencing flying, but all of the pupils fully committed themselves to the experience, a trait which was repeated throughout the week.

When we arrived at Barcelona airport, we met our bus and then went to our home for the week, the Urbany Hostel. After a quick meal at Glories, the local shopping centre, we went to bed to get an early night ready for the busy week ahead.

On the next day, we braved the Barcelona Metro for the first time, which was our main mode of transport for the week. We visited a few different sites around Montjuic, including the Olympic Museum and arena for the 1992 Olympics, and the cable car up to Castell de Montjuic for some impressive views over the city. After this, we got the Port Vell Cable car across to Barceloneta Harbour (Mr Larvan was not a fan of the ride!). We then enjoyed a lovely meal on the harbourside before heading back to recharge ourselves for another busy day.

Day 3 started with a trip to Camp Nou, home of Barcelona FC, where we had a tour around their trophy room, stadium and sidelines.  From there, we headed to La Rambla, where the pupils were able to soak up the culture of one of the most famous streets in Europe. That evening, we had a movie night, watching some of the latest film releases (although pupils were pleased to hear the films were in English with Spanish subtitles!). This allowed us to mix up the schools, giving the pupils chance to get to know each other more.

Day 4 was Gaudí Day, exploring two of the most famous works of one of Spain’s most famous architects. First was a tour of the impressive Sagrada Familia, which is still unfinished 140 years after construction started. We were able to see the inside and outside of the church, marvelling at the detailed sculptures on the outside and the sunlight shining through the stained-glass windows on the inside, spreading fantastic colours through the interior. We even took a bit of time to make our own artwork, inspired by the building. We left the Sagrada Familia and after a lot of escalators, steps and hills made it to Parc Guell, where pupils were given time to explore this large fantasy-inspired park, before meeting at El Drac, a larger-than-life mosaic sculpture of a lizard. As we headed home that evening, we started to see the fireworks and bonfires being set up for the evening’s festivities, which took place all over Barcelona, including right outside our hostel, until the early hours of the morning.

After a late night, Friday started with a well-earned lie-in, before a trip to see the Barcelona aquarium and an afternoon spent relaxing on the beach, followed by another delicious meal in the harbourside.

Feeling refreshed, Saturday saw us heading to see some of the wildlife in the Barcelona Zoo, including tigers, rhinos and elephants. After a wild day, we headed back towards La Rambla for a spot of retail therapy, before heading up to see the views of the city from the Palau Nacional.

Sunday was the day that some of us had been looking forward to the most, a trip to Portaventura Theme Park, which is home to over 50 exhilarating rides, including Dragon Khan and Shambhala. After a fantastic day, we returned to Barcelona before a final evening meal together and then a morning flight (and run through the airport!) to head back home.

Every single one of the pupils represented themselves, the school and the Trust extremely well and we were so impressed by their manners, fantastic attitude and willingness to embrace new experiences, whether that was trying new food, travelling abroad or going on cable cars. We hope that we have instilled an interest in travelling and have opened the pupils’ minds to see more of the world.

Comments from parents:

“My son, has just returned from the Turing Tour to Spain and I just wanted to thank the school for this great opportunity. He has come home full of information about the places he has visited, the friends he has made, and it is so evident just how much he has enjoyed it. I also feel it has given him a confidence he did not have before”

“I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff at the Turing Scheme for giving my son an amazing experience and for looking after him so well – you are amazing”


Primary Curriculum Transition

Pre-pandemic we had developed strong curriculum links with our primaries as we shared resources, provided taster sessions and collaborated in the professional development of our teachers. This week, Etone has had the joy of opening its doors, once again, to some of our primary feeder schools in the Nuneaton area.

In the last couple of weeks, we have been delighted to welcome pupils in Year 5 from: Chetwynd Junior, Queens C of E, Wembrook Primary and St Nicholas C of E. The pupils have enjoyed taking part in some really interactive sessions including:

  • Harry Potter Chemistry workshop including exploding Elephants Toothpaste
  • Mastering Gaming where pupils have created their own playable games using Kodu
  • Ultimate Frisbee – taking part in the number 1 University Sport 2021
  • Curling – emulating the success of the Winter Team GB
  • Wizarding Word – mastering IT skills that really impress
  • Taster sessions in German and French learning how to greet each other and say our colours and numbers

All pupils have really enjoyed their days and were extremely excited to collect their certificates at the end of the sessions to evidence that fantastic work they have completed.

The primary curriculum transition is something we are incredibly proud of as we share expertise and resources with our colleagues in primary schools, get to know our potential pupils and reduce the anxiety that pupils at primary feel when they are faced with moving up to secondary.

We look forward to working more with our current primaries in the future and developing relationships with more as we work to ensure that all of our pupils achieve their full progress potential.


Year 11 Prom 2022

Thursday 30th June marked a historic evening for Etone College. We were delighted to host the first Year 11 Prom in three years following the disruption of the pandemic.

With significant events taking place during their time and not to mention the disruption of the pandemic, our pupils have come through it all and now leave Etone as mature, responsible, young adults. Taking place at the Heart of England, Coventry our pupils had the opportunity to celebrate the memories and their achievements across the five years they have attended Etone.

At 6:00pm our VIP guests started to arrive as always, in style. As the limos started descend those in the small village of Astley would be forgiven for thinking a worldwide premier was taking place. There were; luxurious limos, classic campervans, roaring motorbikes, top of the Range-Rovers and even a rally car or two making an appearance.

After their arrivals the guests were escorted inside, down the red carpet and to the magical world of their prom. Upon entry pupils were given a welcome drink, take home Etone College Prom jar glass and keyring in a wonderous setting of stars in the sky. As the party got underway pupils had the chance to feats on a buffet of burgers, hotdogs, fries and kebabs with eclairs and donuts for dessert.

After dinner Mrs Price came up to officially open the prom and share a very special surprise with our pupils, but not before our own Mr Bowen surprised her with a birthday cake and led us all in rendition of the classic song. A big thank you to Mrs Price for celebrating her birthday by organising the prom.

With that the pupils got the chance to see their own surprises as the back curtains opened up to reveal the wonders put on for their prom including; candyfloss machine and sweet stall as a treat, mirror on the wall photo booth to log the happy memories along with some fantastic activities including air hockey, light force and even a Bucking Bronco!

The fun and dancing went on all night and it was fantastic to be able to recognise the achievements of our pupils and the bittersweet opportunity to say a fond farewell.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Mrs McNeal and Mrs Morton who organised such a fabulous evening and the Heart of England for hosting the event.

We hope you have a safe, relaxing summer and we will see you in August for results.


Cologne Trip

Following on from the information evening for our enrichment week residential to Cologne, here’s a copy of the details which were shared at the time. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Table Tennis Tournament

On Tuesday we were thrilled to host our inaugural Table Tennis Tournament to unearth Etone’s 2022 Table Tennis Champion. Starting this year our Year 10 pupils have been using the table tennis facilities at the school during break time and after school. They have be honing their skills in sometimes very challenging weather conditions to become contenders and show the resilience we expect every Etone Learner to harness.

At the event itself the atmosphere was amazing with both staff and pupils turning up to support the players. Mr Bowen in particular was enthused to see so many turn out to cheer on in the crowds as the tournament took place.

Well done to all of our pupils for showing sportsmanship and being all that we ask of our pupils to be:

  • A Hussain
  • A Lucan
  • B McNeal
  • C Cross
  • I Nembang
  • I Rashid
  • J Quincey
  • K Lumsden
  • MI Khalifa
  • RY Iqbal
  • U Khalifa
  • WL Smith

After 90 minutes the final league table standings were calculated and the top four played in a knockout competition.

Semi Final 1 – We witnessed an exciting game between Muhammed IK against Jack Q with the last point being won by Muhammed which sent him through to the final.

Semi Final 2 – Kaylum L took on the powerhouse that is Ingso N. Kaylum was at his peak but unfortunately he couldn’t stop the whirlwind and the match was comfortably won by Ingso.

3rd Place Playoff –  (Jack v Kaylum) – With a searing temperature in the main hall both players played a well contested game with Jack narrowly coming out on top to take the bronze.

The final was hotly contested (Muhammed v Ingso):

Due to the nature of the game and to avoid bias from any House, Mr Baggott kindly umpired the game. Smash shot after cut shot after sliced serves came from both players to try and take the advantage. 

Ingso took an early lead which Muhammed pulled back in the latter stages of the game. 

However, there was no stopping the whirlwind and Ingso finally came out victorious and became the new Etone College Table Tennis Champion for 2022.

Final Places

1st Ingso N

2nd Muhammed IK

3rd Jack Q

4th Kaylum L

All players were rewarded with House Points and the top four will be awarded in due course. Well done once again to all taking part and get practicing to see who can take on Ingso for the title in 2023.


Year 11 Celebration Event

Thursday 23rd June was a bittersweet day here at Etone College. It saw the last day of the KS4 journey for our Year 11 pupils.

Starting back in September 2017 our cohort began their journey with us at Etone. Fresh faced and full of wonder for what secondary school had to offer they relished every minute of the day. So what was it like five years ago for our Year 11’s:

  • We were busy celebrating the Queens Saphire Jubilee (Déjà vu anyone?)
  • Teresa May had been Prime Minister for 1 year
  • Ed Sheeran with “Shape of You” became the biggest selling single of the year
  • Jamie Oliver enjoyed success with his best selling book 5 Ingredients: Quick and Easy Food
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi was the biggest movie of the year
  • A litre of petrol cost £1.14 (Could we get a time machine)
  • Donald Trump is sworn in as President of the USA
  • Portugal win the Eurovision Song Contest

Throughout that journey we have gone through some interesting times together. The United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the shock that was the series finale of Game of Thrones, England very nearly bringing it home…twice!

Events both good and not so, we tackled them together and seemed to be making a great way towards their final destination in KS4. Of course the big interruption, the pandemic. Throughout this difficult time for so many reasons, our pupils found themselves in the unprecedented position of remote learning. Not at all an easy task for anyone our pupils had to show the resilience and problem solving skills that every Etone Learner is, luckily, equipped for.

Despite having such a drastic impact on their journey they have showed determination as this year our Year 11’s completed their exams, the first series sat in three years. They have handled the situation they have found themselves in with a maturity and professionalism that really makes us proud of each and every one of them.

Thursday marked their final exam, Science and with the clocking ticking the last second away it was time for the celebration to begin. With plenty of sweets and fizzy drinks, awards, speeches and of course the traditional poem from the Heads of House we bid a fond farewell to our Year 11 Leavers of 2022. Of course there tears and shirt signing as the Year’s took a reflective look back over their time at Etone. It is with a heavy heart we say goodbye and good luck. We will see you for results day on 25th August 2022 and of course are looking forward to welcoming a large number of you back in September as we start your KS5 Journey together.


Turing Scheme

Year 8 Pupils arrived in Fulda. They had a morning learning about the history of the town. Follow us on Social Media for further updates.

The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s programme to provide funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world. It supports Global Britain by providing an opportunity for UK organisations from the higher education, further education, vocational education and training and schools sectors to offer their students, learners and pupils life-changing experiences to study or work abroad.

On Sunday 19th June and Monday 20th June,  a group of Year 8 and Year 9 pupils will be boarding planes to Spain and Germany as part of the Turing Scheme international exchanges.  

Across Matrix Academy Trust, 100 pupils will have the chance to take part in two projects: one to Fulda, Germany and one to Barcelona, Spain. This opportunity is fully funded by the Turing Scheme, the UK’s scheme to encourage young people to travel overseas as part of their education. 

The pupils are very excited about their travels – follow our school social channels to keep up-to-date with what they’re up to. 

The itineraries for both projects are below – as you can see, both trips will be an action-packed week with the chance for pupils to fully immerse themselves in everything Germany and Spain have to offer. 


KS3 Army Day

On the 13th, 14th and 15th of June Year 7, 8 and 9 took part respectively in the annual Army Day. Over the course of their day the pupils will had an opportunity to take part in activities that developed and promoted our eight Employability Skills and six Etone Values. From Teamwork in ‘Tank Building’ to Trustworthiness in ‘Assault Course’ pupils had the chance to work together and explore the different skills/ values along with careers in the Army.

Feedback from our pupils was overwhelmingly positive and all years felt the day really helped them. Neo expressed his enthusiasm “It was hard at times completing the challenges but I had a lot of fun and have really had a chance to work with my form group.” To summarise this our very own Etone Press Core have written their own reviews of some of the tasks they took part in:

Tank Building

In ‘Tank Building’ we had to follow a set of instructions to build a wooden tank in two teams. Once both teams had built their tanks, we worked as a team to put a driver in place and have them aim their foam balls at the other team in a race. Defiantly my favourite as I got the chance to use Communication and Teamwork.

Communication Tower

In ‘Communication Tower’ we had four ropes, a pole and a stand. We had to get the pole into a stand without making any equipment or ourselves enter a circle in the middle. This was a very challenging task but also extremely fun and gave us a chance to develop our Problem Solving skills.

Code Breaking

In ‘Code Breaking’ we had multiple tables to solve a code in order to send a secret message to a VIP. The scenario gave us an insight into how important codes are in real life and it was really exciting finding out the code which was “Etone College Cracked the Code!” We really had the opportunity to develop our Organisation and Numeracy skills.

Overall we were really pleased with the days and would like to thank the West Midlands Army outreach team for their hard work over the three days. Well done to all Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils for showing just how great Etone can be.


Normandy Trip Information

Following on from the information evening for our enrichment week residential to Normandy, here’s a copy of the details which were shared at the time. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


  • Does my child need to be fully vaccinated to enter France?

Current French travel restrictions mean that all travellers aged 12 and over must be fully vaccinated (2 doses, the second of which must be at least 7 days before travel) or able to show proof of a negative test prior to departure. This can be either a PCR test or an antigen test, but it has to be verified by a medical practitioner (i.e. not the NHS self-testing kits). There are no restrictions in place for travellers under the age of 12.

  • How will pupils be split into two groups?

Pupils will be allocated to a coach and a hotel based firstly on year groups, and then by friendship groups in the case of a larger year group. Pupils and parents/carers will be informed of which hotel they will be staying in prior to departure.

  • Will my child get to choose who they share a room with?

The way we always allocate rooms is firstly by gender and year group based on the number and size of rooms we are given by the hotel. Friendship groups are taken into account as much as possible, and we will speak with your child about this if necessary.

  • Will my child be unsupervised?

Where there is time on the itinerary for ‘free time’, this will be in a pre-agreed confined area (e.g. a town square), there will still be staff members present and one will always be at a pre-agreed meeting point. Pupils must always been in groups of at least three and all pupils will be given the number for a staff phone to contact us in case they get separated from the group at any point.

  • Are there food vouchers for both outbound and inbound journeys?

Yes – all pupils will be given a voucher for a meal and a drink for both journeys.


WBA Post 16 tournament winners!

Etone Football Education academy take the WBA Post 16 Tournament title!

A successful day for the Etone Football Education Academy saw them take the WBA Post 16 title during their first attempt at the Hawthorns. The tournament is where West Bromwich Albion hubs from around the area are represented by their teams and put to the test. The tournament is very competitive with all of the academies fielding their strongest teams. The competition was divided into two groups of 4 which was played at the WBA Academy, the group saw Etone win all 3 games going through as group winners and a spot in the semi-finals in the afternoon at the stadium. It was an honour to make it to the stadium as our team got the chance to feel what it would be like playing in a top of range football stadium.

The semi-final was a tight affair and a single goal was enough to seal a spot in the final against the current holders Sandwell Academy. The final was a real showcase of talent and after going a goal down the lads showed real character to equalise late on and also had a chance to win the game in the last seconds but a good save from the Sandwell keeper denied the outright win. The game went to penalties and Etone held their nerve taking the nail-biting shoot-out 5-4.

The lads in their first tournament invite thoroughly enjoyed the experience of playing on the first team pitch and in a professional all seater stadium and to win the competition is a massive achievement to how hard all the lads and coaches work on a daily basis. A real credit to the Etone Football education academy. We can’t wait to retain the title next year.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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