
Primary School Mathmagicians

On Tuesday 6th December a group of Year 6 pupils from Queens Church of England Primary School came to visit Etone’s Mathematics department. As part of their trip the pupils had the opportunity to take part in a Mathmagicians work shop at the Etone College Sixth Form. The workshop gave pupils the chance to explore the world of Maths and develop an understanding of what it will be like for them next year at secondary. 

One of the aims of the session was to give the pupils a chance to use averages and target difficult Key Stage 2 concepts. With the help of our Year 10 ambassadors our guests were able to accomplish these challenging topics and feel a real sense of achievement. We would like to thank Queens for coming and being model pupils. 

Thank you to our Year 10, Mr Randall, Mr Griffiths and Mr McKenna for supporting with the event.


KS3 Hockey

The Etone KS3 Hockey team played their first competitive hockey fixture against Twycross House school and put in a solid team performance. They battled hard and worked well together as a team. Hattie Holt created numerous chances with her speed and skill and assisted I McNeal as she scored a superb first-half goal against an experienced goalkeeper. The defensive display from S Masser, E Upton and H Randle-Morris stayed strong for the majority of the match but Etone was unlucky to concede two goals taking the final score to 1-2 to Twycross.

Well done to all who played

C Northall

S Masser

E Upton

H Randle Morris

P Chandler

D Patel

H Holt

A Adebowale

E Small

I McNeal

M Korzeniewski

Hockey will continue in January, and we are being joined by an England Hockey qualified coach to develop and establish Nuneaton school’s hockey here at Etone.

See Mrs Harris for more details



Students in Year 7 have been taking part in the Bikeability scheme this week.  This included Level 1, 2 and 3 training courses.  Students have learned off-road and on-road cycling skills and road safety. Especially considering the short days it is extremely important to take care of ourselves on the roads as we encourage healthy exercise!

The students involved have said they really enjoyed the course and have learned lots of new skills whilst having fun on their bikes. We can’t wait for the rest of the week!


The Great Debate

Once again this year Etone College hosted the Historical Association’s ‘Great Debate’ competition. Eleven entrants from right across the Midlands attended, including our very own Year 13 student. Each student was required to make a five-minute speech for the question ‘Why does history matter to me?’, followed by two questions from the judging panel. We were particularly proud of our student entry, who spoke about the significance of their family History through multiple generations and why it is important to remember the past to secure a better, more peaceful future for all. It was a great night all round for our student orators, who demonstrated key employability skills – particularly effective communication, and later organisation when answering questions from the judges. The winner of the local heat will now go on to the next round, the Grand Final, where the overall winner will be chosen. Well done and thank you to everyone involved!


Progress Praise Week

Last week we celebrated the achievements of all of our pupils during their Progress Praise assemblies. During this time we take the opportunity to shout out and reward those individuals who have done fantastic things in their first term of the year. As we publish Progress Report 1 each year group takes part in an assembly with awards to recognise:

  • Most Progress made in each subject area
  • Highest Achievement in each subject area
  • Pupils who have achieved 100% Attendance
  • Pupils who have attended 10 or more Extracurricular activities in a term
  • Pupils who have made the Biggest Contribution to their Houses

Across all year groups, we are delighted to recognise the individuals and all who win an award are entered into draws to win vouchers for a shop of their choice. All those who are nominated also receive house points and their achievement certificates.

Well done to all who were presented with an award and keep up the good work as model Etone Learners.

work experience

Parent Workshop Work Experience: The Event

On Wednesday 23rd November we hosted our second Parent Workshop of the year. This time the focus was on Supporting Pupils with Work Experience in Year 10 and 12. Once again we had fantastic turnout for our first virtual event of the year. 

The session aimed to focus on how we as a collective (home and school) can support pupils in securing high quality placements, the logistics and guidelines for placements and considering how we can best support the placements to ensure they have a meaningful impact.

All those who attended found it incredibly interesting and helpful and we are once again bowelled over by the words of support from you regarding Etone College as a whole.

At Etone we are extremely proud of the hard work our team, headed by Mrs Barlow, put into ensuring we have an extremely high quality package of careers support. We are sure you will remember our award of the Quality in Careers Standard, achieved in February this year which highlights the high quality of the programme in place for pupils. As we are the only school currently in Nuneaton and the 2nd in the Warwickshire area to receive this standard, it makes the achievement even more prestigious.

If you were unable to attend lasts nights session please do not be disheartened. You can find all of the materials  including letters and guidance for work experience here:

Additionally we would like to invite you to watch the recorded session here:

Just a reminder that for all Year 10 and 12 pupils work experience will take place during 17th-21st July 2023.


University Experience Day

Our students attended a university experience day at Coventry University.  Whilst there they participated in various interactive workshops including, Engineering, building a spaghetti structure Biology, extracting DNATravel and Tourism, selecting products and a design task Policing, looking at the course and equipment used by the police Computing, examining different platforms for web development Early years education, educational games and play The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive and they really enjoyed the experience.


Etone Choir

This winter season the Etone Choir are proud to be performing in several events to mark the festive season. So far this year our choir have thrilled their audiences with performances for our Open Evening, parent sessions and charitable events.

Be sure to check out the upcoming ones to see where you could come and join us to support them:


Children In Need 2022

On Friday 18th November, Etone College supported Children in Need along with the rest of the nation. 
To start the day off we held our annual non-school uniform day. There is always a buzz of excitement whenever we host charity events and this was no exception. There were some really spot-tacular outfits as pupils fully embraced the theme of Spottiness. From pupils bringing in £1 to wear non-uniform we raised a total over £900.

Not to be outdone by the lower schools fantastic efforts our Sixth Formers led by the Etone Elect were out in force to improve their total raised for charity so far this year. First of all the pupils hosted a fancy dress competition with the theme being pyjama party. However, no one had to drag themselves out of bed as the offer of some amazing prizes in the Etone raffle and the call of some delicious treats in the bake sale was more than enough to tempt our students into action. 

The day, as usual, was a tremendous success and a special shout-out has to go to out Charity Committee for the fantastic work they have done in raising the profile across the school. We are really excited to start the next set of charitable initiatives with our Foodbank, Toy-drive and Christmas Jumper Days upcoming in December.

In total we have raised:£968.35 total amount for the day and added this to our total raised so far this year to give us a whopping: £1549.15.


Toy Drive

Every year, the Salvation Army organise a toy drive within Nuneaton community to collect and distribute presents for disadvantaged children, to help them celebrate Christmas. All donations are gratefully received and ensure Christmas joy is spread to those who are experiencing hardship. Children aged between 0 to 16 years of age are supported in this toy drive.

Etone College are actively participating in this by challenging forms to co-ordinate and donate as much as they can. There is no expectation to buy new goods, although this is welcome. Still boxed and packaged toys, nearly new books and boxed toiletry gifts are being donated by both students and staff to support the Salvation Army and to show students what a difference they can make to the community by engaging in active citizenship. All unwanted gifts are in perfect condition to become the perfect present for a child or teenager in our community. 

All form members and form representatives will be given house points for donations and organisation of donations. House point records will be made by form tutors and Heads of House and the winning form in each year group will win a class prize. Most importantly, our toy drive will show how positive an Etone Learner is in engaging with active citizenship via teamwork, communication, organisation, initiative and showing how caring and supportive they can be. Donations need to be taken to the stage on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th December to ensure they are taken to the Salvation Army.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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