
Matrix Academy Trust Awards Evening 2023

Matrix’s first ever cross-trust pupil awards event, held at Millennium Point on 20th April, was a fantastic success.

Pupils were recognised for exemplifying our trust values of creativity, resilience, selflessness, enthusiasm and continuous improvement. There were also awards for exemplary members of our Cadet Forces.

With more than 7000 pupils across our trust schools, it was really difficult to choose the 46 award winners. Those who did receive the awards should feel deservedly proud of their achievement.

The awards-giving was punctuated with several fantastic performances, including DJs from Barr Beacon, a piano virtuoso from Year 4 of Bloxwich Academy and Etone’s ‘Mega Band’. Before the event, we had over an hour of performances from pupils across our trust schools, all of who had been selected to perform after a trust-wide talent competition, which had more than 100 entrants.

The evening started with a video relating the story of our trust up until the end of 2022. Our CEO Ms Draycott then spoke about the two newest schools, Smestow Academy and Wednesfield Academy, who joined the Matrix family this year.

There was also a special video explaining ‘what a makes a Matrix pupil’, starring a teacher from each of our schools.

Here is what some of our parents and carers have said about the event:

“The awards ceremony was fantastic. It was great to see pupils getting their awards and the fantastic performances from across the Matrix Academy Trust schools.”

“It meant so much to see all the pupils being awarded for life skills rather than academic achievement. The head teachers giving a little speech about each pupil was a lovely touch and really personalised it.”

“Thank you for a wonderful evening.  It was very special to see everyone receiving their awards.”

“Thank you for a special evening celebrating the achievements of pupils.  We are especially proud of our daughter!”

“Tonight was simply amazing!” 

Ms Draycott and Director of School Improvement Mr Lowbridge-Ellis introduced each of the awards and our headteachers explained who they had chosen and why. Trustee Sir Mark Aspinall bestowed the awards on the worthy winners.


Etone Calculators

The Junior Mathematical Challenge is national competition where students have 60-minutes to complete a multiple-choice Challenge that encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. 

The problems on the Junior Mathematical Challenge are designed to make students think.  Most are accessible, yet still challenge those with more experience.

Those that do particularly well are then invited to take part in the Junior Olympiad and Junior Kangaroo Maths Challenges.

This year, the competition was on 26th April 2023, and the school selected thirty Year 7 students and thirty Year 8 students to take part.

The results will not be available for another couple of weeks as they need to be processed by the UKMT, but I think we could still say well done to all of those that took part.


Bright at Bradgate

Over the last two weeks our Year 8’s have had the opportunity to visit Bradgate Park in Leicestershire as they take part in fieldwork for Geography.

An important part of the curriculum pupils got the chance to explore the natural landscape and some of the key features of the acres of land left in trust for the people of Leicestershire by the Gray family.

Pupils got the chance to explore Bradgate in all its glory with the chance to check out the visitor centre and even pay a visit to Old John. 

Old John is the highest hill in the park and at the top shares its name with the folly that sits upon it, built in 1784. Known for its mug shape our pupils got the chance to view the whole of the park and the fantastic landscape of Leicestershire.

It was a really wonderful trip and we were once again proud of how our pupils showcased our Etone Values. We can’t wait for more trips as we head into summer term.


Spy Masterclass – 00Etone

On Tuesday the 25th April a group of Etone pupils took part in a special master class at Coventry University.  With the title being: Spies, Sabotage and Assassinations in Sociology., the event was set to be a thrilling epic.

The pupils got a chance to explore the campus of the university as they look to explore their futures beyond school and experience the best out careers curriculum has to offer.

During the actual sessions pupils got a chance to explore what life as a university student would feel like with talks from the Student Union team and Student Help team.

Pupils also got the chance to look at what the world of Sociology has in store for them as the completed activities that looked to challenge them and their skills.

This is the third in a series of visits to the university this year as we strengthen our partnership with Coventry and develop our links. 

A big thank you to Coventry University, we can’t wait to come back.


Master Classes at Coventry University

On Tuesday the 25th April our students took part in special master classes at Coventry University.  Spies, sabotage and Assassinations and Sociology.  We also spoke to the student union team and student help team. This is the third in a series of visits to the university this year and as was fun and inspiring opportunity. 


Etone Football Education Academy

Etone Football Academy 4 – 2 Aston Villa Football Academy
Education Football League
Venue: The Pingles Stadium

The first half was a quick start with Villa creating some chances in the opening minutes. The first goal came in the 25th minute when it went 1-0 to Villa from a well-worked play down the wing. It then became 2-0 shortly after, when the Villa striker latched onto a through ball from the halfway line to poke it home from 18 yards away. Half time 2-0 to Villa.

During the break our team re-grouped as they focused on creating their own opportunities.
With a prep talk the second half began with Etone having the wind with them which helped to pin the Villa lads in their half and use it to their full advantage. Scoring 2 goals in quick succession in the 65th minute and the 70th minute with 2 great passages of play took the score to 2-2. With 10 minutes to go the team pushed forward with changes off the bench bringing in some fresh play. Another two in quick succession brought the total to 4-2.
Great second half and a show off our Employability Skill or resilience as the team showed the determination to power through and bring home a win. 
Final score 4-2 

Goal scorers:
Josh A – 2
Tom S – 1
Tyler M – 1


National Stress Awareness Month

The month of April marks National Stress Awareness Month led by the National Institute of Health. Launched in 1992 the aim is to raise awareness for the causes and impacts of stress on people and provide some useful tools to prevent and reduce stress.

With stress and poor mental health being one of the biggest public health change sin recent times, at Etone College we make sure we take our role seriously in supporting pupils to reduce their stress and promote positive mental health and the activities that can support this. 

With the exam season upcoming and naturally brining a close to what Year 11 have been working hard towards the timing for Stress Awareness Month has never been more apt. Running across the term our Theme of the Week continue to run with the themes lending themselves to activities and assemblies that support and promote positive mental health and ways to relieve stress. In addition to this we have our weekly Wellbeing Club where pupils can come for ‘Time to Talk’ with peers and teachers, take part in games and activities or just do some relaxing drawing. The aim of the club is to provide a dedicated time to relax and provide a space for pupils to check in on their mental health. 

Remember the five top tips at Etone to support your Mental Wellbeing:

  • Try to connect with others
  • Keep physically active
  • Try a new hobby or interest
  • Focus on the present
  • Give to others


Easter Revision Triumph

During the Easter break we were delighted by the enthusiasm our Year 11 and Sixth Form pupil’s showed by attending our Easter Revision Sessions. With a range spanning all subject areas this was the opportunity for pupils to complete work and kick-start or continue their revision as they build up to the summer exam season. 

With the last few years being unpredictable in education it really is important that our pupils are making the most of every opportunity they are given. By attending these sessions those pupils have done just that to ensure they secure the best results possible in the summer series. Whilst our revision events are usually well attend this year we have set record breaking figures. With the vast majority of the cohort turning up to revise maths, humanities, English to name just a few it will be clear to see the impact in the summer.

Look our for our next set of Revision Events taking place in the May half term break.


Etone Values

As if by magic the Easter break is over and we look forward to the start of the summer term. As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter it’s time for us also to consider which of our Etone Values is the spotlight for this half term.

Each half term we focus on one of our six key Etone Values which along with our eight Employability Skills make up the Etone Learner. Across our broad curriculum and pupil’s school life there are endless opportunities to learn, develop and consider those skills and values with these planned intrinsically within lessons, extracurricular clubs and thorough our Form Time and Theme of the Week programme. This half term the focus is on Trustworthiness. As a value it is an extremely important one. Any pupil at Etone is relied upon to be honest and accepting of their roles in making the school the very best it can be.

For example with us set to launch our Year 10 Prefect application process in the coming weeks it gives our Year 10 pupils the chance to take on a key leadership role within the school. As part of that role our prefects are the ambassadors of our school, through providing tours and guidance to visitors of the school and supporting their peers the role requires a great deal of self-belief but also trust. To that end we can’t wait to show the trust we do have I our pupils. Across this half term each week pupils will get the chance to earn the Student of the Week in their form by showing how they have recognised the value of Trustworthiness. These pupils then receive a certificate and are applauded in assembly for being ambassadors of Etone Values. 

Coupling our awards across the term our Theme of the Week each week will link to the value of Trustworthiness as we head into the final weeks prior to the summer holidays. We TRUST you are as excited as us.


Bend it like… Etone!

To round out the term our Year 9 and 10 Girls’ Football team delivered an impressive win at the Girls Football Tournament. Taking place across two nights the fixture saw all of the schools in the local area compete for the local glory.

Going into the second event our total standing was second however with impressive wins and some premier class moves Etone College overturned the lead and led the way to glory, taking first place.

Although we are proud of all of our pupils these girls showed true teamwork and communication skills as part of the Employability Curriculum and despite their meteoric success remained kind in success to fellow teams.

It was particularly impressive to see our youngest member who stepped up to join the Year 9 and 10 teams from Year 8.

Well done and may we enjoy more glory in the future!

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Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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