
Team GB Success for Izzie

Over the summer one of Etone’s very own elite sportspeople was selected to take part in the 2023 IFAF European Junior Flag Football Championships for Team GB.

Izzie M has continually impressed in the sport being very successful at a domestic level and a key member of her team regularly scoring touchdowns and showcasing our employability skills of Teamwork and Communication in each game. 

Through these performances, Izzie was selected to be a part of the youth team during the summer where more than 400 young athletes from 12 nations converged on Grosseto as Italy hosted September 1 to 3.

With a superb effort from Team GB the Under 17’s took home the Gold medal, howeverwe are prouder to relay that Izzie scored touchdowns in every game and once again did Etone Proud by displaying all Etone Employability Skills, Values and living up to our motto “Progress for All”.

A big congratulations to Izzie, we cant wait to see what the future holds.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 6th October we are delighted to invite our Year 7 parents in for the Macmillan Coffee Morning. This event is held each year to help raise funds and awareness of MacMillan Cancer Support with the central event leading to our annual Etone College Bake Off.

The competition is held with entries from across our staff who share with us their latest bakes in the hopes of becoming the Etone Champion.

Last years marked the most funds raised and a significant increase in the standards of our bakes with Mr Clinton ultimately taking the crown.

This year we are hoping to make the event even bigger and better with some surprising entries, as we welcome parents of our biggest cohort yet.

If you would like to attend please return the reply slip from the letter that will be given to pupils in the week beginning 11th September.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Record Cohort for Year 12

As you will be aware we are extremely proud of the success our School and Sixth Form enjoy as a leading provider in the area. During the past few years we have consolidated strong results and repeatedly performed above the national average. With all of this it will not be a surprise that Etone College Sixth Form has welcomed it’s biggest intake of Year 12’s yet. 

Over 120 students arrived on Tuesday to officially enrol with Etone College and begin their next chapter as they move into Post-16 education. As our pupils entered the hall there was a buzz of optimism for the potential possibilities as students were eager to receive their timetables and begin their journey into their chosen subjects. With more subjects than ever on offer it is an extremely exciting time to be a part of the Sixth Form. This was something shared by Mr Smith (Headteacher) and Miss Churchard (Head of Sixth Form) as they shared our Sixth Form Video highlighting our achievements in the Sixth Form. 

We would like to welcome all of our new students to the Sixth Form as we look forward to working with you towards your future goals.


Perfect Prefects

On Tuesday our Year 11 Prefects underwent the first part of their Prefect Training. The role of Prefect at Etone College is taken seriously as a key opportunity for our pupils to develop their leadership skills and build their prospects for future careers. Whilst there are many benefits to our pupils, the expectation is high as it is a position of privilege. This was one of the key messages shared with our Prefects as they began their training. The takeaway is simple “When you put on the tie, you become an ambassador for the school.”  We believe that each of our new prefects embody this message, and this was evidence throughout the session.

As pupils learned about the pillars of the role they developed their soft skills as they supported each other and practised techniques to support other pupils, attended training on safeguarding and how to promote positive environments and finally the logistics involved with the role of being a Prefect. We look forward to updating you on part 2 of their training as our pupils attend their Team Budling Trip later this term.

Well Done Prefects!


International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day takes place on the 8th September every year to raise awareness for literacy problems that exist within our own local communities as well as globally.

To honour this day Etone would like you to write a poem with one of the different titles to express your feelings. The poems should speak about importance of literacy, benefits of literacy and the big role it plays in the society and your future at and after Etone. 

The titles of the poems that I have written are given below….

• You Can Have Lot Of Self-Confidence

• A Better Society

• Best Possible Life To Humankind

• Can Anyone Stop Us

• A Great Beauty

Our suggestion is; before you start writing, it’s better to know more on the following…..

•Dictionary Meaning Of Literacy

•Definition Of Literacy From Wikipedia

•Definition Of Literacy: UNESCO

•International Literacy Day

Example Poem


If you can not read

If you can not write

If you don’t have general knowledge

If you can not communicate well

If you can not communicate effectively

Tell me, what is the value of your life?

So, literacy is at the heart of basic education for all.

If you are literate and educated

You can have a lot of self-confidence

And you can lead a life of your own choice.

Success Criteria:

• Feelings towards literacy.

• Explain what literacy is

• Ambitious adjectives

• Simile

• Senses

• Repetition

• Varied line lengths

• Rhyme (at least twice)


• Enjambment

• Personification

• Rhetorical question

• Link to the Etone employability skills


Etone Welcomes Year 7

On Tuesday 5th September, Etone College was thrilled to finally throw open the doors to officially welcome our new Year 7 pupils to the school. With the wait finally over as summer came to a close with the sun shining brightly, as our new cohort entered through our gates. Saying goodbye to parents it was clear that all of our pupils were eager for the step up to secondary.

As our pupils lined up to enter the main hall for our Welcome Assembly, we were very impressed by the level of maturity they showed along with the impeccable uniforms with new shoes to boot. Within the assembly it was time for Mr Smith to formally welcome the Year 7 to the Etone family. With Etone achieving the status as a leading provider in the area it was great to share some of the amazing things our Etone Learners have got up to and show our new pupils the possibilities they hold. With a track record of good results and prestigious destinations it was clear to the Year 7 just what a good school they had joined up to.

Across the day our pupils had the opportunity to take part in activities centred around what it takes to be an Etone Learner, whilst learning all they need to know about Etone. As lunch time came our pupils continued to achieve the model behaviour expected of them as they entered the Hall and Café to enjoy our new Etone Bistro Menu. With full bellies it was time to complete their Form time activities as the pupils geared up for another exciting day tomorrow.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new pupils and their families and look forward to working with you during your time at Etone.


New Year, New Menu

With the summer finally over it was time for our recently shared new menu to be released. With our Year 7’s and Prefects being in the privileged position of being the first to try out the Tuesday offering. With Peri Peri Chicken or Veg with Rice and Sweetcorn the Meal Deal option was strong and a clear winner with our pupils, one new Year 7 saying “This is the best chicken I’ve ever tasted. I can’t wait for tomorrow.” However the other items came close seconds with a special mention for the Raspberry Ripple Cake, which was truly delicious, with one staff member saying “I could eat this every day.” (Although we won’t share who).

With sandwiches, freshly made paninis, jacket potatoes and handmade cookies also on the menu the options are endless. We second our Year 7 pupil – Bring on tomorrow… We can’t wait!!!


Newspaper Again!

Last week we were thrilled to once again be featured in the Nuneaton News sharing the success of our New Build and Youth Games Gold Award!

Check out the article here and stay tuned for more in the local news from Etone!


GCSE Results Day

On Thursday 24th August it was time to celebrate as our Year 11 pupils arrived to collect their GCSE results.

During the past few years there has been unprecedented disruption to our pupils education. With the biggest of these being the impact from the pandemic we are proud of how our pupils have conducted themselves throughout. We are proud to say our pupils have performed well and as a result there were lots of happy faces during the day.

Whilst all of our pupils efforts are fantastic we would like to highlight the following pupils who have achieved particularly impressive results:

– Millie C (7 grade 9, 1 grade 8 and a Distinction*)

– Naisha P (7 grade 9, 1 grade 8 and a Distinction*)

-Kwebena K (6 grade 9, 2 grade 8 and a Distinction*)

– Kimaya G (6 grade 9, 1 grade 7)

– Celestina J (4 grade 9, 3 grade 8, 1 grade 7 and a Distinction *)

– Ellie M (3 grade 9, 4 grade 8, 2 grade 7 and a Distinction*)

– Evie H (3 grade 9, 3 grade 8, 1 grade 7 and 2 Distinction*’s)

Headteacher Mr Smith had the following to say: “It’s been tough for all of our pupils to overcome the challenges that have faced but I am so delighted by the way our pupils have conducted themselves. Throughout the busy exam period they have tried hard and it is great to see the efforts have paid off today.

With a record number of pupils enrolling to our Sixth Form we can’t wait to see what our pupils, both new and old, achieve in their Post 16 education.”

We want to thank all of our Year 11 pupils and regardless of destinations wish them well for the future.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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