
Joseph Elliott

Some year 9 classes enjoyed an online author event with LGBTQAI+ writer, Joseph Eliott on Friday, 21st June.  Joseph’s debut novel was Carnegie nominated and a Times Book of the Year as well as having won The Highland Book Prize and his writing promotes acceptance, tolerance, and equality.  They listened attentively as Joseph spoke about his career including performing and script writing for children’s television (star and cowriter of CBBC’s series, Swashbuckle).  He promoted the values of acceptance, equality, and awareness in his novel, ‘The Good Hawk’, a teen novel written explicitly to include LBGTQIA+ characters.  Joseph recommended some other novels that pupils may like to read including, Heartstopper, Jamie, The Other Boy, Death in the Spotlight, Eight Pieces of Silva, Wranglestone, and The Black Flamingo before describing key elements of his epic adventure novel.  Agatha, (a 15 year old ‘hawk’ with down syndrome) and Jaime (a 14 year old ‘angler’ who is kind and smart) are the only survivors of a tribal attack and must travel across Scotia to rescue their families.  Joseph read an extract of his novel and then gave key tips to aspiring writers:  1) read books that excite you; 2) write without worrying about the quality – just start; and 3) read your own work out loud.

Pupils can order signed copies of ‘The Good Hawk’ to be delivered to school by 28th June.


Year 13 – Time to say goodbye

On Tuesday the Year 13’s said their final farewell to Etone College for the end of the year assembly. With some very cute photos of the students not just as Etone youngsters, but toddlers and even babies! Well done Team Year 13 and the Sixth Form team. Whilst their Etone story has all but ended it is the start of an exciting time for them as they enter their summer holidays. With trips, vacations and of course results day we are sure they will be jam packed with joy. Good luck to all.


Wellbeing Wonder!

On Wednesday Mrs Price delivered a fantastic session to support our pupils and parents with Wellbeing at Etone. With such a high-profile role wellbeing is having on society, we are proud to highlight the extensive programme of advice and guidance our Wellbeing and Mental Health team offer here at Etone College. The well attended session marks the final one of our 2023/2024 programme and we are excited to announce our updated programme will be released shortly. Stay tuned.


Year 11 Donations

As Year 11 enter the celebration phase of their Class of 24 programme we are delighted to welcome them back on Wednesday 26th June. During this short assembly there will be a chance to reward pupils with some final prizes and reflect on some of the moment we have shared together as a community.

Additionally we are asking for support of all Year 11 pupils to provide us with ANY donations to support their peers and the school as we enter the next academic year:

As you know, there are people who could really use your support by donating your unwanted items such as:

  • Uniform (blazer, trousers)
  • House ties
  • PE Kit
  • Calculators
  • Revision Guides

If you make a significant donation you will be rewarded with either a cinema or shopping voucher.

Please bring these to the Leavers Assembly on Wednesday 26th June!

Additionally Thursday 27th June marks the Prom.

Ask yourself. Are you likely to never wear your stunning prom dresses or smart suits again?

Don’t let them lie in storage, donate them us!

All donations will be used to support the school or provide those in need at future proms to dazzle and stun just like you!

If you make a significant donation you will be rewarded with either a cinema or shopping voucher.

Donate any Prom Wear after the event at the main reception.

class of logo

Year 11 End of an Era

As the clock ticked towards the end of today it was a Friday to remember. This was to be the last Friday of our Year 11’s in school as they sat their final Physics exam. With our pupils ready to tackle one of the final few hurdles before they have officially left, they entered the sports hall as a full cohort for one last time.

Following the exam our pupils entered the main hall, where they were greeted with doughnuts, cookies and soft drinks as a final well done for their efforts across the exam series. Whilst this was one of the many surprises in store for Year 11 as they enter the celebration phase of the year, the staff themselves were treated to a surprise. In the form of the excellent shirt designs the Year 11’s had created for themselves. Picking up pencils, paintbrushes and stencils our team of artists jumped on the current trend of leavers shirts. The designs are truly exquisite, so much so we couldn’t even begin to decide on a favourite (although the shirt with the Coventry logo clearly lacks style…)

It didn’t take long for the designs to be joined by well wishes, messages of luck and friendship from staff and pupils alike as shirts were signed and pictures taken. After the opportunity to say goodbye to all pupils, there was just one thing left to do – The group photo of Class of 2024! With the final click taken it was time for our Year 11 to depart and rest. Whilst there are still two exams (Maths and Technology) left to go, the majority of pupils can now begin to look forward to the leavers assembly, Prom and of course their results. Well done Year 11!


Oxford University

Walking through the historic porter’s lodge into Keble College, Oxford is certainly incredibly impressive with the beautiful brick buildings framing green spaces. Etone students in year 10 were instantly impressed as they were greeted by India, our host for the day. Walking to their first session, pupils were already excitedly discussing their university plans and asking questions about what it would be like studying at Oxford University. 

India’s first session ‘Aiming High’ ensured the tone for the day was clearly set. Pupils took part in an engaging, interactive session where they were introduced to university options, history of universities, how degrees are taught, and what it’s like to live and learn at Oxford University.  Etone pupils were totally engaged in discussion and in asking and answering questions; thinking about their plans for life beyond school.  The opportunity to meet two second year students was invaluable and gave Etone pupils an insight into what it’s like to study at Oxford University giving them even more information to plan their next steps. 

Every Oxford College has a unique identity and this was demonstrated by a tour of Somerville College including the library, chapel and social areas. The day was highly valued by year 10 Eleanor reflected, ‘the university was so huge with such a huge variety of subjects which made me more aware of the opportunities and accessibility of Oxbridge.” Madiha, who plans to study medicine said, ‘I found the day educational and inspiring. I now feel like I know how to prepare to apply to Oxford and it’s definitely an option for me.’ Alex ‘really enjoyed the day, particularly Keble College where the building and courtyard were beautiful, and the students were so friendly.’


Education Business Awards

On Wednesday we were delighted to send two of our staff to the Education Business Awards in London at the St Leonardo Hotel. With Etone College nominated for the Community School of the Year it was a special treat. Upon arrival we were made to feel like winners with a cheery reception, some impressive educational connections and of course free stationary.

As the awards began BBC broadcaster, Ashley Jean Baptiste took to the stage took to share his own experiences regarding the importance of education. How a boy who grew up in the area such as his own, would not believe they could ever on day be on the TV. However with the support of his teachers and a strong education behind him, this was something that was achieved and at a young age. Winning awards for his journalism including Young Broadcaster of the Year.

Whilst unfortunately there was no overall prize for Etone, to be shortlisted in the category with over 300 nominations we are honoured by the support of all our Etone pupils, staff and friends. Wish us luck for our next awards on the 4th July.


Pride Month at Etone

The start of June marks the beginning of Pride Month. With initial events dating back to the 1960’s Pride has become the cornerstone celebration of diversity and support for the LGBTQIA+ community. With parades, concerts and events raising awareness and support for all regardless of orientation. In recognition of this we will be showing our support and celebrating Pride in various ways. 

To start off with our Careers Ambassadors have been busy making and giving out ribbons to our staff, to wear in support of the month-wide celebrations. With all members of our school proud to wear the symbol, it meant all the more that they were thoughtfully created by our own pupils.

Across the school our pupils have been busy decorating our site with bunting, ribbons and flags showing the iconic rainbow design first displayed 1978, downtown Chicago. Form the hall to the foyer there is a clear theme to the month as we show our Etone Values of Support for All.

Over in the kitchen our chefs are busy designing their own tribute with a delicious Pride themed treat for us to enjoy nearer the end of the month. Whilst of course food knows no discrimination, the aim is to remind all that we can celebrate and support each other no matter what.

In lessons our pupils will be learning about some key LGBTQIA+ role models in Learning of Life with each subject area will be showing a LGBTQ+ role model within their lessons from across their discipline. We will also be considering and reflecting on the trials and tribulations some of our earlier role models would have suffered in less diverse societies. For example in Computing, Alan Turing the ‘Grandfather of Computer Science’ who hid his own sexuality to avoid prejudice or Oscar Wilde who was imprisoned for his orientation. 

Supporting our approach our TV screens will also be showing some Pride facts and materials across the month of June. Additionally we are supporting our pupils to see the celebration of Pride as not just orientation or gender but more widely diversity as a whole. Happy Pride All!


Staff Warhammer Painting Competition

Last year, Etone College held its first Warhammer painting competition, where 11 staff members and 1 member of the wider Etone Community painted a Stormcast Eternal from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar table top miniatures game.  After a close competition, Mr Barnes earned himself third place, Mrs Geddes earned herself second place, and the winner was Mrs Carlton.

This year, the competition returned…better than ever…

Launched just before Easter, the staff at Etone College and members of the Etone Community were challenged to paint a Space Marine from the Warhammer 40,000 table top miniatures game.  12 staff members, and 6 members of the Etone Community, took up this challenge to show their skills and ability with a paint brush.

Then just before half term, the students were asked to vote on the completed miniatures, with them being split across two categories; staff and Etone Community, to decide which miniatures deserved the titles this year.

First, the results for the Etone Community competition which saw some fantastic entries;

In third place, Mr Hirst, Mrs Hirst’s husband.

In second place, Miss Tretyakova, currently on maternity leave.

In first place, was Mr Phillips, Mrs Carlton’s father.

Now for the staff competition, which saw a number of staff new to hobby, whilst others competed last year;

In third place, Miss Carlton.

In second place, Mr Barnes.

In first place, Mr McKenna.

Thank you to all that helped make this event possible and well done to everyone that submitted a miniature.


Etone’s Community Week

Monday the 24th June marks the start of Etone Communities Week 2024. As you are aware we take pride in making sure Etone College is a true community.. Each and every pupil, staff member, families and friends work together to ensure no one is undervalued and everyone supported.

We were privileged recently to be able to share our shortlisting for some awards, chief amongst them Community School of the Year at the Education Business Awards in London. Whilst we await for the results of the awards, the focus of our efforts is not on accolades received but on supporting our local environment to thrive. With that in mind across the year we support, promote and highlight key causes around our local area along with national and global.

During communities week, we hope to celebrate all that we do for our many communities whilst encouraging pupils to showcase their Etone Values.

Supportive: Providing help and support and looking out for all

Caring: Displaying kindness to others, the local community and the environment

Showing Integrity: Knowing when and how to do the right thing

Self-Belief: Showing determination to succeed

Courteous: Being polite, respectful and showing good manners

Trustworthy: Being honest, truthful and reliable

They can do this each day through the following:

•         Monday Moments – Give someone an unexpected compliment or helping hand.

•         Take Time Tuesday – Take the time to find out something about another culture within our community.

•         Wilderness Wednesday –  Use your initiative to be kind to the environment.

•         Thankyou Thursday – Complete a Staff Shout out Thankyou card for members of the Etone family.

The whole week will culminate in our Big Olympic Challenge where our Heads of House and their teams will battle it out to be the first to row the distance between Dover and Calais and back!

A big thank you to all who are supporting us.

Big Olympic Rowing Challenge

Date: Friday28th June

Activity: Staff rowing challenge – Rowing the channel to Calais and back

Reason: To raise money for our House Charities

Participants: Each member of staff will complete a 15 minute session to row as much as possible for their House. The House who completes the distance in the shortest time will win.

How to donate: Use the following link on Just Giving –

Find out more here:

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2024 © All Rights Reserved
