
Road Safety Week

This week is Road Safety Week. ‘Let’s talk about speed’ is Brake’s Road Safety Week 2023 theme. The 2023 campaign will start the conversation about why speeding is thought of as acceptable in some situations, what happens when we speed and why reducing speed saves lives. At Etone, we will be reminding our pupils about how we can all use roads safely to protect ourselves and each other.

Road Safety Week


Children in Need

This week we have been standing up to support each other through the Anti-Bullying Week initiative. As part of this we were delighted to once again raise funds for Children in Need as we look to show our Etone Values of being ‘supportive’ and ‘caring’. 

For this our pupils in the Sixth Form have been busy with a delicious cake sale raising money that will go to help children who are in need across the country. Over on the main site we were showing our support with a non-uniform day looking to raise as much as possible towards our Charity Totaliser. 

The funds raised will go a long way to supporting the BBC Children in Need initiative which has been running since the 1980’s as Children in Need. The charity works across the country and beyond organising youth clubs, support networks and care for children who are in need. These include children whose families have fallen on hard times, those who are carers for an adult or sibling and those who have suffered illnesses or debilitating injuries.

We are very proud to be able to provide funds that got towards these amazing efforts and can now reveal we have raised: £751.50 with some donatstion still left to be made. This brings our totals to:

  • Total since September 2021: £7,008.47
  • Total this year so far: £1,219.95
  • Total for Children in Need since 2021: £2,697.69

A big well done to Team Etone!


Attendance Really Does Matter for 11D1

On Wednesday our KS4 winners in 11D1 attended their special breakfast with Miss Kelly-Smith as they shared in some perfect pastries and hearty hot chocolate.

During the celebration Mr Bowley discussed the importance of attendance and how this would make the Class of 24 – Even more on course for record results.

Well done team Dragon! Check back on Monday to find out how our KS5 winners celebrated.


Attendance Matters for 7D2

On Tuesday our KS3 winners of ‘Attendance Matters’ 7D2 took part in their breakfast rewards with Mr Smith after successfully achieving the highest weekly attendance for the last week.

During the session pupils discussed the value they have in their education with the forms School Council rep explaining “It’s like Mr Bowley says, if each day is a jigsaw piece we can complete the picture, but only if we have 100%. I want to get really good grades and be a doctor. I need to attend for that.” Another pupil was passionate about the experiences they have had since joining the school “If I didn’t attend I wouldn’t have all of the friends I have now and really enjoy the clubs I do in sport and the chess club.”

The pupils were treated to hot chocolate and pastries as they revelled in their success with their tutor Mr Singh. “I am really proud that in my first term here 7D2 have topped the school in the competition and across the first half term. They have a lot to be pleased about.” 

You will of course be aware how important attendance is an it has been a delight to see pupils get on board of the attendance competitions at Etone. We look forward to our next one – Twelve Days of Attendance.


Book Fair

This week the Book Fair is in town and our pupils have really taken to the opportunity to win books for taking part in our reading challenges. Here is our first winner from Y8 picking their chosen book.

Remember the Book Fair is open till 4pm on Thursday for pupils to visit and purchase a range of fantastic, great value books.


We Will Remember

On Friday 10th November Etone College observed Remembrance, as we paid our respect to those who have stood for our rights and protected us from dangers. Each year it is a sombre moment as pupils around the school, along with staff share in the two minute silence as tribute to those we have lost.

As part of the build up to the day our pupils were able to be part of form time activities and attend a Remembrance assembly which underlined the need for us to remember the sacrifice made for our own liberty. As part of these events pupils were encouraged to link our Fundamental British Values and Etone Values such as caring and being supportive.

During the day itself at 11am all pupils observed the two minute silence followed by the last post. During this time our cadets were taking part in two simultaneous parades of remembrance. The first, our Trust-wide parade featuring representatives and Headteachers from each school in the trust. Whilst we were proud of all cadets, we were especially proud of Etone cadets who were immaculate in their appearance and support.

During the second parade our pupils at Etone took part in a parade as they laid a wreath in support of the event. Our pupils have been focusing on practicing to represent Etone and the CCF at the Nuneaton Parade as well. Be sure to support them.


Brew Monday

On Monday 13th November we are hosting our next Brew Monday event for pupils to come and have a catch up with their peers, staff and friends.

As part of our strategy to encourage positive mental health these events happen regularly and enable pupils to focus on the little things, keeping a healthy mind set.

Year 11/13 Why not try our Well-being Wednesdays where you can access general exam support, revision strategies and mindfulness techniques.


Happy Diwali

As many celebrate Diwali up and down the country, at Etone College we are celebrating as well with details shared in our Learning for Life and assemblies this week along with linking up to Monday 13th November’s World Kindness Day.

As part of the celebration we are looking forward to our special Diwali menu at lunch time to enable all to enjoy the delicacies across different cultures.


World Kindness Day

On Monday 13th November we are celebrating World Kindness Day by encouraging our pupils to take part in ‘Random Acts of Kindness’. This links well to our Etone Values of caring and being supportive as we look to support the other big initiative of the week – Anti Bullying Week. 

For staff we have also provided some sweet treats at breaktime to show our appreciation and kindness to all.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 12.21.10

Anti Bullying Week Activities

Monday 13th November marks Anti-Bullying week, at Etone we are ‘Making a Noise’ to support the Anti Bullying Alliances initiatives. As part of the ‘Make a Noise’ theme pupils will have the opportunity to take part in form time activities including:

  • Design a sock – Pupils can design Odd Socks that ‘stand out’ to support their peers Template
  • Anti-Bullying Poem – Write a poem that shares the values of the Anti-Bullying Alliance Template
  • Make a Noise – Make a resolution to how you are going to show your support Template

Across the week there will be assemblies and activities in lessons that support the ABA initiative along with the link to our Children in Need fund raising events on Friday 17th November:

Then on Monday we are asking pupils to wear Odd Socks to show their support. This event is not a fundraising event and it is expected that the rest of pupils uniforms follow the policy.

We look forward to seeing some funky designs.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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