Students in years 7 and 8 have been busy playing BookBuzz Bingo with their free books received last term. Six books read and quizzed successfully earns a large bar of chocolate and nine books is rewarded with a bigger prize. So far, Olaf 7D1 and Faith 7G2 have won chocolate and Vinish in 8C1 has earned a larger prize. Lots of students are working their way through the many Bookbuzz titles from the last five years in order to earn rewards and earning lots of additional house points along the way!
Each student has an annual individual points target in their Accelerated Reader lessons and earn points through successfully quizzing on the books. All target students receive certification and a name in the Summer prize draw for vouchers. Those who reach multiple targets, are further rewarded with multiple names in the draw. Our Target students so far are:
Diya 7P2, Olaf 7D1, Yousuf 7P2, Jia 7D1 in year 7.
In year 8, well done also to Zayd 8C1, Raeesa 8P1, Madiha 8C1, Andrei 8G1, Nabiha 8D1, Rebeca 8G1.
Outstandingly, Vinish 8C1 is a double target student and Lemar in 7D2 is a triple target student.
Students who become word Millionaire readers in our Accelerated Reader library lessons, are rewarded with a special certificate and also a free book from the Scholastic book fair this month. Well deserving students who will take a free book very soon are Olaf 7D2, Zayd 7D1, Raeesa 8P1, Vinish 8C1 and Rebeca 8G1. Lemar in 7D2 is a double millionaire and will be rewarded with two free books for all of his hard work. Well done to all of you!