This term Etone College students have really shown Active Citizenship and highlighted the Eton Values with; raising money for Children in Need, celebrating remembrance and most recently with the Salvation Army Toy Drive. However, it hasn’t stopped there. Each year we collect food on behalf of a local foodbank to provide some basic essentials and festive treats to those in around Nuneaton who are in need of a little Christmas spirit.
It is at this time of year that we are incredibly thankful for what we have and spend time considering those in less fortunate positions. So we are asking for donations to the Nuneaton Foodbank, who do a fantastic job of serving the community and making sure the food and items get to the people who need it most.
If you are able to take part please bring your food in on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th December and give it in at reception. The list of accepted items are on the poster. A small group of Employability Ambassadors will be taking the food on Monday 13th December to the foodbank to do the handover.
Thank you to all of our amazing Etone pupils, parents and staff in advance.