Careers / Work Experience Opportunities

Year 11: Careers interviews have moved onto Teams you may receive an invite from Amanda Joseph. Please accept this and let your teacher know via email why you have missed their lesson.

Year 10: Think Higher sessions have moved onto Teams. Please expect an invite from Jamie Ormes if you are a member of Think Higher.

Ensure you join your lesson then at your appointment time. You can click on your calendar and join your appointment. This will place your lesson on hold and you can click resume and rejoin your lesson when the appointment is finished

Willmott Dixon are offering a free online WEXP opportunity to Years 10 and 11. Please follow the link below for more details and apply ASAP if you are interested. In the current climate, virtual work experience is extremely important and we encourage students to grasp such opportunities

Etone Sixth Form – Applications for our sixth form next year are still open. Please contact or for more information. Application forms can also be accessed via the sixth form section of our website.

Our in school reward systems are still running during the lockdown period we encourage all pupils to earn rewards during Teams lessons.

Feedback from the careers interview process has been collected this week.

All students said the interviews had been a good experience. Some are yet to apply for places on courses or jobs on leaving school so I wish to encourage everybody to discuss this with students and start to ensure applications are completed.

Careers Competition Winners – these pupils have each earned 5 House points each. Well done!

Overall Winner: S.Darleston

  • A.Isak 7P1
  • J.Gavin 7G1
  • O.Gurung 7P1
  • P.Carmichael 8G1
  • P.Holdaway 8D1
  • C.Grimbley 8C1
  • J.North 9G1
  • D.Burkett 9P1

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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